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Everything posted by oldmanfan

  1. Take the hit next year, get younger better guys for 2025 and forward.
  2. Team has to take one step back to take the next two forward. That step back involves getting younger and dumping some vets like Diggs even if they get a cap hit.
  3. Their mojo wasn’t gone or we would have caved. We didn’t.
  4. It is reasonable for Terry to ask McD what his plans are to get the team over the hump. Mahomes would make a rookie look silly too.
  5. Except for the fact the D made a stop there at the end to get the ball back to Josh, who then led the offense down the field to almost tie the game if it weren’t for Bass, your theory about the players’ body language is spot on. Or not.
  6. Yeah, I’m sad but not despondent. When they were 6-6 you had a feeling this year wasn’t the year. I give them credit for a great run to get to last night, but you can’t beat the Chiefs with so many guys hurt on D. Needed one more hero moment from Josh at the end but just couldn’t get it.
  7. Needed one more Josh hero moment at the end but wasn’t to be. Injuries caught up with us finally.
  8. Did I or did I not say to a charity?
  9. The Mafia should do what the Mafia does best: find a charity she supports and donate to it
  10. I think Houston wins. Jackson is not the same guy in the playoffs. The Lions have too much over the Bucs. And while I’ll pick the Niners I wouldn’t be surprised if the Pack wins - they’re playing with house money.
  11. I think we need to drop the concept of #1 Wr, #2 WR, etc. It seems clear Brady designs plays to try and get specific guys open depending on the defense. One play it might be a TE, one play Diggs, another Shakir. And so on.
  12. I live in Indy and the answer is no. Eccentric maybe.
  13. One would hope the Mafia will be adult about this.
  14. I think they’ll bring someone in and monitor Martin throughout the week.
  15. Agreed. They need to have someone and watch how Martin does this week.
  16. Bass made one from 40 some yards. Think his plant foot slipped on the short one. And we should have punted on the one that got blocked.
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