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Everything posted by teef

  1. and apparently playoff appearance doesn't either. i'm not saying anyone needs to give the new staff the benefit of the doubt, but it's amazing how some of the bitter posters couldn't wait to go back to being bitter.
  2. some people are trying very hard to be angry about something. did they miss being upset?
  3. at this point i'm becoming very comfortable with the trade up. if it needs to be trading up for a rookie, and keeping tyrod around one more year as the veteran, so be it.
  4. i do mostly free weights, and at the end if i have time i'll do 30 mins of light cardio. i have a 3 to 4 day cycle. one day is back/biceps, next is legs/shoulders, third is chest/tris, and the last day, (if i do) is mostly stretches, abs, cardio, or something that i think needs extra work. i think my workout is stale, but i do 4 sets of 10 reps for pretty much everything. start the first set light, last set heavy. i try to do almost all free weights, but if an area at the gym is busy, or i'm unusually sore, i'll use the machines. i always squat using a smith machine. if anyone has any good suggestions, or know how i should improve what i'm doing, i'd greatly appreciate.
  5. doug flutie would like to go over what a hail mary throw is.
  6. do i have to turn this car around right now?
  7. i can only read this in a paul harvey voice. on top of all of that, i know a guy who is named paul harvey, and i do the same thing when he speaks to me.
  8. on a scale of 1 to 10, how angry should i be about this?
  9. i saw these a couple of weeks ago. i just assumed there was more context than what was going on in the video. i mean...if it's that blatant, how could it possibly occur/continue.
  10. this may be the greatest descriptor ever. they do. you have to give him credit...he never half asses an attempt.
  11. i'm going to give a follow up story on my choice of home depot. we're redoing a bathroom in our house, and we found a perfect double vanity on line. fortunately we were able to order it on the home depot website, and for customer service reasons, we did. well, they delivered it on friday, with a fractured sink, and a gash out of the center console, which wouldn't be seen. the depot used a private delivery company, and the guy told me the palate turned over while taking a turn. of course we bought the last one in stock, and loved this one enough to not return it. i opened all the boxes, figured out what was broken, (just the center console and sink) and spent about an hour at home depot trying to figure it out. the woman who helped me was amazing, but because it was sunday, they couldn't contact the manufacture to see if parts were available, so they had to call today. no big deal right? well the woman who was helping me also tells me it's her last day, and that she would have to pass it along to someone else to problem solve. at this point i figured i was screwed, and would have to waste a major amount of time with this. well...about an hour ago i got a call from the manager that took the complaint over. they called the manufacture who is sending new parts and touch up paint. on top of that, they had already credited me back 15% for the hassle, (a piece is still nicked up). not bad home depot...not bad.
  12. if you ever step foot into one of these cars in another country, you deserve the raping you are bound to receive.
  13. i'm guessing we'll all feel the same way on this. tom brady may be one of the biggest d-bags around, (not matter that how amazing he is) but to comment on someone's family is pretty bush league.
  14. i was really just referring to how a know issue and suddenly turn into something that ends a career...not so much the injury itself. it's funny you mentioned the e v a l. on thing that kept my brother in law from getting back to playing was that he did so stellar on his initial test, he had trouble getting back to the score, (i think he had to match or better the score).
  15. agreed. they love stability/leadership on the lines.
  16. i thought the extension was a little strange too, and just assumed it was more for leadership than anything else. i can see people questioning the extension to begin with, but whatever the reason, i don't think retiring due to an injury is a good reason to be upset.
  17. these things happen. my brother in law as a pro athlete. he signed a 5 year guaranteed contract, and had to retire this year because of concussion issues, (team still has 3 years left to pay). he had had concussions before this contract was signed, but after this season, he had taken more, and it was determined that he shouldn't play anymore. he felt he could still play, but the team doctors didn't want him to continue. it's life. i get this team has done a lot wrong, but people try far to hard to be angry about something.
  18. my wife's parents absolutely love costco. if there was one a bit closer to me, i'd be a member. i think i hear about that place once a week. my favorite larger corps are wegmans, (even though it's over priced) and home depot, (always thought they were great in the customer service dept). out of all larger corps, i absolutely can't stand uhaul, but i think that's another thread.
  19. i thought about this too, and assume they would. he's leaving for specific reasons, and certainly isn't abandoning the team in any way.
  20. if i don't feel severe razor burn, it's still in play.
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