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Everything posted by teef

  1. this would make me question their motives as well. wouldn't they throw him a bigger contract at the first rumblings of going to indy?
  2. i'm of the group that probably won't be able to do a damn thing this year, and i desperately need to get away. we have another kid coming in a few months, and god willing i break ground on a new office in a few months. i'll be out of time and money. we go to sackets harbor a few times in the summer, but i'm not sure that will even be an option. i think it's just going to be me angry drinking in the back yard.
  3. royal has had his penis removed. i'm not sure if that helps.
  4. how does it feel to be banned under multiple user names on multiple boards? is it embarrassing at all? oh my. you know we know you're leroi...right? this is not a good look.
  5. i know they allow trusts in the area, but i'm not sure about the specifics. in regards to nys, it always comes down to how it's taxed. i saw an entire episode on how lottery money absolutely destroyed people. if you don't have the right people surrounding you, that kind of money can change your world for the worst. there was one story i enjoyed. one woman lived in a trailer park, but instead of moving out, she just kept adding trailers onto the one she already owned. think of 7 or so connected trailers. on top of that, she bought a bright green, (i think it was green) lamborghini that sat right out front. that's the way to do it.
  6. no one is calling a trip the the super bowl, but finally going to the playoffs should be seen as a positive, (no matter how it happened) and should allow some to wipe away the tears of misery a bit.
  7. or...they made it to the playoffs for the first time in 18 years with a depleted roster, so it should give you some hope for the future. see how not everything has to be a downer in life? you really may want to consider taking meds and drinking.
  8. the meathead probably can't remember where he put is stuff, so he thinks it's stolen.
  9. i'm feeling sexy, so i'm willing to bet that's how shady feels.
  10. is it worth really getting bent out of shape about this before fa and the draft? nevermind. i know some will.
  11. michaels was a little all over the place too. at one point he made he made the comment that patricia was going to be the head coach of the pistons.
  12. i don't know if anyone else caught it, but the only comment by collinsworth that stood out to me was at the very end of the game when he blurted out, "this game is almost as good as justin timberlake!"
  13. why is the older guy in the blue shirt not enjoying himself? that should be the real concern of this thread.
  14. this still happens a lot. my sister in law still gets random letters in her mailbox, stating if they want to sell the house in the future, contact them first. i say why not? houses are an emotional purchase. some sellers feel a connection with their home, and want a family, or someone similar to them to move in. if you really want a house, why not write a simple letter? it could put you over the top.
  15. i think that's where they're worth their weight in gold. my sister in law bought an extremely nice home in a neighborhood that people overbid for houses. she was able to get it before it hit on the market because this same realtor is a member at a country club where most of the neighborhood belongs. apparently the houses never hit the market. it's all word of mouth, and there's still bidding wars for houses that aren't on the market. she has such a perfect niche.
  16. i've bought two houses in my life. both times i thought looking for a house would be fun. both times i was very wrong. in the rochester area, (i'm sure it's the case with most areas) the realtor mostly depends on the house pricing. for instance, a woman named holly creek has her own team here that sells houses that are half a million and up, (which for rochester is expensive). they're notoriously difficult to work with, act like they're doing you a favor, and are dislike by every other realtor. they do manage to sell houses though. my first realtor was useless. she did nothing other than open doors for me. i actually found my first house online, and she didn't even want to show it to me because she didn't love the look. sure enough i made her open it for me, and it was perfect. for our second house, we used the person who found my sister in law a house. she just seemed to have good connections, and actually showed us our house before it went on the market. in other words, i have no idea how to help. i think it's just luck to an extent.
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