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Everything posted by teef

  1. this is it. there are a lot that don't like mcd or want him as the coach anymore...i get that. i don't get what 1972 is doing. he literally won't post in the offseason because he can't complain about the coaching. it's strange.
  2. so...because posters aren't confident in a win they're making excuses. i predict the bills to win far more than not the last few seasons, but i don't think that's the case for this game. they certainly can win, but i'm not confident. how is that making excuses?
  3. posters are just having a discussion. if it's not something you agree with, you start with this nonsense. and who is making excuses?
  4. i thought the offense against tampa was solid although it went a bit stagnant. i figured whoever wins sunday will win in a shoot out, which makes me nervous because cincy seems to be back on track. i'm not sure where this bills team is right now. so the bills should be just as good on defense, regardless of the injuries?
  5. boy did you sum him up as a poster perfectly. again, i have zero problem with his opinion of this coaching staff, but he's not someone that can have a reasonable discussion about it.
  6. this is just weird to me. you have such a hard on for the guy. he's been a solid coach with faults like you said. i'm not sure why it's such a sticking point with you. look at the reasoning...you don't wnat to hear about the top 3-4 defensive players out? why? it's kind of a thing whether you like it or not. you mentioned cincy's defense being vulnerable...why? do you think the bills offense should march up and down the field. and if you do think that, why wouldn't cincy do the same to our defense, especially with key players out. they have to have an answer either way, but you're not looking at this with an equal playing field. even if the bills were to win in a dominant fashion on sunday, you'll still find something that wasn't ok for you. i like the discussion, but discussing anything with you concerning coaching is different.
  7. true. i'm not saying i expect them to lay down either. if they show up looking anything like they did in that playoff game, we'll know who this team is.
  8. who is making excuses? it's reasonable to think without 3 top players, the d may not be as effective. i expect mcd to still have a solid game plan, but at some point it's a personnel issue. it's ok to realize that. what's with you always getting upset over mcd? i can just picture you red faced, typing angry on your keyboard anytime anyone mentions the guy. you won't even post in the offseason because you can't B word about the guy. try to have reasonable discussion.
  9. the cincy d is vulnerable but the bills isn't?
  10. my wife cooks more because she the better cook, and because she gets home earlier and can start so the kids are fed. In the summers I cook more because grilling, using the pizza over, etc. as far as which country the men cook more...it didn't surprise me at all. some italian men, especially the old schools, take it very seriously. i remember making pasta with my grandfather in his basement. churning out the pasta onto a large tray so it could dry out. he had a huge preserve room in his basement, grew a lot of his own fruit and vegetables, etc.
  11. man or woman...if you're hooking up with children, something ain't quite on point.
  12. i'm in the group that leaves it on for background and will perk up if a game is interesting. right now it's hard to commit time to just a bills game beside a number of other games.
  13. that's nice you wrote them a letter so they could throw it out.
  14. It didn’t even cross my mind, but now I see now other way around it.
  15. the river bottom nightmare band does not get the play it deserves.
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