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B Fan in LA

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Everything posted by B Fan in LA

  1. Here is the story about Suggs Achilles injury................. http://www.baltimoreravens.com/news/article-1/Team-Doctor-Details-Terrell-Suggs-Amazing-Return/681ef26d-07c8-4198-9f7f-2accd8241c25
  2. It's the tow truck operator who has come to remove Russ Brandon's car from the parking lot..
  3. That's the one good reason for taking Allen over Rosen. If the O-Line stinks, and it probably will, Rosen would get disgusted and be a problem. Allen might be smart in some capacity, but he's clearly not smart like Rosen, and that's an advantage for us. We need a kid with a heart and soul, who can take a punch, and learn from his mistakes. I'm also looking forward to the competition for the starting job between these 3 QB's on our roster. Certainly a lot better than the competition that Tyrod won 4 years ago, against Jeff Tuel, Thad Lewis, and EJ Manuel.
  4. I think Rosen has Hall of Fame potential. I watched the UCLA vs USC game at the end of last season, and Rosen looked good enough to start in the NFL. He reads defenses quickly, he's accurate, and he has a ton of confidence. He reminds me of Joe Namath. I'm not sure why we picked Allen. His faults are he throws late and he has accuracy issues. That sounds like he has trouble reading defenses, and he has accuracy issues. Wasn't that the problem with Tyrod Taylor, and EJ Manuel, and JP Losman ?
  5. I would've preferred Beane take Josh Rosen. I think Rosen has got Hall of Fame written all over him. Josh Allen seems like a project who was not worth the draft picks given up.
  6. I agree that this year seems different than most previous years with regard to a sudden stop of trade activity. But there are quite a few unsigned vets hanging around, and lot's of need at positions other than QB. I expect a flurry of trades on Thursday, and hope we don't give up our many picks on a wish and a prayer. Darnold might be the next Elway, and Rosen might be the next Joe Montana, but I don't think Josh Allen will be the next Rothlesberger, and I don't think Mayfield is the next Drew Brees. I'm kind of hoping we don't take a QB and see what MaCarron can do with a rebuilt OL.
  7. Tremendous job, Gunner. I can't believe you're not getting paid for this. Your opinion confirms my opinion, which is that Rosen is the best of the bunch, Darnold is a maybe, and the rest are a crap shoot. I hope the Bills stay put at 12 and 22 and draft the best position players available. If Lauletta is available in the 2nd round, grab him.
  8. Count me in with the crowd that does not want to trade up any further. I'd be happy with Lamar Jackson or Mason Rudolph
  9. Well then, screw TT and his 18.Mil salary............... I'd rather have McCown around to complain about, and he'd be a better role model for a rookie QB. I think........
  10. This is very interesting information and is stirring the thought process for me. I would like to offer a thought about our situation here, and I'm not trying to start an argument. Let's suppose that if the Bills agreed to pick up Tyrod's salary for 2018, at something like $18.Mil he would in effect, with salary cap increases, be taking a cut in pay on a relative basis.... 18.Mil would put him solidly where a backup QB should be paid. If we did that, and then signed Kyle Lauletta to a rookie contract, and kept all our draft positions to improve team needs we might have something here folks,.........assuming Lauletta is the real deal, and who knows that......... I'm not a Tyrod fan, but I do realize it might be better to keep him for $18.Mil than roll the dice. He would be good backup........just saying............
  11. Maybe has something to so with trying to resign Gaines.............or not
  12. How do the Eagles have Carson Wentz AND Nick Foles on their roster and a bunch of other studs at every position. and we have Tyrod Taylor and Nate Peterman and a bunch of stiffs at every position ???? Somebody put Doug Whaley on conference call please.......................
  13. How do the Eagles have Carson Wentz AND Nick Foles on their roster and a bunch of other studs at every position. and we have Tyrod Taylor and Nate Peterman and a bunch of stiffs at every position ???? Somebody put Doug Whaley on conference call please.......................
  14. Hope he goes undrafted and we sign him, AFTER we draft a bunch of stud linemen, LB's and a couple WR's.
  15. I know, I know............... I'm just trying to put this in perspective and turn the thinking a few degrees..........
  16. I'm kinda wondering why HE took THIS job ? The guy just won a National Championship, again, and it appears he has multiple better offers waiting for him. So why'd he decide to come HERE ? of all places ? He's becoming the Offensive Coordinator in Purgatory. The guy has to be a loser...
  17. Correction, this COULD be good news, but it doesn't explain why the coaching staff allowed him to play every week, IF he had a bad shoulder. Zay might be moved to the trade list if some other team is dumb enough to believe this story.
  18. I can't believe we're paying Tyrod $18mil a year............... What genius at OBD approved that deal ? Are we supposed to be worried we might lose him to somebody else ? Jimmy Garappolo is making $870K Go figure...............
  19. Good car washers will tell you, if you bothered to ask, that the most important job in car washing is the hose man. And nobody would be a better "hoser" than Vladimir Ducasse. I'd hate to lose them both, but heck, you gotta do what you gotta do............
  20. According to the article cited at the beginning of this post Tyrod is scheduled to receive an $6mil signing bonus if he's still on the roster in March. I guess that's in addition to his regular wages (?) If that's the case, that he gets his salary, plus an $6mil bonus.......... Hmmmmmmm.............. I'd have to put Tyrod in the same category as Bradford, McCown, and Fitz, with Alex Smith being a slight upgrade, and Cousins the real deal, except he probably can choose where he goes and that's likely not here. (Denver). Teddy is a guy that's a complete roll of the dice at this point, not something we need. They make a movie about him someday, to inspire people with his intestinal fortitude and grit, but I don't want to sit there watching every game wondering when his leg is going to snap again. Same goes for athletes who've snapped their collarbones more than once.
  21. Yeah, that kid would be an upgrade for us. When is the last time you saw Tyrod quickly read a defense, look off a safety, and lead the receiver with the throw, on the same play ?
  22. The reason Tyrod doesn't complete the long bomb anymore is the coaches changed the WR style to fit Tyrod's abilities. Tyrod takes all day to read the Defense and throw the ball. We din't need small speed guys like Marquis Goodwin and Sammy Watkins when Tyrod is the QB. We needed big, sloooow guys that Tyrod can find when they turn to him and wave their hands.
  23. I think the reason they dumped Dareus, and are going to dump Tyrod and Cordy, is to create cap space to sign a proven vet QB. I don't think they want a project at QB. Goff and Wentz went #1 and #2 and both took 2 years to develop. We're going to get a #21 at best, and there is no consensus on who that should be. These guys have a taste for playoffs now and want to keep the ball rolling. They will use all the draft choices to find linemen and LB's, and WR's. At least that's what I hope.
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