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Terry Tate

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Everything posted by Terry Tate

  1. Agreed. Anything over 1/2lb of muscle gain a week is suspicious to me, even for pro athletes.
  2. His name is Robert Paulson. His name is Robert Paulson. His name is Robert Paulson.
  3. Dave McBride, I have been reading posts on this site since it first appeared, and the level of knowledge I have gained, the few online connections with posters (in the past), and the general entertainment has always had me coming back to at least lurk and read. This post may be simultaneously the best, and most depressing, post I have read in all those years. Well done, and Dammit.
  4. Oh, ok. Well, Happy Jimi Hendrix Death day everyone!
  5. I don't want to pick on any one person; I personally know plenty that do this. I will never understand bringing up the anniversary of someone's death. If anyone has an explanation, I would be interested in hearing it.
  6. Thanks Mr. Rich. IMHO consistently the best TBD fan posts - going back years. And yes, someone swapped the g and ' keys on your keyboard.
  7. Note the Mason-Dixon line wasn't a border marking slave/non-slavery states. Delaware was north of the Mason-Dixon line, and was a slave state.
  8. Hopefully none of those history books are used in schools. Washington DC was as Dixie as Dixie can get. Ever hear the Redskins song? The lyrics used to be "fight for old Dixie" before they were changed to "fight for old DC".
  9. When these rankings determine who goes to the playoffs, I'll start caring.
  10. http://www.slate.com/articles/business/moneybox/2012/09/unavoidable_bacon_shortage_u_k_s_national_pig_association_has_everyone_worried_about_the_price_of_pork_.html
  11. Old school. Thought perhaps someone here either from Rochester or Cincinnati, or just basketball fans might know of him. Jack Twyman and a life worth remembering.
  12. You know what happens when you presume - you make a pre ... wait, never mind.
  13. Never happened - Doc and Marty took care of that. Mario never left town, signed with the Bills, and they went on to win a Superbowl. Marty just needs to get back to 1985 and wake up Jennifer sleeping on his parent's porch.
  14. YOU SHUT YOUR FILTHY WHORE MOUTH sorry, just got a little carried away
  15. I wanted to like this as much as many critics and audiences apparently do. But I think I'm finally done with any movies that have Tom Cruise in them. I might have liked this if not for that.
  16. Well, there is this: "All of my investigations seem to point to the conclusion that they are small particles, each carrying so small a charge that we are justified in calling them neutrons. They move with great velocity, exceeding that of light." Nikola Tesla, July 10, 1932 And there is this man that explains the reasons for his doubt: This extraordinary claim requires extraordinary evidence!
  17. But they live in a black neighborhood, so it's called "Ask" bodyspray. And if you don't get that joke, then you're not racist. (Zach G.)
  18. Restraints: Lap bar, Seat belt AKA "Lap belt". Rider: Missing one leg entirely, missing 1/2 of other leg, so effectively has 1/2 a lap. From there up, full adult height/weight. Problem?
  19. Oops, sorry - you were just eliminated from the jury pool for a First Degree Murder trial. But say you made it on. You still haven't convinced me. We're waaaay over 11 hours now. You've reviewed a number of different evidence entries. Why didn't the jury? You've stated it doesn't take all 12 jurors to find the defendant not guilty - I think you're wrong - it takes a unanimous decision either way in a capital crime, otherwise it's a hung jury and a mistrial. Sure you don't want to ask the judge for clarification on that? This jury did not ask a single question, did not review any evidence or testimony, requested not a single clarification on instructions, and wrapped it up in 11 hours. I've spent more time reviewing information and getting "testimony" when deciding on purchases over $100. I would have voted guilty. On the chance 11 agreed with me, I would have slept soundly with that decision. If I were the only one, I would have hung this jury, and there would have been a mistrial. Perhaps that would have been the only decision that would have satisfied everyone.
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