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Terry Tate

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Everything posted by Terry Tate

  1. Well, I've only been in Florida a number of weeks, but I've obtained a driver's license, registered my vehicles, and registered to vote with no problems. They offered to let me register to vote at the driver's license office, but I felt more comfortable going to the county department of elections office in person to register, rather than leave my right to vote in the hands of a license office employee. Again, no problem. I've since received my sample voter ballot in the mail. It states my polling place address and includes a map. It states the hours the polls are open. It instructs what identification I should bring. It directs me to a state website that provides more information, including financial impacts of proposed state constitutional amendments. It advises if it is inconvenient for me to vote at my polling place on election day, I can vote in advance of election day either by absentee ballot or in person - and includes the place, dates and times I can do so. It also instructs how to obtain absentee ballots, and how to properly designate someone to pick them up for you, if necessary. I haven't had any problem with the voting registration process here in Florida. If for some reason I cannot vote on the 2nd, such as water cannons, road blocks, being identified on the felon rolls, etc I'll let you all know.
  2. The irony of this post, and the irony of this column. This guy writes a column admitting the best thing to heal the "hole in the heart", the best possible outcome for the entire world, the thing that will make it all better, is the successful conclusion of the foreign policy set forth by President Bush. But he also clearly believes that John Kerry, who disagrees with every aspect of the President's policy, is the better of the two to successfully carry it out. He ignores the French and German statements to the effect that they have no intention of changing their positions no matter who is President-elect on November 3rd, and their complicity in the Oil-for-food scandal which would explain why. Please explain how you or John Kerry change their minds on this. How about his statement that the we are the ones exporting fear, you agree with his take on that as well? Can you explain to me when exactly the "whole world" liked Ronald Reagan? Was it when he declared the USSR as the "evil empire", or when Pershing missiles were deployed? I'm assuming the list of admirers includes John (the Reagan years were a time of "moral darkness") Kerry, since he chose to invoke Reagan favorably during the debates. The irony resides in the article, and the defense of it.
  3. So, the best way to heal the "hole in the heart" of the world is for the French and Germans to reverse their positions on helping out in Iraq, and for President Bush's policies to be successful (a democratic Iraq for an ally). That would be nice. However, it is obvious that no level of ability to communicate, follow through and persuade would have changed or will change the positions of the countries so deeply involved with the oil-for-food scandal - he should read more current events. The lines about the US being the ones to start to export fear and how the whole world loved President Reagan were pretty funny. You gotta give him that.
  4. That was worth the trip. I wish they had included the guitar solo, I love that song.
  5. Military and civilian explosive experts, with the assistance of some Iraqi soldiers and workers, continue to locate and destroy the estimated 600,000 tons of explosives in Iraq. Source
  6. In September 2003, the Army hired four civilian contractors to collect, store and begin destroying about 600,000 tons of Iraqi ammunition. Working six days a week, the team was taking in about 200 tons of captured ordnance a day, and destroying roughly 100 tons per day. The team used the seventh day to perform sweeps/cleanup of the range and equipment. Source
  7. As of mid-September, more than 243,000 tons of munitions have been destroyed since Operation Iraqi Freedom. Coalition forces have cleared and reviewed 10,033 caches of munitions and another 163,000 tons of munitions have been secured and will soon be destroyed. Source
  8. The U.S. removed nuclear material from Iraq. Source
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