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Everything posted by foreboding

  1. Nice summary. I agree, though the bills offense was never in rhythm they still made alot of plays, something good teams do that infuriates the other team. Glad we got the win, 25 years is a long time and a whole lotta monkey on the ole back... On to the next round.
  2. Why? Would we not prefer to keep the exact same system? You want to bring a coach here and teach him the Daboll system when we have 1 or 2 (at least) who should be able to take up the hallowed mantle of continuity...
  3. I would argue that the game slowing down is also why he throws so much better. He isn't forced to play with his hair on fire and knows what is going on around him, usually before the ball is snapped.
  4. I like our shot against any but having to beat raven and chiefs seems excessive! 😂
  5. My God! I am so happy. For all the fans, current and past, for all the players for any era...we can all say it with pride. WE are the Buffalo Bills. "Is thing on? Cause it's about to be." --quoted from a current bills fan, happens to be a former coach
  6. I was at that game, it was stressful and holy crap exciting when we won, I did not run on the field, but I remember we all passed the posts up to Ralph in his suite.
  7. Ha Ha Ha! Same. Thank God, as I think leadership is less about being a Mensa as opposed to be "smart enough" and having the right mindset as you said. Here is why: growth mindset people ARE NOT threatened by the intelligence they surround themselves with. The smarter, the better, when you are not "fixed" into a small view of yourself and the world, you can easily find the best people.
  8. I can tell you from personal experience, formal adoption of growth mindset has changed my life and I have mentioned it several times here over the years. I resist backsliding to a fixed mind and so reading more about it and talking with like-minded people or folks who love the message is motivating. It is easy to trapped into a fixed mindset (society encourages it), but it is toxic. When you start to find the most value in the actual learning, your entire life is transformed. You no longer spiral, you instead see a mistake as a fantastic learning tool and thereby, always gain something from any meaningful interaction or event. You can hear it reflected in the words of our team's players. They own the mistakes but also make good by them. It is why Josh is growing so quickly. No failure, just another chance to learn and grow. It is a process, you don't just change overnight, but Coach is teaching these young men a lifelong philosophy that will forever guide them. Selfishly, it bodes well for our football future.
  9. Herbert looks like the real deal, doesn't he? Unless he regresses next year. I do not think he will though. Herbert, Allen, Mahomes and you also have Joe Burrow. Lamar is a game wrecker, but what if he can no longer rush for 100 yards per game?
  10. Irrespective of the nomenclature you choose, Sean has labeled it "The Process". It is growth mindset -> leads to a teachable org -> leads to better players and coaches -> winning
  11. Great post OP, but I think what you described is a result of the process, not the process itself. Sean's process is built around the idea of a GROWTH MINDSET. This was crystallized in the seminal work of Carol Dweck. Sean mentions the growth mindset, often. Read her book, phenomenal. Anyway, the crux is this: and it broadly categorizes folks into two categories, Fixed and Growth mindset. Fixed people hold dear the things that define them. I am faster, the smartest, richest, the best looking..." whatever it is, and they can be nearly delusional in their attempts to prove and remind us all. They do not handle coaching well (they already know everything) and public failure is anathema to them. If you try to challenge their precious self-image they will not react well. Think of public people who mirror this mindset, politics is a great place to start. Growth mindset people/teachings view life as a process. When you fail, it present an opportunity, rather than you being a failure. An opportunity to say "cool, what can I learn from this?" Growth mindset people not only want feedback, they crave it as every meaningful interaction brings growth and that IS THE reward. Learn and grow is the continuous end, it is the process. In a world that encourages the individual, this process breeds accountability and community. The natural result are more humble, hungry people who are on a road to success that will never end. Sean has done a masterful job, but it starts with him. If he is not on that same road, it is hypocrisy and we know that is always found out.
  12. There was definitely smoke of a sort involved in this post!
  13. I know of several folks who have died, well-intentioned, good folks. Some were also the type who would not get a vaccine. You do it not only for you, but for your fellow people, in this case, your fellow Bills fans. If we all do it, this thing will be over much sooner. It is a kindness for all humankind.
  14. How can you not love Milano? But availability is the best ability and he misses way to many games. Keep o-line.
  15. You are not part of the process, this I can see clearly. To the practice squad with you!
  16. Seriously. But one would hope that NYC is not really a great place for Daboll and his huge family, he seems a small-town guy. But it the Northeast is where his extended family live. LA is far, but would be a nice place to land with some good talent, Daboll would turn that program around immediately. Where else might he land? Houston? I doubt Pederson gets fired or that would be a decent spot for him. Any chance is he not interested in being the top guy? Maybe he will take 2 mill a year and stay?!?
  17. I dont think it ever got so bad for us. They dream of Juju as their prized possible FA for a new qb, but most doubt anyone will want to sign with the jests. https://forums.theganggreen.com/threads/cards-get-hopkins-for-murray-bills-get-diggs-for-allen-jets.94807/page-2 I do remember the days we would have to overpay. Thank God for our leaders now.
  18. I like him and Tasker. It cracks me up how bad Steve is at the little quizzes Brown gives him.
  19. Isn't it great when you can't wait to suck up every bills snippet the next few days?!? Congrats, my friends. For you younger fellers, yes, this what it felt like when the Bills were rising up in the 90s.
  20. Yes. You always knew they'd figure it out and the defense would always make a big play. Feels good!!! You could see the look in Josh's eyes after that first td in q3. I told my daughter, watch, they will score again.
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