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Everything posted by billsfan60

  1. forgot to add "and all them gol durned Peteymon voturs is frum BBMB" (just to complete how silly the whole conversation is at this point)
  2. Just looked at the three steps of the protocol and wouldn't plan on taylor to be available for the opener.
  3. And why couldn't this happen to The Bills? Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn sometimes.
  4. When will we start to get some input on his condition? Seems with all the emphasis being made on concussion awareness it could be a protracted injury.
  5. Not one thing to argue with here. All spot on. The only question I have is what if Taylor isn't cleared till Labor Day.
  6. None of this makes any sense until there is a prognosis for Tyrod. What I took away from last night is that Nate did exactly what a back up is supposed to do when thrown into a game without preparation. He kept the wheels from falling off and moved the chains. Considering the way the rest of the clown show performed we're lucky he didn't get killed too. Everybody needs to hold their breath, let him run with the ones this week and see what happens Thursday. Then there may or may not be a controversy.
  7. I don't care what you have to do to keep Dareus on the field, you just do it. If there was anybody remotely able to replace him it would be different. Not a one of us is in that locker room to know what is the right move to make. All fans see is what happens on the field with him, and what we see is an elite talent. you don't throw that away.
  8. It all depends on taylor's availability. If he can't clear protocol by Friday Peterman has to start against the jests. He'll get some time on Thursday against Detroit then you have to go with him for the opener. Time for continuity. All depends on how Tyrod comes back from having his bell rung what happens after that.
  9. Just be better than he was in preseason. Show improvement. That being said if taylor is healthy and is out of concussion protocol in time to prep for week two, then you sit Peterman and give your starter a chance to win his job back. If he can't do it, it's Peterman's team going forward. It's the only way to know what we have to do in the next phase of the rebuild (because that's what it is right now).
  10. Finally a reason to watch game 4 of the preseason.
  11. If this board was honest with itself this is the best situation The Bills could find themselves in at QB. The only way to screw this up is to hand the job back to taylor without making him earn it or giving the job to Peterman without significant progress in his development. Taylor can't participate so Peterman is with the ones all week and starts against the Lions and maybe the jests. Now there's measureable data for him. If taylor is back for week 2 he gets his shot. A true competition without McB having to take any heat for a controversy.
  12. At this point, who the hell knows. Voted for Peterman because I like what I saw, but have no idea if Tyrod fixed anything he was working on. Don't care what Detroit does next week, McD better pick his starting offense and defense and play them for a full quarter to see what he has.
  13. Peterman is hitting his receivers in stride and on time, now if one of these meatballs doesn't get flagged maybe we can do some damage
  14. Damn Old Time, I read your stuff over at Message Board X for years and don't think I can recall one time your input was anything but informative and useful to the topic at hand.
  15. NOUN puns (plural noun) a joke exploiting the different possible meanings of a word or the fact that there are words that sound alike but have different meanings: "the pigs were a squeal (if you'll forgive the pun)" synonyms: play on words · wordplay · double entendre · innuendo · [more] witticism · quip · bon mot VERB puns (third person present) · punned (past tense) · punned (past participle) · punning (present participle) make a joke exploiting the different possible meanings of a word: "his first puzzle punned on composers, with answers like “Handel with care” and “Haydn go seek”" Honestly, this is just too easy...
  16. YEAH, WHAT HE SAID!!!!!!!! ​(I Think)
  17. A couple of observations, humbly and respectfully submitted: 1. Some of the sharpest folks here came from BBMB ( recognize their screen names as derivative from those they had there); and to make a sweeping vituperative judgement of all the migrants is unwarranted. 2.When casting aspersions on someone else's grammar and spelling it's probably a good idea to check your own before you post (you know, the whole glass house and stone throwing thing). 3. In keeping with the tone and tenor of your post, you forgot to add "nanny, nanny, boo, boo".
  18. In a perfect world Tyrod plays 19 games without a scratch but the chances of any of that are infinitesimal. If we are going to get past 16 games we'll probably need the back up at some point. 26, I agree with what you say, but with the caveat that knowing what the back up brings is part of getting ready for the season. Don't play him more than the last series before the half or a little at the beginning of the third.
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