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Everything posted by billsfan60

  1. Rosen better learn to keep his mouth shut. Don't need any Kapercrap impersonators.
  2. We gonna have us some HOT MUDGE SUNDAYS
  3. Wait!!! This in addition to free Sunday Ticket in Heaven? I'M IN!!!
  4. Will watch my 'Bama guys every Saturday to get my hopes up for Sunday. It's been the Dodgers since '56 and the Bills since '76. Don't see any reason to change now.
  5. If taylor's not healthy they have no choice.
  6. Thanks for putting all the he said she said backbiting and infighting in perspective.
  7. Jeez Reddog, taylor is Hotrod and Peterman is Nasty Nate. You'd cheer mightily for taylor but hope for Nate. I see you say you're a Bills fan but your verbiage says fanboy.
  8. Not sure it's prevalent anymore, too many examples to the contrary, but like every form of prejudice it never really dies. Slapping labels on people does nothing to promote free exchange of ideas and beliefs. Calling me an idiot for who I think should be starting is fine. I'll either find a bunch of reasons I'm right and you're wrong or I'll defer to a better point of view; but pushing a hot button to generate a mob mentality to win your argument for you is cowardly. I have much more to say but somebody stole my soapbox.
  9. How can McD be responsible for a hose cleaning when he insists on starting the last guy's QB.
  10. Just give it a minute. Transplant's not wrong. There's been a bias against black QBs going back before Warren Moon and Steve McNair. When he said "folks" he wasn't pointing fingers and yes, he could have been more clear about what he meant, but I've read his stuff for years and don't believe he meant what he's being accused of. Look how fast the piranahs swarmed. Take a non issue (at least with those on this site) and twist it to fit my agenda. That's just as bad as what he's being accused of.
  11. Two schools of thought, diametrically opposed; lack of incontrovertible evidence; anonymity for the antagonists, little to no consequences for excess, total lack of willingness to even listen to the other side. This is how wars start.
  12. The kid makes the team I'm getting a mudge jersey.
  13. Since this doesn't fit my illogical, irrational, untenable position that Peterman should be named the starter right now and ordained GOAT in training, I refuse to accept this well thought out analysis. Thank you and good night.
  14. This makes more sense. Every team tries to sneak a guy or two onto the ps. Reilly earned a shot.
  15. The 7 day week has taken its participation trophy and gone to its safe place. When I reached "old bastard" status my wife took away my watch, put all the kids birthdays in her smart phone and took down all the calendars. Amazing what you see and experience when the outside world doesn't rule your life. On a side note try living at the western edge of the eastern time zone. Every 10 minute drive results in being either incredibly late or incredibly early for something.
  16. Y'all better hope Mr Mudge doesn't read this stuff and then gets cut. Go visit the Turk thread and see what some guys have done after getting cut. Mr. Mudge sir, if you read this please understand I did not participate in this dastardly and disrespectful display of childish prattle. It is obvious to me you are a genuinely compassionate and understanding large person who wouldn't hurt a fly without provocation and legal representation.
  17. 15 Replies before the Bills QB situation rears it's ugly head.
  18. First he has to get his eyes uncrossed and remember what planet he's on. Doesn't matter who you thing should be The Guy, first concern is always his health. That concept seems to get lost as everybody takes one side or the other.
  19. This seems reasonable, and it could get real interesting if he handles it and they win. Not so much for the team (it would just bring a whole new set of variables) but this place would implode.
  20. That's what McD said, but how do you game prep when the strengths of the two QBs are so vastly different. This is one of maybe four wins we should count on as doable. I don't know if you can install a winning offensive game plan in a day or two. I get it, you practice Nate with the 1s till Tyrod is allowed back, What if that doesn't happen till Thursday?
  21. This place was a whole lot more fun when the conversations centered around football related issues instead of he said she said horse crap.
  22. Right now Taylor hasn't participated in team activities at all (if I'm reading the protocol correctly that would include any mental prep). McD has refused, and correctly so, to answer any questions about Tyrod, so how far into next week can he go before making a decision on his starter that gives the team in the best possible chance to win. After watching the defense against both Baltimore and Detroit I think we can do some damage this year if the offense is even just good enough. What's the reasonable deadline, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday? Can't believe he'd put him out there without any preparation.
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