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Everything posted by billsfan60

  1. Think we keep both Wenning (better than Yates) and Reilly (earned it).
  2. Great write up. Puts the whole process in perspective.
  3. No, you have to do this again with another phantom poll so you can be attacked by both sides of the quarterback controversy. Why should the myopic, can't see the forest for the trees, happy with 7-9 taylor fan boys have all the fun. Now, if I were you, I'd back away from my laptop before it explodes.
  4. Yeah, should have left the last bit out, just got riled a little at the Trent comparison. Peterman is not without faults, but being indecisive isn't one of them.
  5. Holy poo poo, when the hell are you guys going to give it up? THIS AIN'T TRENT EDWARDS. or should I say Trentative as he was called. Nate is anything but hesitant with what he does with the ball. He has passed every test he's been faced with. The next test is real game play and what are you going to do when he passes that test too? Are you going to start a new negative thread every time he throws an incomplete pass? Give it a rest, nobody's anointing him savior. Taylor will start when he's healthy, but in all likelihood will either get injured again or show he can't run this offense efficiently.
  6. McD's paid to win games. Is he going to sit the Kid just because Tyrod did ok in a system they don't even run anymore.
  7. So, since that didn't work, and since Nate is the exact same as guy as Edwards it's better to just not take a chance on success and stick with "not good enough". That way we won't have any expectations to be crushed. Wait while I grab my participation trophy and get into my safe place.
  8. With taylor there won't be a hunt. Don't understand why people refuse to see what is right in front of them.
  9. And what if he goes 6 for 8 and picks that defense apart? What's the next fatal flaw to dig up on the kid. Jeez!
  10. Since I don't pretend to have any of the qualifications for the job, it isn't what I expect but what, as a semi capable observer and long time fan of the game, I hope to see. 1. Duck a$$ sent to the showers after his first missed assignment. 2. Groy getting a half of work 3. Enough stretch plays, no matter who is under center, to see if we have anybody capable of getting behind the defense regularly. 4. Shady on the sidelines from the beginning. Feel free to correct my obvious errors. Peterman starts tonight (don't know if I read it at Rumblings or the Bills official site) Peterman is expected to start the game, but his time on the field is something the coaching staff will play by ear. ("What to watch for-Bills vs Lions")
  11. How McD handles the mess he is faced with tonight will tell us a lot about what we have in our coach.
  12. Your point is well taken. More concerned with the other 10 guys out there. And how McD handles the minor emergency at QB.
  13. It's been a long time since there were reasons to watch the last game of the preseason.
  14. If taylor could make all the throws and if he was more than a 1 read and run QB an if the offense is more than what we've seen so far, and if the O line grows a set taylor makes more sense. That's a lot of "if"s. No QB plays in a perfect world. I want the guy who overcomes adversity when the deck is stacked against him. Taylor hasn't shown me he can do that and at this point neither has Nate, but he has shown enough to think there's hope. We'll never know what the kid has if he's on the bench.
  15. You're 100% right CB, but unfortunately he may have to be ready.
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