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Everything posted by \GoBillsInDallas/

  1. Caption this: "The scouting report said Josh Allen has 4 inches on you - just checking."
  2. https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/houston-jack-in-the-box-shooting-18389377.php
  3. His first-ever movie (1957). You see him first at the 12:06 mark and then for a couple of scenes afterward:
  4. Go Sabres!
  5. Go Bills!
  6. Go Sabres!
  7. Go Bills!
  8. Go Bills!
  9. I think the Dolphins just scored again.
  10. What should I do with the bars of gold that are stashed in my secret underground facility and protected by my mute Korean manservant?
  11. Amateurs: https://cbs4local.com/news/local/texas-school-district-weighs-94m-football-stadium-borderline-obscene-prosper-isd-bond-proposal-taxpayer-funding-staci-childs-crisis-in-the-classroom
  12. Eating their own (again): https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/a-pride-flag-ban-sparks-accusations-of-betrayal-in-tiny-michigan-city/ar-AA1gO5E9
  13. https://pagesix.com/2023/09/14/salma-hayek-reveals-the-secret-to-her-bikini-body-and-its-not-exercise/
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