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Everything posted by BillsFanSD

  1. I don't normally whine about officiating, and I make a special point to note close calls that go our way. That said, this game's officiating was horseshit. The officials tried as hard as they could to hand this game to Dallas, but thankfully we were able to beat them and the Cowboys.
  2. Seriously, that was one of the most one-sided officiating games I've seen in a while. They were doing everything they could to keep Dallas in it.
  3. My son and I were laughing about the 300 yard thing during the closing minutes of the game. It's kind of weird that people actually take that seriously.
  4. I'm Mister Blough. That's my name. That name again is Mister Blough.
  5. And what's the point of winning a playoff game if you don't win the super bowl? And what's the point of winning the super bowl if you don't do it every year? Until this team wins 8 super bowls in a row, they're just pretenders in my book.
  6. I think they win one of those games and lose the other two. This is just based on pure randomness -- I figured they have about a 33% or so chance in each of those, so in theory they should pull out one win.
  7. If only there was some sort of device that provided digital video recording.
  8. No, but you'll never get certain posters here to admit as much.
  9. Definitely one of his better performances, and back-to-back very strong games. Let's keep it going, because we're going to need Josh to make plays the rest of the way.
  10. We live 13 hours away from family, so Thanksgiving is always a just-us affair. We're eschewing turkey and doing super nachos instead in honor of gameday. I plan on consuming some beer with my just-of-age son and enjoying a Bills win.
  11. I'm very happy with how our offense performed this week, but the next five weeks are going to tell us a lot about our roster. I said earlier in the season that our offense figured to get better as the year went along because of the injuries to Singletary and Kroft and the time it takes for all the new guys to gel. To be honest, I soured a bit on this unit a few weeks ago, but I really, really hope that we can sustain the performance that we've had the past couple of weeks. Right now would be an excellent time to peak.
  12. I think I would sooner share Thanksgiving with an ISIS cell.
  13. This guy could write Josh Allen's life story on that belly.
  14. I was being sarcastic, but admittedly it's sometimes hard to tell around here when it comes to #17.
  15. 1. I liked Sully. I know that's an unpopular opinion here, but I thought his assessment of the Bills tended to be accurate and honest. I don't live in Buffalo and I'm just talking about his columns -- I haven't followed him since he left the D&C (?). 2. I don't care if McDermott is a jerk, a control freak, or whatever. Most NFL HCs are . . . unbalanced to put it charitably. If the guy wins, he can cuss out all the reporters he wants and I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.
  16. Bills 17 Broncos 13 Close game the whole way, with the Bills hanging on to stop a Denver drive at the end of regulation.
  17. I agree. This team is much better than last year's squad, but last year's team was awful and greatly overachieved to win six games. Our offense made a quantum leap from "abominable" to "mediocre," which is a huge improvement but still not good enough to win a road playoff game. That's okay. We were never going to fix everything in one offseason, and going from complete irrelevance last year to a 10-win season this year would be great. Add a big WR, another RB to complement Singletary, and otherwise spruce up the roster here and there, and we're in business next year.
  18. Denver isn't a pushover like Miami, but the Bills are a significantly better team. I feel pretty good about this one, although it does figure to be a defensive struggle.
  19. The Bills will have four away games against "western" teams, but they also get four home games against "western" teams, presumably with 1:00 ET starts. Those are good.
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