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Steve Billieve

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Everything posted by Steve Billieve

  1. I love our depth! We really don't have that many vulnerabilities . . . looking like we can even lose our two best QBs! I think this is the difference from other years that we have looked good on paper!
  2. No idea what happened . . . obviously . . . but imo good service would include getting to enjoy your meal in relative peace. I would imagine that isn't the case quite often.
  3. 1. The Buffalo Bills Nothing else deserves to be mentioned
  4. Lets not muddy the waters with reason . . . everyone knows there are no fair weather Bills fans
  5. ^ I do have an opinion of their fans though . . . Went to their stadium when they played the bills . . . Felt like a home game.
  6. ^ In particular I like to watch Belicheat when he's losing.
  7. I agree with Howard we should jump at the chance to redirect traffic every time someone wants to go for a walk.
  8. Um . . . I can buy that our great D and running game is going to make our offense more productive . . . but that doesn't have a lot to do with our QB situation . . .
  9. Hogan will be above 4th receiver by the end of the season. What about Karlos Williams at CB?
  10. My favorites: 10. Daryl Talley 9. Steve Christie 8. Andre Reed 7. Bruce Smith 6. Doug Flutie 5. Thurman Thomas 4. Jim Kelly 3. Brian Moorman 2. Fred Jackson 1. Steve Tasker
  11. I don't really understand the whole rehab of Dareus' behavior thing. I get the guy made a couple of mistakes, but I don't entirely buy that those two incidents are somehow related to some delinquency of character. I don't recall any other incidents before those, I don't understand why some sort of intervention must have been successful for us not to hear about anything afterwards. From everything I've heard about Dareus he sounds like a great guy and teammate. TBH even the incidents he got in trouble for have a silver lining. As for the "drugs" at least he was being responsible/ a good teammate or whatever you want to call it, to be using something that is not going to cause any problems with a drug test. As for the racing, he obvioulsy got a little stupid but at least he was doing it with his teammates. Nobody is talking about being concerned about Hughes behavior or him having to right the ship.
  12. I think we might be one of the few NFL teams that might fit this criteria w/o acquiring another QB. So who's our starting QB and should be trade him?
  13. No way will the Bills roster become a trend, for two reasons, neither of them related to how effective we'll actually be. The first reason is that if we win many will think our QB is good regardless of the reality. Lets just say we win the Superbowl with EJ or Tyrod Taylor (I'm a little skeptical that anyone could think Meh is elite) there will immediately be the perception that they are good and as soon as their contracts are up (which is almost immediately) you would have to shell out big money to keep them or they will walk. Even if you don't need a good QB to win I doubt you can have a bad one or a new one consistently. If we lose our QB and they do poorly elsewhere it wouldn't start a trend, there's been plenty of QBs with one or two good seasons and then nothing. As for the second reason. I think it's going to be really tough to keep the level of talent we have on our roster even if we completely ignore the most important position. That being said as soon as what we're doing is seen as a viable option to win with it will become more expensive to get all these great players and it will stop being viable, not to mention the problems you'll have with available talent. We have two of the best full backs out there, not to mention all the other great players.
  14. Some things can never be forgiven! Do we hate Hitler any less for having ultimately failed? Besides, hating Bon Jovi is too fun to give it up!
  15. You should be pretty calm in practice. I think it's our front 4 more than our DBs that make QBs look bad. When you don't have to worry about actually getting hit I don't see how our D should really have an effect on timing.
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