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Everything posted by Thrivefourfive

  1. With what happened to Vernon Davis last, how could he and Roman still be on good terms?
  2. rephrase: What has happened over the past 6 months that would suggest that EJ Manuel will start week 1? I don't think the Bills trying to piece together a 1970 Chevelle SS 454 LS6 and throw Stephen Hawking behind the wheel. I would love for EJ to improve, but as far as I can tell, the Bills aren't counting on it.
  3. Is the Bills QB position upgraded: Yes. It's a move in the right direction. Again.
  4. The second NaVorro Bowman tore his knee in the NFC Championship game two years ago, I thought he's playing the wrong position to come back from that injury. Backward, forward, left, right, zig, zag... We'll see with Alonso in Philly. It is painfully obvious for Philly fans who got the better end of this deal based on media reaction. Willie McGinest is very critical of Chip Kelly.
  5. Great point on the draft and Marino, Elway, Aikman, Moon. Big misconception is that you'll get a franchise guy after mid 1st round. That's unlikely. Brady and Wilson are exceptions, obviously. I'm 37 and the first SB I remember is XX. Not even thinking one and dones. Just one and whatever. The list can't be that long, right? How about the guys from the 70s? Bradshaw sat for a while I think. I'd love to see this list and the success rate on first year starters. I have a gut feeling that more failed than succeeded, or maybe it was close to 50/50, Manning/Leaf type deal. When I have time, I'll work on it. Promise, students.
  6. I'm sure you're not missing the point, but who really cares who has more value in an NFL vacuum? This was an all time outstanding trade for the Bills. An ALL FREAKING TIMER. It's up to the Bills now to make this count. But on paper, before all the bad things happen that always happen to Buffalo, this trade is unbelieveable from a Buffalo Bills standpoint.
  7. There is absolutely no debate here, Especially given the Bills roster. The question is: What they hell is Chip Kelly thinking???
  8. Yeah he did. I think he's got everything it takes, except that below average arm. I think he losses confidence down the stretch because of it. After watching Hardknocks I was really impressed with his ownership of that lockerroom.
  9. To the OP, RGIII was very good from the start. And very bad thereafter. Flacco was pretty solid and Ben was good for a rookie too. Their careers may have plateaued, but it's a nice place to be. I believe starting as a rookie was pretty unheard of before Manning. Jeff George did it I think, but that guy had an absolute cannon, and could make every throw imaginable. I would like to see a history of ALL rookie starters and how their careers ended up, or are still pro/regressing. If anyone is looking for a homework assignment..
  10. He was on a Sirius talk show last week. He hasn't met the coaching staff, and noted not meeting the WR coach. But he thinks the staff is very good. He mentioned all of his struggles and how he's overcome them. And he wants an opportunity to play and have a breakout season. I'm paraphasing from memory. It sounded like he was hoping for a chance somewhere else where he could get some playing time at wr.
  11. Just a warning: Craftsman is Chinese. It's been like this for awhile now.
  12. Totally agree. Have no clue what the Browns see in this guy. If his imagine doesn't fit Buffalo, it fits Cleveland just a tad but more.
  13. Please tell me that's only part of the plan! McCown maybe an upgrade to Orton, but there's not much difference between the two. I have a hard time liking anything that McCown bring in. He's 36 and had a good half season. And his look just does not scream, "BUFFALO!!" to me.
  14. NFL bust...hardly. But if you watched him in college and in high school, you got your money's worth every single freaking time. The guy was ballistic.
  15. YES!!! Alonso should be electrifying the football field like a mad man in this defense.
  16. Very sad news for Bill's family, friends, and fans. Here's to hoping that he lived a full life, and knowing that he's watching over the Bills from the big chair.
  17. Set feet, square shoulders, get on top of the ball, and no more short arming throws. There, improved.
  18. Jail makes you tough! Doesn't mean i have to like it though. It seems with the big backs -- 6'0" and over -- you better have a replacement plan sooner rather than later. They get punished and you don't see many last into their upper 20s. The 5'8" to 5'10" 220 guys are prototypical. Because of his quiet demeanor, Tomlinson gets overlooked as a top 5 back, but he was truly great all around, and played top football for a long time.
  19. Are the YouTube highlights in slow-motion because he doesn't play a whole lot faster than Fred Jackson? Not a fan of the arrest either. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ut4K8543ke8
  20. I'm not seeing much wrong with Doug Johnson. He sprints through the goal line, even when he's 20 yards clear. It looks like he just loves to play football. Whoever comes in to complete, needs to be very mentally tough given the offensive line that might not be up to par in establishing a top NFL running game.
  21. Please, no Bryce Petty! They tried this already with Mike Mularkey. I strongly disliked Petty's body language at the combine. He was either nervous, which isn't a good sign, or arrogant and egotistical. I believe he is the latter, and it's in a way that seems terrible for leadership in an NFL quarterback. Don't like it. Don't go there, Buffalo. Please
  22. I was at the Arizona game and could not have had a better seat - 25 yard line 15 rows up - to see the size of the hole Adrian Wilson (an awesome player by the way) burst through and demolish Edwards. Of course the Steve Christie missed field goal chip shot in the final seconds at qualcom that would have landed in my lap was still fresh in my mind, so I had no doubt that the 4-0 Bills were going to dissapoint me again that Sunday in Arizona. Kurt Warner was masterful and picked the weak Bills defense completely apart. The one thing that amazed me was Losman launching one not one inch less than 65 yards through the air to hit Evans? for an 80 yard touchdown. That dude slung it around in his day. When Watt was stomping down the field with the ball, all I thought was Oh great, this replay will be in circulation until he puts on the yellow jacket. But I really haven't seen it that much. Small victories. I used to believe that EJ kind of had an "it" factor. He seemed to win games and keep the Bills competitive. He isn't accurate, but last year I thought hey, maybe like a junk ball pitcher, he could strike some people out and be a winner. Of course all of those feelings are gone now...his confidence is shot, and it would take a mighty big man to make good on the draft pick reach by the Bills. All in all. Those two plays were very typical of this organization since Kelly left and took his magic with him. I don't feel that either interrupted a trip back to the playoffs. They had no bearing on the continous crap that followed for they were both crap themselves. Make me eat those words, EJ.
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