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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. No one liked my McFly reference? ***** all of you *****
  2. You're all a bunch of squares. I ***** love summer. Me and the gang head to the pool and it's the best! There's a lifeguard there named Wendy. She's a real woman. She's a babe. Every summer there she is, oiling and lotioning... lotioning and oiling....smiling. I can't take it anymore! I got a plan. Gonna lay one on her. Been planning it for years. Wendy's gonna be mine.
  3. And that kid he knew could be more athletic than some men on the Olympic team. The difference is that they're just MUCH better at soccer than him. The women aren't there because they're super fast and strong. They're in the Olympics because they're great at soccer.
  4. You're saying the average man is more athletic than the average woman?? Interesting....
  5. Some crucial saves by defensemen tonight
  6. Yeah. It's a tough sell right now. Will have to wait and see how big Kong is. The one thing he has going for him is that he's super smart....oh, and opposable thumbs
  7. Turns out it was just an escaped experimental specimen from Jurassic World.
  8. Lol, you were the first one. Self-fulfilling prophecy.
  9. Butter and some seasoning.... that's all you need to transform that boring outer crust into a pizza meal's happy ending.
  10. I don't mind it, either. They'll probably shed more light on it in the prequel, though.
  11. Idk about you, but I'd rather look at some cute Asian chicks.... Maybe the new Godzilla will feature a K-pop montage??
  12. My point is that the article is saying we're "finally" gonna know, like it's a mystery. It's not, though. We even got a flashback to the Night King being created. It will be interesting to see the finer details, sure, but it's not like we're waiting to "finally" find out. Star Wars gave us a brief origin story of Darth Vader, but we didn't even get a flashback for that. And Vader going to the Dark Side was much more of a process than just getting stabbed in the heart. There was a lot more "mystery" in that regard. For the Night King, we know: How he was made How he gets White Walkers (sons of the north/freefolk) How he raises the dead What his motivations are The Lord of Light is the big mystery. We have much less details and saw no physical representation of him that we know of.
  13. .... Why would anyone be so interested in that? The origin of the Night King and White Walkers was already explained in the show. It'll be fun to see more details, but there's no big mystery to unravel. I'm much more interested in the stories of the past rulers/knights/heroes, the Targs/Starks, origin of the dragons, and the real mystery is the Lord of Light.
  14. Wick movies have a totally different tone than those. They're much more entertaining, being that they're shoot-em-up films. Keanu Reeves' training for Wick was intense. Does most of the stunts himself. At least all the fighting stuff.
  15. Bran was telling everyone anyway... It needed to happen in order for Bran to be king. Everyone else are just Bran's pawns. Not according to the council. Their plan is to decide on a ruler at that spot whenever a new one is needed...
  16. Right. It'll work initially because Bran is a great leader and has magical powers. After he's gone, it all falls apart again. If not through true democracy, the line of succession should run through the three eyed ravens.
  17. Drogon.... "If Dany's not sitting on the Iron Throne, then no one is." ***** you, ***** you, ***** you, ***** you.. you're cool.. ***** you, ***** you, ***** you.... I'm out. Who knew Bran was playing the game this entire time? He had all the cheat codes. Just skipped his way to the end. Not really fair... Tyrion was right, though. Bran is the best candidate for ruler. The new throne is a wheel chair. I love that Arya is the kingdom's chief explorer now. That's perfect for her. What does Bran have planned for Drogon? He said he'll find him. Will he use Drogon and any additional dragons to unite the entire world beyond Westeros? It seems like the wheel is a bit cracked, but still turning. Not entirely broken.
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