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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. That was hugely entertaining. I had to rewind three times to figure out where she pulled the flute from...
  2. Lazy and negligent parenting started long before technology came into play. That's why this post is so 'meh' to me. The typed equivalent to the "get off my lawn" meme. If you can point to any published statistics that demonstrate the correlation you're describing, that would be nice.
  3. I watched the video for curiosity's sake. Both Cam and the other passenger were sitting in the same area. Not first class. The other passenger just had the front seat behind the wall, which always has extra leg room. So, they likely paid a similar amount for their seats. The other passenger probably would have profited. But, money isn't everything. Looks like there are other seats in that row, too. Did everyone turn down Cam? Why would he only ask one guy? Back of the bus comment was really dumb. ?
  4. Okay, they had to unhook the tether when crossing over. That was a little exciting.
  5. Not sexy enough for the 25-stories-on-a-tight-rope club. Also, ABC doesn't stream live TV in my area...wtf Someone give me a play-by-play. And don't spare any gory details.
  6. Why not just an old fashioned public demonstration? Isn't that what air shows are for??
  7. https://coi.tothestarsacademy.com/gimbal I guess that video does show some crazy maneuvers before it gets cut off. Gotta read their explanation of the display indicators.
  8. He shot himself in the head with a shotgun. Wait.... *****, I ruined it. Sorry.
  9. Is there actual video of the crazy maneuvers they talk about? (Going to hypersonic speed almost instantly; dropping from 80K ft and stopping almost instantly; etc) The "Gimbal" video doesn't show it, from what I've seen. It shows what looks like a drone making what seem to be very pedestrian maneuvers.
  10. Dude's got the Lego DB7 on his desk. Respect.
  11. First time I've read the description of a "translucent sphere with a cube structure suspended inside of it"
  12. Wow, my allergies just flared up...dammit. Cool story, bro.
  13. If Sheldon is real, then aliens are real.
  14. Yeah, the Conjuring movies are fun horror flicks if you're into that genre. Not spectacular, but I don't think you'll be disappointed.
  15. Yeah, it's a toss-up for me. I'lll read a review or two and then decide. MIB might be worth seeing on the big screen, as well as Dead Don't Die and Annabelle. The Conjuring universe movies are hit-and-miss. I liked the other Annabelle movies overall. Hated The Nun.
  16. Pretty uninspiring list. I'm a grown man that wants to see Toy Story 4, though. I'll go by myself. I don't care. I also like scary movies. Is Child's Play a complete remake?
  17. Happy Father's day.... (Language NSFW; rated R)
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