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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. A drew Bledsoe type trade makes so much sense here for SEA. Geno freaking Smith?!? I'm sure Garrap would sign off on a place he could start at, and if he blocks one, that confirms him being on cruise control 🤷‍♂️
  2. This possibly make him a better trade candidate this year still? Especially if Lance lights it up the first month
  3. The responses to this are assanine. Clicking a thread, clearly titled, bills related. Have we never talked about Wyatt teller here? Does his play provide insights into how we function, draft, make personnel decisions? Finally, and most obviously, most of us are actually football fans. Ya know? Watch more than just bills. Come here with some knowledge to share about the league, mostly to the dummys that are complaining about this thread. Genius idea here, don't click it and 💩 all over things other people like, when nobody is forcing you to read. If you don't like the nfl as a whole, go argue on fb with your paint chip eating peers lol
  4. Just curious is this narrative out there? Or more whispers. Makes the most sense to me, I like Shakir better but living in NC I root for CAR to be competitive and fun to watch on 2nd tv. We also snagged CJ Henderson from Jax last year, curious to see how that might work out with jaycee horn on the other side Edit: I'm over on Carolinas board, it feels so similar to a Mehhh move we would've made pre-Beane Some excitement for unknown high pick... yet they posted a bunch of screengrabs from Jax board, fans said good riddance. Slow, lethargic, gadgety guy the won't miss. Yikes
  5. theyve had weird relationship, same rumors this time last year, and it looked like him and Lawrence had chemistry too Whom BM of the Browns? 😆 yeah i can see it
  6. i mean they just shelled out a lot of $$ for 2 guys they like (hahhhhhhhhhh), but i think he'll be a cool weapon for BM
  7. after that whole situation with the FA who never was, beane aint dealing with them, and def isnt helping their RB room
  8. Blue balls. 5mins in bathroom with 1080p+ photo of Lombardi outta fix that
  9. I think the rule needs to be called different with mobile qbs, cause what's a DL supposed to do on the move here? Concede loss? Tough to ask the refs to do
  10. Curious if he was flagged for slamming or anything here? Don't think he should've just looking for even a small indication of how things might get called this year I think teams get much more out of joint practices where coaches can be more involves, coordinate more situational ball. That said the Aaron Donald stuff proli scares some coaches outta this kinda thing, and is the reason I'd like to see Donald miss a game even if not against us. Would like to see these catch on, but owners proli aren't ready to give up 1-2 games a year 🙄
  11. It's insane to me that fans judge last year as his measuring stick. Baker looked crisper than josh at the end of year one (not in same stratosphere anymore), has played well more often than not. Last year had a torn up rotator cuff (labrum maybe?). Anyone ever have a shoulder injury like that? Can't lift your hand higher thsn your shoulder, let alone throw a DUKE ball with shoulder pads on lol he'll be healthy this year and had some accurate throws friday Cleveland changed coaches a few times. Is not generally viewed as strongest support staff, not good for a qb like baker. I don't know the carolina is the pillar of stability he needs, but cant be worse than CLE and has healthy. He's going to be competitive
  12. Did you check ids of every girl you banged when you were 18-22? I'd bet never once, so technically you dunno. I'd bet my life that they would've suspended him long enough to get all the facts.
  13. the possible perception of mat being innocent to a vague accusation, versus a document discussing a violent 90m gang rape straight out of 'I Spit On Your Grave" are very different, regardless of if they admit to it or not. all r word is bad, but theres a difference between a - couldnt consent due to an extra drink or two, and the specifics released. these guys are human too, if it affected my sleep last night, it affected theirs much more directly.
  14. Damn, and ppl said the Bills caved to media pressure. Do you have a bat farm in your cave? lol dont let a troll change your name Side not on alleged victims attorney... he really screwed this up, and shouldve took the $$. money isnt gunna fix her pain, but a crazy attorney bill, mental health/embarassment might keep her from earning, none of that stuff is doing her any favors. he gets the press he wants which is probably worth more than his % of a settlement... shes left with $0 or a bill, and Matts out of football. hes the only one that comes out of this ahead, and the other 2 moved backwards. scum
  15. lol wtf is he supposed to say. in GM speak everyone with a pulse can read between the lines. also, dont forget he has to be careful on what he says from a legal standpoint, especially with possible NFLPA possibly involved. imagine hes 100% cleared of this in 6 mos, what might that lawsuit look like? both from a $$ standpoint, and the time/energy it would sap from being a football GM. unlikely, but possibly even a personal liability suit. all unlikely, but stupid risk to be that candid. did you watch mcd presser after the game yesterday?
  16. extreme example: but unless theres proof this guy was in another country or this girl came out and said it happened, but matt wasnt involved, i cant see us picking him back up even if we wanted... even if it was 95%... this guy will always be guilty in public eye no matter whats found. reporters will always bring it up and bring a LAMP headline anytime possible. not at all saying the guy *IS* innocent, but just sucks as a society we work this way. Duke guys were cleared, would be curious to hear their stories. the flip side of this whole thing is false accusations happen too, and theyre no less worse than dudes like Watson getting away (cant believe i have to continually post this, not commentating on his guilt or innocence, just society)
  17. at this point im on board. the only way you can keep a guy on is you have video evidence of him in europe or something... that said, sticking up for a guy you already have is a completely different thing than signing this dude fresh on waivers, after this release. apples n oranges.
  18. i think we have one of the most funny pro sports twitters.... but wtf are we doing here?!?! no picture, especially not in our jersey. your choices were stick by him, or distance. they chose distancing, and then use a picture. unreal. roll heads over there, idgaf
  19. I just see him being a nice extra player in RZ. hes not going to draw a #1/2 cb, not even a #1 NCB, when Diggs, Gabe, Knox are on field. So hes a physical mismatch, thats also going to draw a weaker cover guy (LB/S). If you cant scheme something up with that, you dont belong in this league
  20. TBD has been so emotionally charged I've come 🤏 close to hitting submit- with full blown expletive in thread. **** would really suck if he's not 100% for Rams
  21. I think it opens them up to issues with nflpa. i dont think they all get lumped in together, id think MA agent could contact player assoc and make his argument for him being cut for non performance reasons. just because the bills could deal with that doesnt mean they should open themselves to it. i think if we need to argue our case as to why he was cut, and need to pretend its not for the off the field stuff, itd be better to cut him amongst a pile of other players. make it look more routine then singling him out in a cut, when they arent ready to decide the others. just mho
  22. Was hoping Howard could be RZ target... nope. I think hodgins is a skill set we don't have. Stef can highpoint a contested, but that's diff thsn asking him to be that guy in red zone. Would love to see hodgins backup, earn some regular playing time and see some situational RZ
  23. Hes got that almost fat thickness that could help a non punter, punting lol
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