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Everything posted by ChevyVanMiller

  1. I just saw the "Stella" episode a couple of days ago. Classic stuff. RIP. Actor Who Played Jerry Seinfeld's Dad Dies -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOS ANGELES (March 24) - Barney Martin, a former New York City detective who went into show business and became best known for playing Jerry Seinfeld's father Morty on the comedian's hit television series, has died. He was 82. Martin died of cancer Monday at his Studio City home, according to his publicist, Jennifer Glassman. Born March 3, 1923, in the New York City borough of Queens, Martin served as a navigator in the Air Force during World War II before starting a 20-year career as a New York City police detective. Martin showed a talent for making deputy police commissioners laugh during presentations. In the 1950s, he began writing on the side for comedy shows such as "Name That Tune" and "The Steve Allen Show." Martin got his start in film when Mel Brooks featured him in "The Producers" in 1968. That role launched Martin into Broadway theater, where he appeared in several musicals, including "South Pacific," "The Fantasticks," All American" and "How Now Dow Jones." Martin, with Liz Sheridan as Seinfeld's mother, appear in a 2002 Denny's commercial. He is credited with creating the role of Roxy's unappreciated husband, Amos Hart, in the musical "Chicago." Martin also appeared in several television series in the 1990s, including "The Tony Randall Show," "US," "Sydney" and "Zorro and Son." In "Seinfeld," Martin was the third actor to play the part of Seinfeld's father and became the one most identified with the role of the Florida retiree. He said at the show's wrap party in 1998: "Playing Jerry's dad was like having whipped cream on top of a mountain of ice cream." He is survived by his wife and son. A daughter died in 2002
  2. I knew that I could count on you Darin for an insightful reply. I've always appreciated your posts, your spirit shines through, even on this impersonal medium and it is one that I am sure is kindred. Someday I hope to be able to sit down with you over the beverage of your choice. To respond to your thoughts, again I am not suggesting that things don't need fixing, I am saying that what has been done has made the hole to climb out of much, much deeper. So many people are cheering this, especially the expatriates, but who in their right mind would consider moving back to Erie County now. Last night's news brought more wonderful images. Lines at the DMV that stretched around the block and the news that some clause in the union contract could mean laid-off parks workers being put to work in health care at ECMC. Another issue that distresses me greatly is the harm that this is doing to the regionalism movement here. I am heavily involved in tourism in Niagara Falls and have worked alongside many people in the attempt to sell the region as a whole to visitors. Many people in the Falls have been weary of this concept. They feel that Niagara Falls needs to be proprietary towards its tourists. Just when things seemed to be moving in the right direction comes word that the Erie County libraries will begin charging Niagara County residents a membership fee. The same with Erie County Golf Courses. I've already heard from many readers who feel that this is a slap in the face. Some have even suggested a "counter" move of charging Erie County residents a fee to use Niagara County DMV offices and parks. None of this is productive. The last thing we need is for WNY counties to begin circling the wagons on each other. Frankly, I can't see this mess going on for too long without a major tax increase - be it sales or property - being leveled on Erie County residents. If the bond rating slips again Erie County may find itself in a hole too deep to climb out of.
  3. Just writing to let you know that I will be appearing on the Lester Robinson show on Adelphia Cable in support of Buffalo Soul Lifters. The 1/2 hour interview will air on all Erie County Adelphia systems today, Wednesday, March 23 at 10:35 PM on Channel 20. In Niagara County the program will air on Thursday, March 24 at 6:30 PM & Friday, March 25 at 2:00 PM. It is also on Channel 20 in Niagara County. The book continues to sell briskly and your wonderful support has been greatly appreciated. I hope you'll be able to tune in.
  4. Ouch! I can't say that I didn't ask for your opinions, but I certainly expected respectful, well-reasoned retorts and not the sophomoric attacks on my credibility that many of you resorted to employing. After all I am, to my knowledge, the only member of the Western New York media that is a "self-outed" dues paying member of this site. I am also the person who featured a story about TBD and the son of Third born in my best-selling book Buffalo Soul Lifters. I mention this only because many members of the media lurk here and steal thoughts to fill columns and radio airtime. I'm here because, like all of you, I have a love of our football team and a deep respect for Scott and the other moderators of this site. At the very least I would like to think that those things should not afford me treatment akin to what a flamer from a Fins board might encounter. Of course, as my wife always reminds me, I have a habit of overestimating people. That said, let me exhibit how one goes about responding to an opposing viewpoint with class and dignity. Firstly, in response to: I will not have an argument framed for me. I never said that I favored continued support of a broken system. I did state that I favored a temporary acceptance of the penny tax increase along with a commitment to serve notice that everyone responsible for this mess should start looking for private sector work come election time. Second, I own up to all of my dreck and I take great umbrage at being accused of yellow journalism. As the 100,000 + regular readers of my column know, I am not one to engage in hyperbole. I have spoken off the record with many folks in Erie County politics, law enforcement and social services. Almost to a person they predict a year unlike any ever witnessed here. I'd be more than happy to stand up next January and eat crow, but instead I think that I'll be penning a column about a slew of unfortunate to tragic stories that needn't have ever happened. Third, I'm glad you can find humor in some aspect of this. I surely cannot. Playing the communism card? Wow, Need I remind you that the colors of the team that we love, just like the blood that runs through my veins, are red, white and blue? Finally, The service people in Iraq are brave, the firefighters on 9/11 were brave, the kids battling cancer at Children's Hospital are brave. I was just naive. I thrive on good discussion and spirited debate. I write for one of the most well-respected, and feared, small town newspapers in America. I've been blasted by rednecks and dittoheads. I've have fans and critics and once faced off against the great Steve Malzberg on MSNBC. I'll debate this issue with any of you but only on the condition that you afford me the respect that I hold out to each of you. In the past week the county's bond rating was lowered to BBB, The Bills were asked to waive fees due them (don't think for a second that bells weren't going off in a certain Detroit office) and Charles Swanick was "caught" using the DMV in North Tonawanda. I offer to you once again the thought that this action was ill-conceived and narrow-minded. The long-term damage to the quality Erie County's financial and social future will be severe. As a final note I ask you to read this Buffalo News editorial penned by respected financial analyst James M. Hartman News Editorial In particular I draw your eyes to these quotes: "Well, congratulations to the cheerleaders of the "tax revolution." The guillotine is in full swing and heads are rolling. Sadly, we are now dismantling the basic service delivery capacity of county government. More disturbing, despite the bloodletting, Erie County is still headed for fiscal insolvency. The public has been badly confused and misled. Engaging in babble does not solve a budget crisis." "The citizens of Erie County now have a basic choice. We can acquiesce to the current path initiated by a minority group of misguided, inexperienced legislators. Alternatively, we can decide to restore some level of sanity and stability to our county. This latter choice will be difficult and it will require accepting the needed reality of a major tax increase. " Hopefully, this sober look at what has transpired will help some of you to rethink your positions. Or will you accuse Mr. Hartman and the News of "yellow journalism" as well? The ball's firmly back in your court Gentlemen. I eagerly await your shot selection.
  5. You can blame "Gannongate" on me. It was my newspaper that called on Rep. Louise Slaughter to launch the investigation. You can read our open letter here: Open Letter
  6. Here's my take on the Erie County fiasco. So far the e-mail's been running 75% saying I'm nuts and that county government had to be reeled in at any cost and 25% agreeing with my stance. I'm curious as to what my Bills' brothers (and sisters) think. A Penny For Your Thoughts
  7. "I love it, you're such a pig in bed!"
  8. "I'm really going to catch hell for this. Not because we're shagging, but because I'm Jewish!"
  9. I know that a lot of you follow AI. Thought you'd find this interesting. Mario Vazquez Drops Out of 'American Idol' By Gary Susman, Entertainment Weekly Getty Images / FOX Nikko Smith (right) will replace Mario Vazquez as a Top 12 Finalist. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the 12 American Idol finalists reconvene on Tuesday for their first co-ed competition, a certain newsboy cap covering a certain set of curly locks will be conspicuously absent. In a shocker of an announcement, Fox revealed on Sunday that fan favorite Mario Vazquez has dropped out of the competition, citing unspecified personal reasons. He'll be replaced by Nikko Smith, the top vote-getter among the male semi-finalists ousted last week. In fact, he already has been at the Idol website, from which Vazquez has been purged, Soviet politician-style. Vazquez, voted by his own fellow contestants as the finalist most likely to win, has offered few clues as to the reason behind his dropping out. Talking to TV Guide Online, he said his departure had nothing to do with the show itself ''It's just a personal family thing,'' said the 27-year-old. The Bronx-bred singer said he had ''to take care of some personal issues with my family in New York. And with Idol being a live show, it just wouldn't have worked out schedule-wise.'' But his mother, Ada, told the New York Post she was unaware of any family crisis. ''I don't know his reasons, but whatever they are, I respect him for it and will be very supportive,'' she said. ''I feel so hurt. Maybe it's something Simon did. We are always blaming Simon.'' Vazquez's older brother, Rich, told the Post that Mario was equally mysterious in telling him about his decision. ''He said, 'This is not a life-threatening situation. It's for the best reasons. But I can't talk about why,''' the elder Vazquez said. ''I know he wanted it so bad, so it was a shock to me. I thought that maybe his life was in danger, but that is not the case.'' Before his reinstatement, Smith, 22, told hometown newspaper the St. Louis Post-Dispatch he wasn't overly disappointed with his loss last week. ''I'm happy to get all that exposure,'' said Smith, the son of baseball Hall-of-Famer Ozzie Smith. ''Millions and millions of people watch the show, and hopefully somebody saw me and liked what they saw.'' Guess he'll find out for sure now. 3/14/05
  10. I'm sorry for the loss of your good friend, Hammered. My thoughts and prayers are with you and his family.
  11. According to bb.com, Floyd's mother said that, because of resemblance, she named him after a 70s era local wrestler named "Pork Chop" Cash. I did an internet search on grappler Cash and found something very interesting. Check out the link and look at the name he previously wrestled under - listed in "Previous gimmicks." There might be a very real reason why baby Floyd looks like "Pork Chop." Baby Daddy Problems?????
  12. In 1979 I was 15. This was the first movie that I went to see with a bunch of my friends and no parents. For weeks upon weeks someone from that gang would put a bunch of pop bottles on his fingers and deliver the "Come out and play" line on my street. Thanks for bringing back the memory. One note: Joe Walsh sol, and not the Eagles, recorded "In the City."
  13. I believe that today is the Kid's Day edition of the News. Volunteers are on street corners around WNY selling copies for $1. Proceeds benefit Children's Hospital. The online edition will probably post later than normal to allow for maximun copies to be sold on the streets.
  14. Not to cast aspersions on the poster or his source, but I wonder why the Bills would entertain such a high profile FA and not report the visit? Also how do the local news stations, all of whom employ "spotters" at the Buffalo Airport, miss seeing Ty's arrival? I have one possible solution - he wasn't here.
  15. I graduated from S&G. Our motto was "Sometimes the former half of our name happens and sometimes you just can't stop the latter half."
  16. Channel 2 put the piece on their website. Here's a link: BSL Story Thanks again to everyone on this site for your support for the book. It is truly appreciated.
  17. Two points, the first is one made by Mike Shopp on the air this afternoon. If Drew is so adamant about an open competition why doesn't he insist that the Cowboys give Drew Henson a fair shot instead of annointing him the starter right now? Second, if there was an open competition here and Drew lost, do you really think he would have handled it like the pro we'd all like to believe he is? That's hard to swallow after comments like, "I don't envision myself as a back-up in this league and especially not to J.P." and "I can't wait to get home and put the stars on my kids and get rid of the old (Bills) gear." It says here that if DB were still a Bill, and he lost the job to JP in camp, he would need a skull and crossbones tattoo on his forehead because he'd be nothing but poison. I wish him well in Dallas, but I'll be suprised if the experiment there is anything more than a bonafide train wreck.
  18. Hey Rat, where'd you get that shirt, out of the hamper? Remember that time you wanted to see Journey and I got you tickets so close to the stage you scared the band?
  19. Scott Brown said that he could get me a copy but that it would take a couple of weeks. There's also a company called newstrax that makes copies of all Western and Cental New York newscasts (incase anyone needs any back broadcasts). I've used them before for research for columns. They usually charge around $50.00 per tape, so I'm hoping that someone here had the TIVO running.
  20. The Avatar is a painting called "The Last Buffalo" by Ritch Gaiti. I always loved the blood red imagery as a metaphor for the savage nature of NFL football. You can view it and other Gaiti works at Gaiti Works
  21. Channel 2 news did a feature on Buffalo Soul Lifters last night at 11PM. Because of the Erie County budget fiasco, the decision to run the piece when it ran was a last minute one. As such, I didn't have a chance to tape it. If anyone taped the program I would be forever in your debt for a copy. Thanks
  22. I heard a Jeff Foxworthy bit on the radio this weekend. He said that when he was single he loved taking a shower - it was his sanctuary away from the world. Now that he has 5 daughters he can't get any peace in the bathroom. He said that when he gets out of the shower it seems like all 5 of them are always in the bathroom hanging around. He finally asked them why and his youngest said, "We want to know what a boy's "Yoo-Hoo" looks like." Foxworthy figures he better nip this in the bud and tells her, "Yoo-Hoo's are poisonous. You stay far away from them." Without missing a beat his little girl says, "No they're not! If they were the dog would be dead by now."
  23. Channel 2 news will run an update on the Teddy Schwytzer miraculous basketball shot tonight at 11. I did a book signing for Buffalo Soul Lifters with Teddy last month and some of that will be shown tonight. There will also be a seperate BSL interview next week on Channel 2. Teddy is a great kid and deserves the recognition that he's getting. Hopefully you can tune in this evening. I've been a bit busy with the "Jeff Gannon" scandal the past few days. Our paper brought it to the attention of Congresswoman Louise M. Slaughter and she in turn has demanded answers of the white house. Here's a link: Gannon Scandal I'll keep you posted of any new developments. Frank
  24. I'm all for drafting Nugent. Besides playing a mean lead guitar he can save the Bills money by trapping and shooting all of the meat for the meals at St. John Fischer
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