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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I am not bothered by the cutting after a year because usually the player gets a nice signing bonus and makes a good chunk of change just for signing. I also know players can buy insurance against injury which would still make them multi millionaires. I do see your point but just disagree.
  2. Wow I feel like I am in 1975 with the mention of Archie bunker. Minorites are truly only oppressed in progressive areas. The blacks and minorities who go to school with my kids compete and succeed at the same level as the white kids. Your ignorance that 90% of the worst school districts in this country are fully run by liberals shows you just want to blame others for your failings. My job is to make sure my kids get a fair shake and my students achieve as much as possible, both things I am quite sure you do nothing to help with.
  3. I am serious when I say this- the American left has turned into Nazis. They burn books, attack anyone who disagrees, want socialism, want to destroy history,blame societies ills not on individuals but on institutional problems. The problems for these people are not themselves or their neighbors but the others who have no relation to them. I am amazed also at the number of people who complain about problems that are far worse in progressive areas and lay them at the feet of conservatives.
  4. I especially understand guys holding out at the end of rookie contract but the guys who sign the next contract then hold out quickly. It is not an ethics situation but why not just get a better contract in first place?
  5. In 2018 Josh threw bullets down field on every attempt. Last year he attempted a lot more lofted throws, which are needed to be a great pro. He was terrible at them early in year and just bad at end of year. If he can get average at it this year he will be a top 10 guy.
  6. I am not stating you are wrong but the job description is very pertinent to this. My cousin does small business finance and they were quickly able to do their job from home, and they will likely change there the office needs based on currently only needing to go in twice a week and getting everything else done from home. I as a teacher need to see kids face to face to make it work properly. The 4th quarter was abysmal for effort and achievement from the kids.
  7. We already discussed this and your lying again- more than half of state have a free form of ID and the rest should but you can't force NY and CA to do the right thing. Petition fraud being different than registration fraud does not mean the second one does not exist. Trying to reshape the narrative just shows what a poor lawyer you must be. The they is people like you- people who have TDS so bad you have no ethics
  8. https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote Next time use Google for literally 5 seconds- you must register to vote in USA. Registering people without there knowledge is a problem if you do not demand ID. You seriously have TDS.
  9. It is funny how you believe that every person who commits fraud is caught, you must also believe that every murderer is caught since we spend much more time and money on it. Any rational person understands that for every person caught that many times that are not caught. I also am amazed that you think " registering" people who have no intention of voting does not increase the likelihood of fraud. If you know a person is not voting but you have registered them you can show up and claim their ballot.
  10. This is not news. What is appalling is how many teens would rather the Chinese have their info then our govt because of our crappy media pretending we are the bad guys
  11. I do not believe you are a lawyer- actually maybe you just are terrible at it- but when there have been over 1100 convictions of voter fraud it make you sound dumb when you pretend there are 30 of them. Literally you are off exponentially and want people to believe you. Also if you think everyone who committed fraud has been found guilty you really should give up law. https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud/#choose-a-state Why do you troll? No one who pays attention is actually this stupid
  12. I generally do not go to vanity fair for my hard hitting news, but since everything you believe is made up I guess this qualifies as a "quality source" to you, just like Rolling Stones for rape allegations, and CNN for Covid cases for Cuomo.
  13. Then how do you explain Obama and the Dems having a huge indoor funeral for John Lewis?
  14. They were arrested for knowingly having Covid and not quarantining, which is much different than not wearing a mask. Also you are ok with poor people being arrested at a much higher rate than rich? Poor live in tighter quarters and have more interactions with cops, therefore more arrest from no mask.
  15. My question to you is what do we do people who refuse to wear masks? Are you going to arrest them? I ask this in all seriousness because at this point with or without a law people are generally wearing a mask and some are not just to be defiant. I personally wear my mask almost all the time I am outside my house but don't see an appropriate punishment for those who will not listen.
  16. Tibs you are smiling about more deaths? Seems wrong to me. As for the indoor vs outdoor venues- if you have similar numbers it is obviously better to be outside because of the open air but if you are packing people in then it is bad either inside or outside- just ask Cuomo about the concert on long island last week.
  17. You might be the king of the pride in your ignorance crowd. You actually conflated a goal with probability, we want to limit the virus spread but chances are the majority of the country will get it since it spreads so easily. Secondly you act as if masks are the best deterrent, the best is social distancing, and then hand sanitizer, the mask work best to prevent people who already have it from spreading it orally but they still will spread it through touch very easily. If your plan is to wear a mask in crowded places you will get it easier than someone without a mask who avoids crowds.
  18. Herman Cain was my favorite radio guy for discussing higher level monetary policy ideas. He was able to make hard ideas simple and truly cared for our country. We lost a great mind and I hope he RIP.
  19. If we could impeach a politician Everytime they suggest possibly doing something unconstitutional we would have no politicians. If Trump's tries to stop the election, I will not vote for him whenever it happens but the fact that this play is not clearly to force States to improve their election security makes all you whiners look dumb.
  20. In Orange County Florida we as teachers got to put in preference for face to face, straight online, or live lessons online.( With straight online you don't teach much but have more students) but teachers who can not get a doctor note saying they are high risk they can be forced to teach face to face. I am going face to face and will just be careful but I actually am pleased with my superintendent with this because it allows those in real danger to be safe but can force whiners into work.
  21. What a classless way to pretend to be classy- you should have started this post with "No offense".
  22. My point is that the media is willing to lie and print completely unverified items with the flimsiest of info.
  23. https://www.yahoo.com/news/us-brazil-account-7-world-235757878.html I am always amazed when I read crap like this that is 100% wrong because it is 40% of confirmed cases. We have no idea how many people throughout south America have it or most of Asia since they do not have ready testing like we do. The writer of this article simply does not understand anything about stats or epidemiology.
  24. I am wondering where you are getting $30B from? I know I can't trust the media but I am only seeing $6B
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