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fergie's ire

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Everything posted by fergie's ire

  1. What about Drew Brees? Not only benched but they had moved on from him and drafted another first round quarterback because they had seen enough to know he was never going to be the guy.
  2. The Jets DO suck. They only have three wins. The JAGS, on the other hand have....wait...what?....Never mind.
  3. AT first this made sense to me...but with 80 mil in cap space and a seeming aversion to huge money contracts, I suspect this front office is going to sign a lot of solid but not big name free agents. Think Poyer and Hyde from a year ago. If that is the case, they will probably sign quite a few free agents and have no shot at a compensatory pick.
  4. While I agree with the sentiment, from what I read, that is not quite what McDermott said. He said IF Allen is healthy. That means, whether he is healthy or not, they can say, "in order not to risk his long term health, we have decided it would be best to continue resting Josh."
  5. I would like to give it to whichever one of you broke into Ducasse's house and stole the incriminating pictures he had of McDermott. Thank you. Thank you so much.
  6. If the Steelers and Chiefs keep playing they are and have the top two spots locked up....and NE has nothing to play for? I could certainly see us getting a win. I think it is possible we COULD run the table...but I understand that there is an even greater chance that we lay an egg against Jacksonville in two weeks.
  7. The point is that it doesn't matter. He could have tackled him with the ball five yards away and it would not have been interference. In fact, there is nothing the defender could have done to make it pass interference because pass interference does not exist within a yard of the line of scrimmage. If the defender did tackle him, it could be called holding...but not PI. It could have been called a defenseless receiver, but I think that the point of the rule is that someone who catches it within a yard of the line of scrimmage is like a runner...and should expect contact....and therefore, not defenseless. If he IS defenseless, it is because of a stupid decision by the quarterback to essentially throw a screen when the screen is covered.
  8. A couple of his picks weren't entirely Peterman's fault?
  9. I also question the coaching on the Texans final scoring drive. It seems like all game, even if we only rushed four, others were up faking the blitz, so they didn't know who to block. On the final drive it looked like we sat back and just rushed four. The ol' "they haven't been able to move the ball on our defense all game, so, with the game on the line, lets stop what we are doing" strategy. Kills me every time.
  10. I keep hearing this over and over and it strikes me as imprecise at best and lazy at worst. What is meant by accuracy? To me, it means the ability to get the ball in tight windows. Some quarterbacks have ballpark accuracy...and can't hit precise targets. From what I have seen, Allen can, both off the field and on. When sports science had the top quarterbacks try to hit the crossbar from 35 yards, Allen was the only one to hit it. At some rookie event (we've all seen the video), Allen was the only one to throw the ball through the tire. And, as I said, it's not just off the field of play. The throw in pre-season to Ray-Ray in the corner of the end zone is a good example. And actually, the pass to Holmes that was intercepted is a good example....thrown before the break and hit him right in the hands. I DO think there is cause for concern. He IS erratic....so his accuracy does not always play out...usually because he is in a bad position....and yes, passes in the flat continue to be a problem (but have improved). My concern is with his pre-snap reads and decision making. A good example of being erratic is the interception in the end zone last week. He threw late over the deep middle while he was falling away and on his back foot. No...that ball did not go anywhere near where he wanted to go, but, to me, that was a decision problem, not an accuracy problem. And these things CAN be taught....but not everyone picks it up. Some get better, some never do. So, I am not sure about Allen, but it is not accuracy...at least what I would define as accuracy...that is the problem.
  11. Exactly. Hit him right in the hands (both). If you've been watching you will know that that is a really bad spot for Holmes.....worst part of his body, his hands.
  12. In fairness, the ball that ended up being intercepted hit him in a really bad spot.
  13. Yeah, this year is developing Allen, so why not have him play with receivers who might be around after this year.
  14. He had actually planned on going....but dropping is what he does. OR Didn't want to spend his day crawling around under the table looking for the pens he dropped.
  15. Statuesque and also had a tendency to stare down his receiver. Had probably always done it, but had the arm strength to gun it in even when the defense knew where it was going. Once he lost just a few miles per hour off his fastball, it became a problem.
  16. The problem is that our cupboard is fully stocked with mediocre wide receivers. We have a bunch of 3, 4, 5 receivers...but no 1 or 2. With one possible exception there just aren't any 1 or 2 wide receivers walking the streets this time of year. The only purpose signing someone right now would be to make some people ditch their Zay Jones jerseys....but no appreciable difference in talent.
  17. That was an odd play. It looked like the cornerback went for the ball....and KB could have had at least an equal chance to catch it....but, instead, put his hands up to brace for the impact. I understand the instinct to protect himself...but it looked like if he turned in for the ball, he would have taken less of a hit than he did.
  18. My favorite comment came before the Vikes started that long scoring drive: "Oh boy, get ready for some big four yard completions under pressure." Very accurate. That scoring drive ate up the clock and sealed the win for the Bills.
  19. Allow me to introduce you to my younger brother, Dirt. I think my age can be inferred from my movie references.
  20. So.....you're saying it's fun to watch young men expose themselves? And do you like gladiator movies?
  21. I know...I am so excited right now that I think we should draft Josh Allen again next year.
  22. Worse team in the league....the future Buffalo Bill, Joey Bosa, they'd get beat by 'Bama....har dee har har. Can someone see if we can schedule Bama for our bye week? I want to see us kick their @#$#.
  23. Thanks for posting, Kirby. I always enjoy your insights and your posts are one of the reasons I keep coming back here. It's weird how just because you can see something positive...some potential...some people have to go into attack mode. And for those who would suggest you are a kool-aid drinker, I would say that I have a distinct memory of you visiting training camp....sometime over the last few years....and watching the quarterbacks and reporting: none of these guys can play. Maybe it was last year? not sure....but I'm pretty sure that was you. Love your insights and sources....so please keep it up.
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