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Everything posted by SBUffalo

  1. This is the second post of my blog that I'm doing for a class here at St. Bonaventure. Due to certain class restrictions, I am slightly hindered in my writing style, but please check it out and let me know what you think. Thanks. http://bit.ly/XXFkDZ Tom Brady dislikes Buffalo hotels, and, judging by the fact that he has 12 more touchdowns against the Bills than any other opponent, he dislikes Buffalo defenses. The first of two matchups between the teams came in Buffalo where Brady added three touchdowns to his total against the Bills in a 52-28 victory. However abysmal the final score ended up, hope showed its face after Buffalo held a two-score lead early in the third quarter. A quarter and a half later the hopeful faces turned back into this. They failed to close, but that’s not to say a few transactions this offseason can’t allow future Buffalo teams to prevail. The combination of C.J. Spiller and Fred Jackson ran for just 62 yards on 21 carries (below three yards-per-carry). Running the ball well allows teams to control the clock, so adding Kansas City Chiefs offensive tackle Branden Albert and moving Cordy Glenn to right tackle could do that by creating holes for Spiller and Jackson. After creating holes offensively, Buffalo needs to address the holes in their defense that allowed Brandon Bolden and Stevan Ridley to rush for 243 yards. Notre Dame’s Manti Te’o struggled against Alabama’s runningbacks in the BCS National Championship game, but one game doesn’t destroy sure-tackling throughout a career that saw him become one of the Irish’s most prolific tacklers with 437 career stops. Te’o replaces Kelvin Sheppard considering Sheppard only recorded one tackle in this game. New England’s production on the ground warrants another addition: North Carolina’s 305-pound defensive tackle Sylvester Williams who works as a space eater in the middle to replace Spencer Johnson. Albert led an offensive line that got Jamaal Charles to the Pro Bowl and has the size at 6’5”, 316 lbs to leverage opponents. As seen in the video below, whenever you create holes for C.J. Spiller he makes plays. With Albert paving the way for Spiller the clock keeps running, and Buffalo can control the game like they did against the Chiefs in a week two victory. Albert also excels in pass-blocking situations. Pro Football Focus ranks him as the ninth most efficient pass blocker in the NFL. Fittingly, all three sacks from the Patriots came from edge rushers which Albert deals with at the left tackle position. Neon Tommy via Flickr Te’o shows leadership on the field, despite his strange off-the-field situation, and has the tools to consistently make plays from the middle of a defense. Sounds like the perfect resumé for replacing Sheppard. Paired with Sylvester Williams, who has drawn comparisons to New Orleans defensive standout Sedrick Ellis. Like Ellis, Williams won’t create a lot of penetration to sack the quarterback, but he excels in stopping the run as evidenced in his 7.5 tackles on a runningback for a loss for the Heels last season. Stopping Bolden and Ridley from gashing the middle of the defense translates to wins considering the Patriots lost all four games this season in which they ran for less than 100 yards as a team. Tom Brady might already be considered the greatest QB of all-time by some, but there are ten other players on the field that need to do their job for him to succeed. If Buffalo ever wants to compete with the Pats a three-step process must be followed… Step one: Identify the problem. Step two: Do something about it. Step three: Win. I don’t have a link to step three and that’s because Buffalo hasn’t been beating the Patriots who are 20-2 against the Bills when Tom Brady plays. Failing to stop role players like Bolden and Ridley won’t get it done.
  2. Yea, because the team we have now is fantastic... If we want to win a SB, we need to be bold. Make smart moves in the draft, and find your guys.
  3. I'm not sure what you're implying here haha I'm a link kind of guy. I always work under the assumption people have no idea what/who I'm referring to.
  4. http://buffalobillsd...ge-1/#comment-1 During the 2012 campaign, I could tell the Buffalo Bills were a lost cause during more than one game. Changing a few pieces here and there wouldn’t alter the results of a few losses. However, it’s still worth considering how a few guys, three in this case, could have changed the outcome of each Bills loss. The problems with the first Bills’ loss, which came at the hands of the New York Jets 48-28, would require a list longer than Santa’s. Nobody seemed capable of making the right play unless they wore green. Ryan Fitzpatrick (this became a theme) made countless mistakes that ended in turnovers, andMark Sanchez, ringleader of the Rex Ryan circus, couldn’t be stopped. He sat comfortably in the pocket and picked apart the holes in Buffalo’s defense. Three players potentially available to the Bills this offseason come to mind when trying to turn the performance around. John Martinez Pavliga via Flickr San Francisco quarterback, Alex Smith, who reportedly wants his release sooner rather than later, Falcons cornerback Brent Grimes and Florida State defensive end Bjoern Werner would have done wonders. However, with addition must come subtraction so Smith replaces Fitzpatrick, Grimes replacesAaron Williams and Werner replaces Chris Kelsay. The biggest difference between Smith and Fitzpatrick lies in their decision making. Neither has a huge arm, but Smith uses a smoother, more confident delivery to hit his target. Fitzpatrick’s delivery lacks consistency which leads to costly interceptions when he forces throws. Against the Jets, Fitzpatrick wound up with three early interceptions, including by Antonio Cromartie, that Smith likely avoids. If you take those throws away then the Jets never obtain the momentum they used to run away with this one, making it a close game.You want your quarterback to be capable of making consistent throws down the field, but Smith struggles there. However, he excels in making the right play which helps control momentum. Don’t think that Smith can’t compete in a high scoring affair, though. He led San Fran to victory in the greatest football game I’ve ever seen. Mark Sanchez used to be called “Sanchise,” but now the only fun thing to say about him is “ .” A model of inconsistency, pressure works as the best way to rattle Sanchez. Unfortunately, Buffalo didn’t even record a single hit on the former GQ cover boy. That’s where Bjoern Werner comes in. Werner possesses the best pass-rushing ability out of any defensive end in the draft after recording 13 sacks his junior year. Putting Werner on one end also frees up Mario Williams to get to the quarterback.When you pressure Sanchez he forces throws. When quarterbacks force throws, Brent Grimes feasts. Standing at just 5’10″, Grimes makes up for size with tremendous leaping ability. He recorded 11 interceptions between 2009-2010 before teams stopped throwing his direction in 2011 and an achilles tendon tear this year. On top of keying on mistakes, Grimes could have prevented the lapses in coverage that plagued the Bills. Stephen Hill got behind the Bills’ secondary three times, and Grimes’ physical play could have knocked Hill off his route early enough to prevent the big play. Overall, adding these three players to the mix surely would’ve changed the landscape of an otherwise ugly loss to a bad Jets team. I believe with Smith running the offense, and Grimes and Werner helping out the defense the Bills could have come out with a 27-21 victory to start the season off right. This is the first post in a series of posts I have for a blogging class. It would help me a lot if you guys could view them and maybe leave a comment or two on what you think. Remember: I am slightly limited by the class restrictions, and each post is NOT an endorsement of a certain player. I won't use a player more than once for this series, so I have to put in player that are popular names even if I disagree with the addition (example: I don't endorse Alex Smith, just think he would've helped the Bills in this situation).
  5. So can we start a petition to block Bleacherreport links around here? God damn.
  6. It's not good for the lockerroom to have the former starting QB that just got benched stick around. Creates an awkward situation. Especially if the new guy struggles. And I understand that it sucks to make families move a lot, but we can't worry about that.
  7. They'll announce them very soon I assume. Funny thing is that all three NFC QBs will be out. Rodgers- Hurt. RG3- Hurt. Matt Ryan- Hurt. Brees replaced RG3, Manning replaced Rodgers. Russell Wilson will probably replace Ryan. Byrd and Spiller will both get in now with Rice and Reed being in the SB. Josh Cribbs replaced Jacoby Jones (the return man) instead of Mckelvin.
  8. Brilliant post. Would read again. But only if you promise to slip me some of whatever you're smoking. Mike Smith is a FANTASTIC coach. If fired, I'd root for us to fire Doug Marrone and hire him. He's that good. And I love the Marrone hire.
  9. It all looks fantastic, but what's the point of funneling all this money into a stadium that's likely to be replaced in the next decade?
  10. He's definitely a good prospect. He's more of a Roddy White than a AJ Green, but that's not a negative by any means. I'm just not so sure he's worth the 8th pick. We could potentially trade down, draft him in the teens and then use the extra picks acquired to move back up into the first for a QB.
  11. Absolutely love the Chase Thomas pick. He is versatile as well so he would fit into our multiple scheme look.
  12. 1. Mike Glennon 2 (or trade back up into first). Kevin Minter.
  13. Before his most recent incident, I definitely wanted him. However, he has shown me that he is a lowlife scumbag who will never change, and never wants to. The fact that he could've just gotten a simple ticket, but got himself arrested by signing the ticket "!@#$ y'all" is childish and unacceptable. No place for him in this league.
  14. Nassib is projected as an early 2nd by most, some have him slipping into the first. It's a reach but "MUCH later" is as well.
  15. We hired a RBs coach as well (Tyrone Wheatley). That leaves WRs, QBs and O-line. Hoping that Rob Moore comes in as WRs coach from Cuse, Joe stays as O-line coach and then the QBs can be handled by Hackett/Marrone.
  16. Neither of them are our guys, IN MY OPINION. If it costs more than a 3rd to get either, I say no.
  17. Could you elaborate more on where you see the connection? I don't see it.
  18. It's a bit of a habbit of mine. As I've stated before, I see no reason to say things like "in my opinion" "in my mind" "I think" etc... Those are implied. Of course it's my opinion, I'm the one typing it.
  19. So far I like the HC, OC, DC and RBs coach hirings. Rest I'm a little nervous about but will wait to see them on the field first.
  20. Did somebody just call Joe Flacco, Osi and Dwayne Bowe "value" free agents?
  21. No, that was Bryant on the squib. But he doesn't normally do it, Bosher does it.
  22. It's an online discussion forum dipshit. Everybody here expresses their opinions, as you did about Dysert. So because I disagree with your opinion I'm a know-it-all? Be quiet fool.
  23. Are these posts popular around here or something? I've seen you post like 20 of them....
  24. I've been begging for Tyrone Wheatley for RBs coach for a while. I'm assuming that will be his role in Buffalo. Only other guy from the Syracuse staff I want now is WRs coach Rob Moore.
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