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Justin C

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Everything posted by Justin C

  1. @Hapless Bills Fan any thoughts on this? https://www.indiatvnews.com/science/covid-19-vaccine-in-1-month-csir-pins-hope-on-sepsivac-613529 Edit: adding this in here - it's not about Sepsivac, but it's another piece that explains the potential immune-boosting effect of vaccines like BCG and possibly oral polio vaccine. If Sepsivac works, it would likely be through a similar mechanism. TL;DR your body has two immune responses, innate and adaptive. Adaptive immune response is what develops after you contract and recover from a disease, or are vaccinated against a disease - your body learns to produce specific antibodies against that organism and churns them out quickly in response to a future exposure. But it's long been observed that people vaccinated with some vaccines, like BCG, become less likely to die from other diseases. The current evidence (and it's small) is that it has to do with priming your innate immune system to become more efficient and effective.
  2. Fauci is normally hesitant about being overly optimistic or putting dates on stuff. So you have to like that he's talking about dates. Link to the article: https://www.newsweek.com/dr-fauci-says-coronavirus-vaccine-could-widely-available-january-if-things-fall-right-place-1501210
  3. https://www.newsweek.com/south-korea-experts-say-recovered-coronavirus-patients-retested-positive-because-dead-virus-parts-1500998 I'd say that's good news. [Edit: additional article on the topic https://time.com/5810454/coronavirus-immunity-reinfection/]
  4. Surprised looking back Jauron went for that FG before the half. It seems very unlike him.
  5. Today at Cuomo's press conference he said that businesses need to submit a plan for reopening. So does this mean the mom and pop shoe store is going to have to give the governor and actual list before they can reopen just like a large chain restaurant would? This seems really confusing. I liked how Cuomo has handled this for the most part. Maybe it’s the fact I haven’t been able to do anything for a week outside because of the ***** weather getting to me. But his press conferences have had less answers every day. I’m not saying open everything tomorrow. But you’ve had two months to come up with some semblance of a plan (after having no plan to close) and we still have few answers outside of construction and manufacturing can open somewhat on the 15. I think it’s becoming clear that Cuomo is trying to 1. Kick this as far down the curb as allowable (reopening) and 2. Make himself come off blameless if things go bad. I’m pretty sure tomorrow new cases could go from 1000 to 1 and he would still say it’s bad. I mean yesterday was the one nice day we've had in a week and people were out left and right hanging out in driveways, and it is going to get harder to tell people no when the weather actually turns nice.
  6. This time 100x. We get it. The TV is behind and Twitter is not. You aren't winning fans if you are tipping picks and not putting them in spoilers.
  7. I completely forgot Chan Gailey is the new OC in Miami.
  8. You had to say it right before the Pats pick didn't you???
  9. Swift to the Lions makes me happy I traded Kerryon Johnson in my dynasty league two weeks ago.
  10. Gase must still be sniffing glue. Hasn't turned in the pick yet.
  11. Cardinals don't need an offensive lineman. They are just going to tell Murray to scramble and chuck it up for Hopkins.
  12. https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/22/us/california-deaths-earliest-in-us/index.html California is contributing 2 deaths to Coronavirus on February 6 and 17, before the 1st reported death on February 29. So there might be some merit to the suggestions this has been around spreading since January.
  13. I really wanted Leinart instead of Whitner. I remember being mad about that at the time. Was wrong anyways. Was also convinced Spiller was going to be a stud RB.
  14. Oh trust me I'm not on board with that. That was more in response to chongli who said we ween't leaving our houses any time soon.
  15. Yet multiple governors just got together to come up with a reopening plan in the months ahead. A slow gradual reopening, but its a start. And the Korean and Japanese baseball leagues have started some exhibition games. But no yeah we aren't going anywhere until 2021 I guess.
  16. Hold on. So small cuts from shaving may infect me. But also long beards are bad for coronavirus as well. The ultimate conundrum! I have a one month beard going and as long as I'm working from home and only going to Wegmans/Tops, it will keep growing.
  17. The WWE is doing events at their Performance Center. No audience. AEW taped a bunch of stuff last week to fill a month or two of TV as well in front of no audience. Both are performing temperature checks and other wellness checks before they are allowed to perform, and isolating wrestlers in a hotel while in town. That's why their were changes to the Wrestlemania card. As a life long WWE fan I wouldn't mind if they take time off, but have no problem with them continuing if they are monitoring for sickness beforehand.
  18. So he basically has no idea as well. September is five months from now. Who knows where we will be then. I'm far from a Trump supporter but I have no problem with him being a little optimistic here.
  19. I saw this posted in a couple places. I found it here: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/italy/ I somewhat feel like this might be the case when things start to settle down. Not to minimize it, but I know people in my office that were showing symptoms similar to Coronavirus back in December. So more people might have been infected than reported, especially with the lack of testing early on: "Italy: the real number of COVID-19 cases in the country could be 5,000,0000 (compared to the 119,827 confirmed ones) according to a study which polled people with symptoms who have not been tested, and up to 10,000,000 or even 20,0000,000 after taking into account asymptomatic cases, according to Carlo La Vecchia, a Professor of Medical Statistics and Epidemiology at the Statale di Milano University. This number would still be insufficient to reach herd immunity, which would require 2/3 of the population (about 40,000,000 people in Italy) having contracted the virus [source]. The number of deaths could also be underestimated by 3/4 (in Italy as well as in other countries) [source], meaning that the real number of deaths in Italy could be around 60,000. If these estimates were true, the mortality rate from COVID-19 would be much lower (around 25 times less) than the case fatality rate based solely on laboratory-confirmed cases and deaths, since it would be underestimating cases (the denominator) by a factor of about 1/100 and deaths by a factor of 1/4." [Edit: please see cross post in Covid Discussion thread to discuss/debate]
  20. Edit: Article link in NY Times (should be free) https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/30/health/coronavirus-restrictions-fevers.html?referringSource=articleShare Company website: https://healthweather.us/
  21. Don't know if I can rewatch that game. I've never been more upset leaving a game. But I understand why they chose it. Seahawks/Bills I could have watched again.
  22. Yeah my thought is if things aren't semi back to normal by either mid-May or June, we will have more problems than just the virus on our hands. Obviously the economy. But you also have to look at the anxiety factor of people wondering when they will be able to leave their homes or get back to a normal life. And the depression factor of people with no jobs. I know people in the mental health industry who are very worried about that aspect. At some point we have to be able to manage the virus and let people go back to a normal life. Obviously we want things under control and back to normal before that happens. But Italy has shown a decrease in numbers the last two days so maybe there is some light ahead.
  23. The Rams are going to be a mess the next few years. They might actually be our easiest opponent from the NFC West this year.
  24. It's only 3 p.m. Beane normally doesn't start making deals til after 8. This is weird.
  25. For the 17th game they should make a spectacle out of deciding it. They love TV ratings so make it a 1 or 2 hour special: 1. Randomize it with AFC vs NFC teams like ping pong balls. So the Bills would play one other team from either the NFC East, North or South. 2. Make it a draft. The Chiefs pick first and decide who they want to face. They have to pick a team not already on their schedule, so they could pick the Bengals first. Then you can get interviews from players trash talking, saying they are going to wish they didn't pick us.
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