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Everything posted by BetterNextYearRight?

  1. I like Thad as backup as well. And about competition, Pryor is a QB not named Manuel I get it.....but it would be a fake competition and 90%sure EJ would win it outright. There IS a reason the Raiders released Pryor, they didn't want him even with Schaub being the starter and that says something. Yes he asked for a trade/release, Raiders did not have to grant it quite yet. BTW, I love McGloin as a QB always thought he had something in him. Thad did a fine job while not having much of a pocket and wasn't Goodwin forced into the #2 role for those games? Love Flash but a 5 8 burner doesn't play outside.
  2. Well, personally I have a feeling they stay already surprised by the amount of support the Bills seems to be getting. Agreed if they move to Toronto they will lose the WNY territory support, already been thinking about how it would feel to be a full-time Browns fan....really hope it doesn't come to that. No educated opinion it just seems to be the consensus from insiders. About the teams lining up to come here it isn't farfetched. If Toronto gets taken by Bills, willin to bet the Rams go back to LA and the Jags (who WILL move in the next decade) will be eyeing the city up. Buffalo is not a fresh thing, but is a established market that can be available and be a big upgrade from Jacksonville either way. The Buffalo Jags, and now I will head to the bathroom. It is within possibility.
  3. I don't support the use of the #9 overall pick on Oline, that being said think people are forgetting in the elite linemen versus elite skill player discussion that 1 good plaer on the line doesn't make much of a difference. It's much more of a group position where you need 5 guys who work well together, have continuity and can pull there own weight, it shouldn't be (for example) Megatron vs. Okung it should be Megatron vs. Seattle's OL. The Bills need a dominating OL, not necessarily a elite RT/RG. Those positions need to be addressed but to say an elite RT(no.9) versus an average one (rd2) makes a complete difference? No, you just can't be dragging dead weight(Legursky) a full season. Gabe Jackson/Morgan Moses in the 2nd please, and trade down unless Evans/Watkins/Mack/Clowney are sitting there!
  4. I'm 50/50 as well but completely 100% on board for this year and if there is at least some progress next. Not too concerned about him being injury prone, with no tears and him aware the cause for concern I'm sure there will be more precautions and necessary weight room work. Very very lucky no serious damage. Year 2 hopefully with a full TC, he makes quicker reads and has better chemistry with SJ/Woods. Very concerned that Hackett is outmatched, wanna see more creativity with all the speed we have. Maybe some pistol plays, and more importantly screens. CJ and Goodwin being used better can really open the field up.
  5. Think my skepticism about Matthews is lately the last few "for sure" linemen have been far from being elite just average maybe above average. Eugene Monroe, Jake Long, Eben Britton, etc. Sure its just a uneducated hunch and he is one prospect I admittedly haven't focused on. O-Line is hard for me to judge, be the first to admit it especially when Manziel and Evans are on the same screen. Robinson seems to have the higher ceiling, seen a few Orlando Pace comparisons. If we were to trade up I'm betting it's him. If Matthews becomes a Bill, I'll be fan regardless though.
  6. My only question with your post is does it take into account the fact that skill players typically have shorter careers and peak more then OLine do? Not questioning the point that we would probably be better off taking a G/T in RD1, really think it's about what is there. I'm not sold on Matthews being a sure thing but if somehow someway Robinson fell I'd be screaming at the TV if the bills passed. Robinson to me is the only OL worth taking in the top 10.
  7. Would be fully on board with Cockrell in the 4th-5th, supposedly good leader and was thinking he would put Brooks on notice. At the very least another special teams guy who could be more. Know alot of people arent on board with any DB's being picked, but I fully expect a mid rounder. Gotta remember Robey might not work well in this scheme, hope I'm wrong though
  8. I'd be happy with that draft and it seems realistic that those players would be around. Really would love picking up Andrew Jackson late and have him learn behind Spikes. Only pick that seems off is Colt Lyerla probably won't be taken as high as the 4th, he's probably a 6th rd-UDFA type of guy with the problems he has had, pretty sure half the board would burn with the attitude about questionable characters. Either way good mock
  9. Isnt there talks of moving Roby to safety? 2nd rd for potential maybe, thought I happened to read a few scouting reports suggesting the change. Think the Bills are just doing their homework on a player that could drop and is probably getting eyed by Wrecks Ryan. IF and it's a big if, the Bills want a CB @9 it's Dennard or Gilbert. After watching all his games Dennard is a stud.
  10. I expect Manziel to bust, the SEC is the best conference in NCAA but the NFL is still a huge step up in terms of speed, defensive schemes and physicality. After watching most of his games, I'd be willing to say Mike Evans made him. He threw so many errant passes his way that would be pick-sixes against NFL cb's. Predict he will come into the NFL and get his face blitzed off, he won't have nearly the amount of time in the NFL to make plays as he was given at A&M. He sort of fits the Kaepernick/Wilson comparisons, but is much less physically gifted. Really think this year DCs will adapt to the read option game and shut it down. Willing to bet Bridgewater has the best rookie season by far but both Carr and Bortles have better careers. Boyd ,Murray McCarron and Stephen Morris all look like at least decent backup/projects and Connor Shaw could be okay in the right system
  11. Why does it seem like cutting SJ gets put into every thread? Do people remember when he wasn't here and It was one-route Evans and stone-hands Reed?Best WR since Moulds and every thread has at least a page of cut him, despite almost little/none legal trouble. Sorry I just don't understand, and that's not even bringing up the cap issues. Jackson has SJ's celebration problems x5, coupled with at least bad rumors relating to gang activity. I could see a 2yr contract with heavy incentives based on behavior. If it were between the two of Britt and Jackson, I'd take Jackson just because NJ and Britt's past are way to close to Buffalo and there's no reason to believe it won't follow him
  12. Maurice Jones-Drew, Tony Gonzalez and Frank Gore are probably my favorite recently. Gore is just a tough persistent player, he is a true all around running back, same with MJD. Also always been a huge Favre fan, win or lose he made games entertaining. Think anyone who spells it Farve and calls themselves a football fan needs to turn in their card......
  13. I'd take DJ just so the anti-SJ crew really realize he's not that bad and a saint compared to DJ level antics. Don't think we're out of the red with Britt yet, wouldn't surprise me if we offered 1yr/3mill with heavy incentives and just waiting for a decision
  14. I think its as simple as Watkins/Mack(miracle)/Robinson, after those three there is a big drop in talent overall and trade down would be best option. Ebron to me isn't ruled out, sure the Bills have TE's but smith only blocks and Moeaki has bad injury problems. Chandler is viable but isn't someone who changes a DC's gameplan. Moeaki could, but with those injury concerns you can't rely on him to be that guy. Evans would be there at 9, but his game speed Is very questionable. Watch him play, has power forward physicality but how will that translate against stronger, faster NFL CB's? My best guess RD1- Watkins.....trade down Ebron RD2-Gabe Jackson/Cyril Richardson G RD3-Trevor Reilly OLB RD4-Will Clarke DE RD5- Matt Patchan T (loads of talent gonna need some background digging)
  15. Why is it considered a bad thing that the Bills are picking up many former 1st rounders, who up until this point are considered busts? We aren't paying them like superstars, they are depth and possible starters. The 1st round label simply shows that they have talent that has been untapped. To me it says he has confidence in Marrone and his staff to develop these guys and that's a good thing we haven't seen lately. No I don't like Britt, guy has issues and needs to get the other side of th country to avoid his NJ friends and whatever past he's made. But I love that Whaley is at least gathering top end talent whether it's been fulfilled or not.
  16. Absolutely no way. I understand the wage scale for rookies makes it a little more understanding but it will never become common practice to take 2 in the 1st round in back to back years, its wasting the opportunity to add a potential impact making player at another skill position. Having a franchise QB is no guarantee of a SB. Yes making the playoffs would be AMAZING especially for a Bills fan. But the goal is the Super Bowl, this year the above average QB on a loaded team won, instead of Peyton Manning who could be the definition of franchise QB. Gotta build a team, especially if you want to build a dynasty and that should be the goal of the Bills. Can't rule EJ out until he gets the talent around him to have no excuse, last year untimely injuries, a bad offensive line, sub-par WR's, erratic running game and questionable play calling are more then a good enough excuse. He has to improve and we should focus on helping that until he's proved he can't.
  17. After the FA signings I'm hopping onto the Ebron bandwagon unless Watkins magically falls. Would at least challenge Chandler for starting spot immediatley, and would at the very least be a big help in the red zone. RT can be found in the mid rounds, i could see them drafting two like the Sanders and Calloway draft (with hopefully better results=P). Remember the Jets found Austin Howard as a UDFA, Bobby Massie(ARI) was a third/forth rounder and Jordan Mills from the Bears was also a mid rounder. Cyrus Kouandijo seems to be dropping from a subpar combine, 2nd/3rd round maybe? Not exactly sure where he stands atm.
  18. Oh I forgot it's not even 24 hours into Free Agency and I haven't panicked because the Bills havent made major signings! How can they and 10-20 other teams be sleeping at a time like this?! If we were competent we would have already spent 15m+ today on Pro Bowl caliber FA's! Ralph is cheap, Buddy Nix is dumb and everyone's taking a nap yada yada yada........
  19. I would've welcomed Bush last time he was a FA, but like alot of posters said under 4ypc with Chicago's improved line isn't very inspiring. Plus I would imagine he gets in the neighborhood of 1.5-2.5 million per year and why pay that when you can spend a late round pick on a RB with upside and pay him half. Btw, not sure if it's been discussed on the board, but the Bills were the first to interview Andre Williams(Boston State) at the combine and are said to apparently be interested. So I'd at least say they are open to drafting one late=) Back to good old Bush discussion.
  20. RD1 Sammy Watkins/Greg Robinson Everyone knows that you probably have 3 Qb's going in the top 5, Khalil Mack will NOT be available @ 9 especially with the great combine and most likely a hot pro day. Maybe if he put together an average performance at the combine he would slip to us but unfortunatly it's more then a pipe dream at this point. Before the Bills pick I see the 3 Qb's going off the board, Clowney, Mack and Gilbert which leaves 2 more players to come off the board. With a little luck the Bills leave Day 1 with a potential Elite WR or next seasons starting RT. Trading down if those 2 are unavailable is the best choice, picking up Lewan,Evans or Ebron in the mid-late teens RD2 Austin Sefarian-Jenkins OR Gabe Jackson Lack of interior line in FA and draft probably means we take a guard in RD2/3 and Gabe Jackson fits the mold of what Marrone seems to like in his linemen, big mauler who will immediatly upgrade the running game. ASJ could be taken as well but if a offensive skill position is taken in RD1 I think they look to wait. ASJ is the best all around TE in the draft, he blocks well and would be a great plug-n-play for the West Coast system. Antonio Gates with better blocking=). RD3 Shane Skov or Max Bullough (if good pro day) Run stuffing LB'ers. Quite a few in FA but one of these young guns will be on the board in RD3 and even in a part time role would better the Bills D. Moncrief if the Bills haven't picked a WR/TE yet though im willing to bet they will already have. Strong year for TE's and WR's. get them while they're hot. Personally if we leave with any combination of these picks I will run outside naked with a personalized Whaley bills jersey on.
  21. I just got done watching most of Darqueze Dennard's (MSU CB) games on a site I found, and I gotta say I'm impressed with him. I don't really think the Bills will look for a 1st round CB unless they perhaps trade down, but this guy is a flat out football player. 5'11 corner who is physical and sticks with his man, MSU leaves him on a island a lot of the time and he comes up big. Very good at causing fumbles, has a knack for timing hits just right and not afraid to stick his nose in run support. Very good tackler as far as corners go and flashes the ability to read plays , only weakness I see is he can get swallowed by blockers and needs to play the ball more. Played a very solid game against Stanford, spent about half of his snap in the box on blitzes and run support. Reminds me of a younger Florence who still has his speed. Don't expect the Bills to fill CB as high as he will go, but just thought I'd drop a line on him and will be watching him come combine time.
  22. The most obvious moves if Jimmy Graham or Branden Albert hit FA they are first priority. If Kevin Boothe doesn't retire, I'd offer him a 1yr deal to come across state. LG/RG and would make good vet depth regardless Jason Fox from Detroit would be worth a flyer to bring in and be a swing tackle, believe he has started a few games for them and is still young. De La Puente can play all the interior positions(I think, too lazy to ask NO fans), I'd at least call and get a price point. Greg Olsen would be a priority if Graham isn't there. Throw the house at Branden Spikes, he'd be a perfect fit next to Kiko and he gives the D more attitude and thump. Type of player no one likes unless he's on your team. Major Wright (fast, hardhitting) around 3m would be a good signing, seems like a guy Pettine could have fun moving around. Tramaine Brock would also be a player I'd look at, not sure if the Bills will really be looking at CB. The way I look at it is to use FA to set up the draft, say they sign Spikes, Fox and Olsen you have flexibility with Hairston (if he comes back) to move him to G, Fox takes swing role and you can focus BPA @9. I'd love to make G solid without taking risks, but I think the Bills have the same mentality as this yea and probably draft one in the mid rounds and add some low tier FA's. Looking at one of the top TE/WR's come draft time if we cant sign a ILB.
  23. I'm with most posters on the thought that if we trade down and Cyril Richardson is there the Bills have to take him. My dream would be trading down to a team wanting Sammy Watkins and grabbing ASJ then Cyril in whatever order. Think ASJ will drop in the draft because of teams falling in love with the size/speed combo with Ebron and Amaro, could see ASJ in the early second round. Having a good blocking TE who's also a receiving threat is also big on the O-Line's performance if they can seal the edge. I wouldn't be upset with CJ Mosley or Watkins though if the Bills were to stay put. Mosley had a pretty good game against the Sooners last night, as a run stuffing LB he looks flat out dominate, shreds blockers like a pro. Louis Nix would THRILL me if he were in the second round as well.
  24. I'd trade down to draft Austin Sefarian-Jenkins, if you stay or go up Mike Evans is what this team has needed for the longest time. Understand the people who wanna go OL in the draft but we just need a LG and some better depth. Looking at the FA list of offensive linemen there is a lot of quality ones available De La Puente, Albert, Boothe (depth) etc.
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