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What a Tuel

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Everything posted by What a Tuel

  1. But your point is that you don't want them to trade up if they are wrong, and if they can get a successful QB by not trading up then great! But the problem is that no one really knows who will be "the guy". The top 4 have been evaluated to go first for many reasons, if Beane identifies one as the guy he wants, he isn't going to want Rudolph at 22 or whenever. He is going to want X guy at X time. So once again it isn't about picking a QB, it is about picking the RIGHT QB, and Beane has a lot on his shoulders to get this right.
  2. If they got rid of kicks all together it would make the 3 and outs which are downers more exciting but the scoring would go up which would probably be bad.
  3. Can we get McDermott out there to pass the football then?
  4. AAFL or AAF. I am interested to see a new league and what it will do. Maybe it crashes and burns, maybe it doesn't. I wonder what cities they will be in.
  5. Again, those odds are still greater than all other means of finding a QB, so it makes sense to take a shot at those guys over a 4th round guy that EVERYONE missed. Again we are not trading up because they are first round picks. We are wanting to trade up because those are the QB's that have been evaluated to have the greatest chance at being successful in the NFL. And no I disagree with your theory about late round QBs. Those ones you named are the few amongst dozens that have flopped. There are tons of backups and late rounders that have been given real opportunities in this league. A lot of them flop, and a few succeed. For example: Tyrod Taylor Geno Smith Brock Osweiler Tom Savage TJ Yates Austin Davis Case Keenum Mike Glennon Colin Kaepernick Brian Hoyer Ryan Fitzpatrick I could go on, and on, and on. The odds are not better with the castoffs. Edit: I cannot believe we are actually arguing that you are more likely to find a successful QB in the 1st round than a late round / undrafted pick. I mean really guys?
  6. Would you trade 2 quality starters at any position for a quality starting QB? I mean you guys shift the goal posts here. When you talk about filling out the roster you are overly ambitious about their contributions to the team. To the point that not having these players will be a detriment to the team for years to come. When you talk about the QB, he is just "1 kid who may not work out". So how big of a detriment to the team would it be if this "kid" is successful on a high level, and we passed on him? I mean you consider the detriment of not having the hole fillers. Why would you not consider the detriment of not having a starting QB? Because I can promise you, missing on a starting QB is going to be a lot more devastating than not drafting a LB and a WR one year.
  7. There are quite a bit "fill the holes" and "trade back" people on this board, and a horde of threads with that mindset. I don't see why you think you are being persecuted.
  8. I disagree. When the Bills pick a player, the board usually gets behind that player and hope it pans out. There are usually a few crusaders, but the board tends to coalesce around Bills decisions. That may have changed when the other board closed and we got a ton of new members, but there was a ton of support for EJ after he was drafted, and there was a ton for Taylor. The more we saw them play the more we spoke out against said players.
  9. Pick 6 Overall through 2nd round has a 88% bust rate. You just decreased our odds of getting a legitimate QB by nearly half because you feel as though this team would be incomplete without 3 maybe 4 players, only 2 of which we could count on as being day 1 contributors. I surely hope Beane picks the right QB whoever it is and how ever he does it, but this talk of odds and filling holes instantly is a two way street, and you are often framing it as disproportionately easy to just fill these holes and play it by ear at QB. If Beane knows a QB he wants, he should have no qualms about moving wherever he needs to obtain that QB.
  10. We won't be higher than pick 10 after the 2018 season. I can't imagine the sick feeling I'll have if we go into 2018 with AJ and Peterman, and then look to see how we can get a QB in the 2019 draft. Ugh. Missed opportunities. Get. It. Done. Beane.
  11. Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
  12. 1st round QBs hit at a much higher rate than any of the other rounds combined, because they are evaluated to be the best prospects. So if we don't want to take that chance, then what's the plan? Wait until we get a top 3 pick naturally? Doesn't that mean losing anyway? You guys keep thinking we will run or luck into a QB at some point, but its been 18 years. Come to terms with the fact that it isn't going to happen. We need to reach out and take one, and hopefully Beane is the right GM to identify the QB that will be a success.
  13. You are largely overplaying that factor, and underplaying a player's desire to go somewhere where they will have a chance to prove their abilities to 1) get a big payout and 2) get fame and recognition. Not to mention the vast majority of NFL Cities could be called about as undesirable as Buffalo, and we don't see a consistent trend of players going to Miami, or LA. It evens out pretty well. The "club" factor in free agency is such a poor excuse.
  14. Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
  15. Isn't there some rumor Rosen doesn't want to play for the Browns? Still a hot commodity. That secretary must love telling that story though haha. "I was the reason that Jim Kelly went to the Houston Gamblers for a few years instead of the Bills"
  16. When have I ever pretended I have a system or even know which QB to pick? I have faith Beane will do the right thing, but if he passes up on trading up with this draft capital at this point in time, then he better damn well have a plan B for QB that works, and he better pray that a team like the Jets who beat him to the punch don't strike gold, because that would be a nightmare for us just departing from the Tom Brady era. Like I said from the beginning, the plan is to get it right. Beane needs to find the guy he wants and get him whether it be Rudolph or Rosen or McCarran. He just needs to make the right decision. Edit: And while I obviously know that is easier said than done, that is his job as General Manager to make these kinds of calls and be right at crucial moments.
  17. I was talking about your logic that none of these QBs are worth trading up for because no one is calling offering a multitude of picks. You don't know that they aren't being given trade offers for the first overall pick. Your argument boils down to "because no one has already traded up, then it obviously isn't worth trading up for" "If there were a consensus number 1 then the Brown's would have been flooded with trade offers for the number one overall pick."
  18. This logic defies the fact that Goff and Wentz weren't a consensus number 1 "go get em" QBs. Their teams found the guy they wanted and went out and got him. Mahomes wasn't either. Trubisky wasn't either. Watson wasn't either. And yet all 5 of those QBs had teams trading up to get them and all 5 of those teams are in arguably better positions than the Bills right now. You don't need to get the "consensus number 1 guy", you just have to get it right. Time will tell with those QBs, and some will likely not work out, but you have to try. You will be waiting a long time relying on finding a Tom Brady in the castaway pile.
  19. The point is to get it right. If you don't think our GM can get this right, then we already lost.
  20. To be fair I didn't click because I didn't want to give this kind of a story any traffic. But I get it now.
  21. Good thing we have Beane to put this small unthreatening trade out with his big shoe.
  22. We've got one thread saying it would take all of this years picks and some of next years to move up. And you've got this thread saying that the Patriots are in position to somehow "block us" from getting a QB despite having considerably less draft capital. To top it all off, trading all of their picks to "block" the bills and not even wanting a QB themselves TOTALLY sounds like something Bill Belichick would do. Get a grip guys, and don't click on the damn link practically making fun of our insecurity.
  23. How is 23, 31, and 2019 X in any way better than 12, 21, and 2019 <X? Unless we plan on surpassing the Pats this year. I'd be for that, but even then its not likely that the difference between the 2019 pick outweighs the massive difference we hold over them right now and I can't imagine any team would depend on that happening right now with Brady still playing.
  24. It has been discussed non stop for weeks though. If someone really knows the key, they should go apply for a job. Most of us just want the draft to come now and our course to be set for better or for worse.
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