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What a Tuel

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Everything posted by What a Tuel

  1. It was the damn trades at the start of free agency and then the Jets I tell you! They teased us way too early now we wait.
  2. Not assuming he is an idiot. If he couldn't get it done, he couldn't get it done. He better go to plan B then because his job is to find us a qualified QB, because his goal is to win consistently and we won't win consistently without one. If he ultimately fails then he wasn't up for the job.
  3. Wouldn't said reporter have a known rapport with a specific team to be easily figured out?
  4. Once again the Eagles and Rams both found a way to get it done with mid round picks. It confounds me that we just say "oh well, guess no one wanted to trade", especially since we lack the details to make that determination.
  5. There are quite a few Giants fans on their board saying don't take a qb if you don't value the guy thats there. Of course they would have to botch that decision for it to work out for us but their fans seem content to ride Eli out. http://boards.giants.com/forum/new-york-giants-message-boards/talk-about-giants-football/3107977-how-do-you-build-around-a-37-year-old-exactly
  6. Whatever happened to mods just merging similar threads? Like couldn't this just be seamlessly merged into the other threads? TwoBillsDrive is amazing, but I liked it better when you browsed a topic and read a conversation about it. Now it seems like I am browsing random personal thoughts.
  7. Philly was the one that gave up 2 players to Miami to move from 13 to 8 and then subsequently to 2. I agree, but I still see it as a failure of Beane not getting it done though. It stings a little bit more that it was a divisional opponent too. If we don't end up with a legitimate QB at the end of this, and the Jets start running the division, this will be remembered almost as well as the failure to trade up for Roethlisberger.
  8. Is there some history here? I never thought or knew there was a rivalry between them? Maybe the fans for sharing a stadium, but the ownerships?
  9. The Jets certainly got into the top 3 so no it wasn't impossible. I guess their message board whined harder? I love how its always impossible for the Bills to get it done, but all these other teams do it all the time. Eagles? Eh why not move up from 13th and grab Wentz. Rams? Eh why not move up from 15th and grab Goff. Now you'll say this year is different, but it really isn't. 3 of the top 4 teams in the draft weren't drafting a qb. (Browns weren't drafting 2, and Giants are borderline). If Beane liked any of the top 4 QBs he should have gotten it done. If they all flop then he will get credit for not giving away the farm for a bust, but if they are successful especially whoever the Jets pick, then its a huge black mark on his record for being stingy on a position that has haunted the Bills for close to two decades.
  10. What if Beane judges and identifies that Rosen (fill in any of the top 4) has that talent? Can he move up then? Why does it have to be move back for talent that everybody else missed?
  11. People have been saying that the last 4 times (yes 4) they have had double 1st rounders and a bunch of other picks. Potential is all they have until they hit on some of their picks. 11 1st round picks in 6 years. 7 aren't on the team anymore and 3 were drafted last year.
  12. So you think Bill Belichick has the same 7 out of 10 chance as Doug Whaley? That 7 out of 10 is the average, it does not define the odds. Is it worth moving up? If they think they know who they want then absolutely 100% yes. They need to be able to pick the right QB, that is their job. If they cannot do that, then they will end up with a mediocre team like Whaley did.
  13. The logic that we should not consider moving up to take a QB that the front office deems worthy of moving up for because they might make a mistake or miss is some god awful logic. The 7 out of 10 ratio is irrelevant because different people are making the picks. Will our front office be successful or not in picking the right QB is the question to ask. Will they decide to move up? Or will they stand pat and take the left overs? Either way, if they fail their chickens are coming home to roost.
  14. Yeah, that could be. I was thinking maybe they could have traded up to 7 and then to 3 to get the colts a little closer to where they wanted to be. Maybe they ran out of time. I just know that at this point they better have a plan or be ready to outsmart the rest of the teams with the 4th/5th QB choice. Otherwise the same people who don't want them to move up for a QB bc it costs too much will be getting their pitchforks out bc Beane failed to acquire a QB.
  15. I am thinking more the Giants, or the Colts when they had the opportunity. If they don't have a plan and now are relying on the Giants and can't get it done, then it was a very big failure to let the Jets jump ahead.
  16. Then they failed to get their guy. Everyone has a price and if they wouldn't pay that price then they better have a damn good plan for getting a QB from somewhere.
  17. When have we taken a high 1st round QB in the last 20 years? Losman was 22. Manuel was 16. Losman was our 2nd choice. The 2013 draft class was awful. So tired of this "we will it up so don't try mentality." Not trying has been proven to not work at all given the longest drought ever.
  18. A total of 3 QBs picked in rounds 4-7 have started in the Super Bowl in the last 30 years. You may like those odds, but I don't.
  19. My god, I feel like I said 5 weeks til the draft a week ago. It is still 5 weeks til the draft.
  20. I think thats part of the problem. The traffic and thread creation kind of exploded at the time of migration. We had some semblance of keeping to specific threads for things beforehand. Now it almost seems like its a free for all, but in reality it is just higher traffic posting, and creating threads. I think there needs to be a tutorial for people creating threads. That was my problem when looking at BBMB anyway from the outside, just a mass of personal thoughts as threads. Not very pretty.
  21. You said give up 12th, and 22nd to the Colts. That's two 1st rounders to get into the top 10. Then you said you'd have to give up that top ten pick to the giants. Plus you said you'd need to give the Giants 2 more 1st round picks. That is 5 1st rounders passing through our hands for 1 in return. Netting 4. Its the Sammy Watkins pick argument so let's agree to disagree. Also yes it would be more valuable to move up if we had a higher top ten pick. That is obvious. The Jets just did it with 3 2nd rounders, but you think the Giants would accept nothing less than 2 1sts, a 2nd rounder and a 3rd rounder. I mean your argument ignores all recent trends.
  22. The problem with this argument is that you leave out all of the 11th, 17th, 3rd rounders, 6th rounders that weren't successful. DXkLTuxVQAET7y2.jpg.html
  23. Let's just pin this down. You think to get to #2 the Bills need to give up: A top 10 pick, 2 additional 1st round picks, a 2nd, and 3rd this year. To get the top 10 pick you suggest it will take trading with the Colts and giving up: 12, 22, and a 2nd and 3rd. So in total you think to move up to #2 it will take giving two teams: 5 1st round picks 2 2nd round picks 2 3rd round picks I mean you just aren't in the same reality. Philly going from #8 to #2 in 2016 throws all of that in the trash.
  24. Rosen is their least favorite QB choice. However he is not a fan of the picks made by OP including Penny or Rudolph either, so this is a tough choice for him. AKA He would rather pick different players than the choices given.
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