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Everything posted by yall

  1. That's been pointed out as the likely occurrence a few times (assuming the reports of a visit are true). But he wants to dig his heels in
  2. Frankly, I don't even see the two being related. I highly doubt a guy who reportedly has two dates the same night on Valentine's Day gives a rat's ass about where Josh puts his dick. Diggs just seems to be a big baby
  3. It was known in local circles in Orchard Park long before it was ever discussed on this board.
  4. That depends entirely on who was called and how. If something did happen, I'd be surprised if a call went to 911 versus a local LEO getting a direct call and responding unofficially. If it was OP police and not the Erie County Sheriff or the NY State Police, I could easily see that being handled off the record.
  5. His IQ was tested. No word on the results of the test mind you, but he was tested nonetheless!
  6. I hope the Pats do overpay for him. Let them mess up their cap while wasting his last few good seasons catching from a lousy QB.
  7. That's my primary use case for this thread. No Twitter link, come back later....
  8. Seems to be a dude with no info who is making a big assumption based upon some vague Diggs tweet.
  9. Imagine if they were frat boys with popped collars on their Izod shirts and she was a black nurse. The same people would be outraged, but for entirely different reasons. Sadly they can't comprehend the irony of it all.
  10. Ask a native American (if you can find one) how they feel about replacement theory and whether it's real.
  11. I've taken heat for saying the same. Fantastic body, but I see prettier faces daily.
  12. I'm curious if that incredibly stupid post after mine that briefly appeared then disappeared was self edited by someone who thought twice about a bad joke or if the mods actually said "hey this is pretty racist..."?
  13. It's probably not being discussed here because aside from "Josh Allen is pretty good" it might be the one topic you'd actually get consensus on at TBD. It's an absurdly dumb idea, possibly dangerous and will only serve to continue to divide.
  14. If only you'd leave it on the floor...
  15. The Wings lot is sweet. The only major downside is that it's a decent hike to the stadium in spite of being so close. Will be worse when the new stadium is up and running. If they figured out a way to reopen the little pedestrian bridge that crossed the creek, it would probably be my go-to place to park and tailgate.
  16. I saw the photo and agree they are airsoft guns. That doesn't mean they also didn't confiscate other weapons belonging to him and not his dad. I would love to see the bazooka though.
  17. I highly doubt they're making it up. You seem to be inferring a lot from one picture. Do you know for a fact that there went other actual rifles, pistols, etc. Or are you just assuming that that picture was the only one?
  18. The doc seems to indicate that he did have actual weapons, but maybe I misread...
  19. He sounds like a nut with an unhealthy interest in mass shootings and a history of making threats that at one point got his pistol permit denied. Why people are going out of their way to make him seem like some nice kid next door is beyond me.
  20. It's one picture. It seems he had a bunch of legit firearms along with some other stuff he tried to dispose of when the heat got turned up. My advice, stay off Twitter. It's full of idiots with bad takes, as if meaningful discourse can be done with 120 chars and a gif.
  21. If you read the case document they specifically call those out as airsoft guns.
  22. I had that and more in my bedroom closet growing up. Big whoop. I doubt anyone calling it an arsenal would have been far off the mark Then again, I got commendations during military career, not court martialed for being a scumbag who shared classified info to impress my incel buddies online.
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