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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. This is what gets Me. It isn't rocket surgery, everybody knows this. Like no freaking shiest Sherlock: Watch "Mexico Beach Home Still Standing, Here’s Why" https://weather.com/storms/hurricane/video/mexico-beach-home-still-standing-heres-why?pl=pl-the-latest Yet, wait a second douchebag doctor, not everybody is a zillionaire and can spend a million dollars building a hurricane proof house that they can watch from Tennessee. They have to make hard choices... Give You the ***** $$$$$ or build their house right. Like We are supposed to be impressed? What about the common slob this "doctor" is gouging money from? I wonder what kind of doctor He is. Yeah, save your life in a hurricane and sink the money building "right" or "save Your life" and sink the money paying Your freaking medical bills so this Guy can feel special. Again... We all know what the answer is to building things that can weather storms. It isn't a mystery. Just rebuild Mexico beach all to this standard. The Good Doctor is paying. You live on a BEACH, duh! Sorry to put it bluntly Doctor, obviously You realize the world needs "cannon fodder", sacrifice zones too... Just save their lives first so You can build your multiple houses. /smh What a self-important world we live in. I wouldn't show my face, let alone give an interview. It's not like this Doctor just discovered a cure for cancer. Swallow Your pride. The world needs a little, just a wee bit more humility and way less pride. There is death and destruction all around this Doctor and He discovered "cancer" 6 years ago without telling anybody?... Give Me a break. What? Did the Doctor build the house himself? Keep it a secret? #SoSad Let's rebuild the whole beach! Sure! The Good Doctor is paying! LoL... ^^^^ This is the kind of vitriol (My post) the world needs.
  2. TIL: Bob Weir of the Grateful Dead & John Mayer were both born on October 16... Exactly 30 years apart. 1947/1977.
  3. Does stress bring on shingles? My Son had chicken pox as a one year old. He already had a bought of shingles @ 14! Supposedly, You only three boughts... And it's usually older people. The pediatrician said, it's not common, but young children do come down with it. Less painful the younger one is though.
  4. Our Baby Boomer President says: "Hello!" Oh wait, Millennials are also called: "Echo Boomers."
  5. It's NOT chocolate sprinkles. It's chocolate Jimmies. https://spoonuniversity.com/lifestyle/jimmies-vs-sprinkles-is-there-a-difference
  6. Unless Her head turns into a giant blob below Her neck: Sure, why not! A guy teen would have to be gay to say no. Not that there is anything wrong with being gay. LoL... Wow!!! That's a mighty affirmative group of emoticons!!! Yeah... That's not the only thing popping out of its socket!
  7. Not clay... I always thought it was done in clay. But impressive: https://mashable.com/2014/12/06/rudolph-the-red-nosed-reindeer-tv-special-facts/#BSo5_ry8PiqF 9. It took 24 frames to create one second of filmed animation. WOW! The ***** over, lied to them, The Misfits in the original: In the original special that aired in 1964, Rudolph, Hermey and Yukon Cornelius promise to return to visit Misfit Island, then never do so. This set fans into such a fuss that Rankin/Bass responded to their angry letters by changing the script. In 1965, the special included a short scene in which Santa and the reindeer deliver the Misfits to new homes.
  8. Get Him to join this Forum, bring Him to a tailgate.... Just have it removed and stop sweating the "sex" thing. My father had his removed @ 70. It was cancerous. He said: "He wasn't getting any anyway. Take that thing out." That was over a decade ago... He's still kicking! LoL.
  9. He he... At least I am the same person on the internet as in person. Truly wierd! I am not all catfishing You guys! Or should we say CrippleCreeking! LoL ?
  10. Sounds reasonable. "But when the blue confetti was blasted all over the restaurant’s sidewalk and cars — the manager asked the group to clean up the litter." What is so bad about this... You want confetti stuck in every nook & cranny of Your vehicle? Maybe some don't care... But no thanks... I got standards. Parking under ash trees... Small leafed tree is bad enough. Yeah... They wanted to do it inside... Right. Go outside, clean it up. The gender reveal party = the gift that keeps on giving when debris is stuck in the seals of a car's trunk so during a rainstorm, the water has no place to drain except inside the car. Autumn leaves are bad enough. Again... Standards, common courtesy are severely lacking in society. Then... People getting hyper-aggressive. Heck, just plain agressive is bad enough... Ah... Who cares? What's wrong with society?
  11. Culver's from Wisconsin to Texas is better. As Buger & Custard Chains go.
  12. The momentum didn't carry him into fans, He could have stopped. Wow... I just defended the Cheaters and their Demon Seed Fans! What better way to spend 12 bucks... Then throwing it on a Millionaire.
  13. Explains everything: They are geographically challenged. Give them a break.
  14. You need to be removed from this thread because Your bell has been rung! ?
  15. That's the problem with the world We live in now... Standards are slipping! Just a little confetti. Pretty soon it looks like a ghetto.
  16. Yeah... So somebody else can sweep up the confetti. Not odd @ all. What did they think, it was Ground Round w/the peanut shells.
  17. Why wouldn't they clean the confetti up. Making the place look like a ghetto.
  18. #AaronHernandezToo ??? Doesn't matter if scumbags abuse You, don't pass the scumbaggery on. Break the cycle. Even know it's from Will Smith and look how "brilliant" and "well adjusted" [ /smh ] His progeny turned out to be, I think this still holds true and can be revisited: "...Disrespect you and treat you badLet God deal with the things they do'Cause hate in your heart will consume you tooAlways tell the truth, say your prayers..." Meta' di mezza.
  19. Yeah, because these guys never see the light of day on the playing field!!!
  20. Red Sux first and foremost. Pats** = The Boston afterbirth. Just as dirty as the Back Bay.
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