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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. That's a nice spread. Little bit steep @ 35 bucks a head... But good selection.
  2. Don't they (Canadians) celebrate: "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald Day" coming up on November 10th first!
  3. I am going on reverse schedule. I have to start staying up @ night and sleep all day. I post at all hours, sleep at all hours. I am not on set schedule. I will now be up until tomorrow night. Don't assume... People live 24/7/365 lives.
  4. Pix or it didn't happen! I got the Millennial lingo down.
  5. I had mine years ago stolen @ Splash Lagoon in Erie, Pa. Wanted to buy something. Think a towel... The cashier said system was down. I was short on cash and didn't want ATM fee. So, they did the Debit Card by hand (clicker) and transmitted later. Total red flag. Next thing I know, checking balance and somebody is trying to debit sports memorabilia out of Pittsburgh. It hung as pending then dropped off. Called bank, called the store. Never went through. Like $500 of something. I get immediate text alerts when Debit Card is hit. Back then, it was tele-banking. It was probably @/dev/null running an early hack ring from His parents basement. Pretty easy to stop, the pending hangs for days. He forgot It was the weekend and what banker hours were. Those early tech guys... ? ?
  6. I voted being eliminated. It says: "defending." Key word. They are still the champs till new one wins. But, they aren't defending & have a dog in hunt after being eliminated. This ain't some 167 year old sailboat race. That's bad enough, rigged enough.
  7. Lowe's. It's Lowe's. I do too care about me la familia! Yet, gotta respect the hustle Boyst shows towards his civic responsibility... The moxie, elan & flair! I am serious, Society needs more guys like Him so We can watch on the 10:00 news! Take good with the bad. ?
  8. Why? Gonna pack it in Your lunch bucket? You could probably use a cool one right about now: More of "Cousin Fergy":
  9. A good citizen who cares? Is that so bad. Maybe He's got a little Barney Fife in him, Mayberry R.F.D. (Rural Free Delivery)... Is that so bad to NOT be apathetic?
  10. Legit? Is that by accident or on purpose? Yeah... Don't let these Holy Roller Trollers both You. You just keep starting legit threads and I will keep replying. It drives the crazy. Together We can wear them down. You watch Cripple Creek, He's the quiet sneaky one. I will go back for help!!! Old men hate conversation (exception: @CountryCletus he's 30 years ahead of his time) You just keep on talking! ?
  11. Yeah... Strange. I know I got pinged for $75 bucks as a test at pay at pump. AMOCO, Merrillville, Indiana. A perfect trial amount would be a $1 ping at pump... Providing they guess or figure out zipcode (easy, find where You live... They were in town.) Maybe You/Wife had gas stationn purchases deactivated. ? You can shut off pay @ pump or both I (at cashier) believe? Under "card controls" online.
  12. Crap. I was afraid to look @ thread. Thought You would say this scary scene: Spooning in a tent two miles above the Arctic Circle. Gee... Thanx for that nasty image, just like pouring vinegar in My eyes! /smh
  13. Gotta put in billing zip code. Or... I think Amex will ping account for $75+ on some pay @ pump to see if enough is available. Most ping only a buck. So what happens if You have an Amex limit and it maxed out, it won't go through. Happened to Me. Had a big purchase almost maxed card out. Wouldn't take @ pay at pump. Go inside and prepay an amount. I am just a poor Gatekeeper. I get these real life scenarios. ?
  14. This!!!!! And Barbers are old school. To a simpler time. He's done, he's done. No messing around, comeback some other time. It's what Barbers do. He's mostly a guy. They are in demand and they don't raise like they used to. Come in a little earlier next time. What do You have this thread topic already started in a "Bullet Journal?" LoL... At least You pick up the "Barber Vibe". LoL....But regressed back to the sissy mean with the bullets. BTW...My wife grew up there on Abbott a little further down. Past Thruway just before O.Par/W.Seneca. ??
  15. Happy Birthday!!! Enjoy the 3 Floyds beer!!! T-shirt won't fit You... You can give it to the original "Gumballhead": Fergy, for his belated birthday, he'll never know it has been "regifted." Just decorate it with old bottle caps. ?
  16. I have never been to Las Vegas, what's high class? How about the Lexus Club @ KeyBank Arena... The buffet pre-Sabres game is nice. Had it last night before the Calgary Game. That's our go too pregame meal.
  17. 90% chance it was a Millennial. Should have let the ding bat buy the tix. Hopefully they kept tix for self and show. Go full BoystMode when they show @ seat. Make sure You can get 16 foot 2x6 through security first. Oh, check TicketMaster and get seats right next to them. Hopefully Club Level if they have any class @ all!!!
  18. Yeah... Sounds like a cultur tug of war there. Got good product, but have to dance around the orders. I just wouldn't take call ins when busy. But such is the world now.
  19. So calling by phone you think You should jump the queue? Just show up in person stand in line. Maybe others were first? No fajita pita for you!
  20. That's all I am saying. I lean left (classic: labor, classic conservation, equal rights, etc...) Sound conservative. You are spot on. The elites don't care, they can use $$$ to escape the reality of these situations. Who cares if inadequate loss prevention drives up prices. They buy their way out of it while the working slob digs deeper into the abyss... Suffering from retail/food deserts, educational wastelands where nobody has skin in their community they serve. It's their right to buy their way out. Until the boosters come prowling around their bought sanctuaries everything is find and dandy and everybody should just get along. This is where I break strongly from My Liberal nut job base (believe it or not, they are worse than me.). FWIW, justna matter of time it happens to them.
  21. Uh... That was supposed to be there! Or... The cat must have had them. Tourists! ?
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