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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. No. I like participation trophies. I am liberal. Tyrod screwed the Bills more being lazy. Who do you go harder on the guy that you know can get As and produces Cs as a grade OR the guy that gives his best and gets Cs. Tyrod is the student that should have got As and was underachieving. Of course I don't want to see him do well with another team. Same with Peterman. But Peterman gave all he had... I feel bad for hard workers. I feel don't feel bad for lazy underachieving ones that screw the team more.
  2. Tyrod blew more close games when we were in it. Just like he did for this Browns game. Peterman all around couldn't even get out of the gate. Why hate on him?
  3. Bump @plenzmd1 You shall now bow to the mastery of "the blades of tempered steel on ice", ie: Sabres for the rest of the season! Wink wink... It's only Mid-November! Gonna be tough! ?
  4. My father still has the set of plastic cups. I drank out of them, my kids, nieces and nephews... And now my brother's grandchildren. http://modernkiddo.com/vintage-monday-goofy-grape-friends/ My contribution: Neo-Nazi Nectarine
  5. Howard enjoys good humor! Shirl, his blushing bride of 50 years still laughs at all his jokes. What has 4 wheels and flies? -A garbage truck saving old people from certain fiery death! Now that is funny and poignant! The "duality" of a man like Howard. Touching all our lives with humor and grace... And the widow on Choate in South Buffalo!
  6. Call me an idiot... So be it. Yet, this idiot knows how to thank this garbageman for his dedication and heroism. This garbageman has got more hero in him than two weekend warrior outdoorsmen, trying to catch Asian carp on a baited hook: As the fire neared, this 93-year-old knew she had to get out. Then her garbageman showed up. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/11/17/us/camp-fire-garbageman/index.html "...So she got her medicine and other vital needs together and walked out of her home in Magalia, California, hoping somebody would come by and help her. Salvation soon came in the form of a garbage truck. "I was standing there when I looked up and saw this great, big, green monster truck barreling down the street," Newsum told CNN. Around that time, Dane Ray Cummings, a Waste Management driver, had been told to cut his trash collection route short and head home as the Camp Fire neared. But he wanted to finish his route, and he had a mind to check on some houses with elderly or disabled residents..." I can picture Howard doing that! ^^^^^ We salute you Mr. Garbageman! You could teach a weekend warrior/part-time soldier and washed up wannabe Board Moderator a thing or two about being a hero! Good thing this garbage dude wasn't milking our tax dollars, company resources & man hours on drill! Howard... There's hope for these young kids in the Waste Management branch of the service! From the halls of Montezuma to the rubbish routes of Northern Cali. This was your finest hour! Saving old people one at a time!
  7. Bingo! In a game they are playing for free or of course getting some BS worthless degree from school gratis. Then... Will guilt him onto field and blow millions. Thanks, have a nice life the school will say.
  8. Bad wording on my part. Bears game finished. Went to Browns game. That went over, but they cut it. Missed OT I think. I was pissed! Why tease me? On the hour, message came on, not obligated to show rest... They cut to other programming.
  9. Do you blame him... He's not making bank. Why should he play and threaten that knee worse than some non-contact reps out there? Maybe he was only cleared for non-contact.
  10. Not all the time. Was just watching a game they cut to after the local market, Bears, finished early. I forget which game. That game ran over. The cut it. I think it was the Tyrod Taylor blowing the OT game in week #1??? I forgot now. By the way... I was pissed not catching Tyrod crap the bed!!!!!
  11. Yeah. In the NFL. He ain't getting paid in college. Milk it for all it's worth. You know the school is. Honor is dead.
  12. Okay. I am in. Don't sue me if this holy matrimony doesn't last. I told you so. Full speed ahead captain! LoL... We need a wing men here that will cut right to the chase! x2 thumbsup!
  13. Which CC... Or both? They are both "wonder twins."
  14. @\GoBillsInDallas/ * You evil, evil, nasty man!!!!! *Oh, slick of you putting that \ / bracketing around your screen name! X2 thumbs up!
  15. Hey Howard, go easy on the young weekend warrior...He's has a lot of high-energy even if he is dreaming of the fight fast asleep at the traffic light. We need kids like that. The kid is probably drilling right now in order to save us all from the Honduran Hoard ready to storm our Southern border. It's tricky learning how to pass out hot lunches and blankets to the tired and huddled masses. We all can't be having macho fun shooting Aye-rab terrorists and stringing concertina wire. No disrespect, but you and Shirl think about that next time you see the Taco Bell on Abbott near McKinley. The brave warrior Cletus is a little rough around the edges, but he went through a lot. Snitches don't get stitches where he comes from. They get hunting in the hills with cousin Jeb for a week at deer camp. And that ain't ringing the back door twice on the Postal Route down South Park... If you know what I mean. We can all get along... Plenty of room for heroes, fruitcake, blankets and carp. No need for inter-service bickering. Thank you for your service. You're a brave servant just like the kid. You both paid your dues serving the helpless citizenry. We did. @ the first two tailgates. It was called the TBDHOT (LAC Game) and TBDSHOT (TennTitans Game). We were fed road-kill chili and I passed out hero GateKeeper tee-shirts. Howard and Shirl, can catch one of those new-fangled Uber things and come right down Abbott to the tailgate... If I am there I will hook Howard & Shirl up with some hero swag. Wow... You're such a crippled creek for dissing one of our brave few. PTSD (Howard: that's what they call shell shock now) is real you know. Years of delivering mail, fending off pit bulls and lonely housewives after ringing the back door twice takes a toll on a service man. And also... Hey wise-guy... Howard should probably let you know that his supervisor @ the Caz Branch counted his steps when Howard delivered porno mags and petroleum jelly to people like your candy azz... Every part of Howard's work day was planned and measured to achieve maxium efficiency and prompt service. AzzClowns like probably don't Trust the Process©. What do you think our brave servicemen & women in the USPS & USACE are doing every day? Full of reservists passing out blankets and hot soup to citizens after a large scale dam failure and flood. Playboy® mags and Vaseline® have to get through snow and ice too. Without the barges of road salt getting locked through... Pfffffttttt, forget that... /end_game when that dam breaks... Then we are right back to brave soldiers, far from their family & friends, passing out blankets and soup. Howard... You're old and wise... Don't get sucked into battles with creeps like @Cripple Creek and stressed out heroes like that @CountryCletus kid. I thank You all except that "Stolen Lock & Dam Operator Valor" guy @Cripple Creek ... And he calls himself a Gatekeeper! He wouldn't know the difference between an Asian carp and an American shad even if it could physically come right up and bite at his baited hook.
  16. We like to call him: Neck Tattoo© © @4merper4mer Nice! Risto take flak... But He's got a cool dispo... This...
  17. "Pretty women out walking with gorillas down my street..." Is that the Carolina Mountain Gorilla or the Californian Mountain Gorilla. You know they are very similar since the enjoy the same topography. Except one has a Southern drawl. The other has less hair on its chest too.
  18. He's EDIT: was still alive. Thought he died 30 years ago.
  19. Yeah. He needs to be mocked. My point is that it's just not a livable area. Don't build there. That's the real problem. To many people, too much development in areas not intended as a human habitat. That's managing the forests too.
  20. What? Trees don't grow so they don't need to clear cut. If people live in a forest, probably best they chopped the trees down around their home every once in a while. You know manage it... Because if they don't, Mutha Nature will do it for them. Good thing, bright side. Don't have to worry about forest fires in the burn zone now for about 30 years. Keep on building. Get a new house in 30 years.
  21. Revisting... This, what about slate roofs, anchored of course. ??
  22. Wow! Read this: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna936336 "If the Utility's equipment is determined to be the cause, the Utility could be subject to significant liability in excess of insurance coverage," the company said in document filed with the SEC, which was obtained by CNBC."
  23. Yep! Running backs are ground up, spit out and done by 32. A male athlete is in their prime @ 29. If this is successful. It will be the way other star RBs negotiate.
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