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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. It's not so much how some use it... It's the message that it sends to the young ones. That You need chemicals to relax? Not passing judgement, but you can see why parenting, education has gone downhill into the wasteland that exists. The soul crushing world and the chemically induced state... Adds to the malaise. Maybe You aren't at ground zero, maybe You were, maybe You escaped... But it's a factor, especially in places that have poor working class. Trying not to be a buzzkill. I don't agree with prohibition either... But what the world, and especially children need is structure. High or drunk parents, etc... "Blowing off steam" from the soul crushing world is simply NOT the cop out message the Young ones need to see. The "little tape recorders" are always in record. I understand the need to relax, I am not a stick in the mud... Yet, the dangers are very real and the results are showing. At least from what I see. Give it time. I cringe at being this conservative... But that's the structure Youth should see. Sorry for going deep. Does Canada even begin to have 1/50 of the inner city problems we do in The US? What usually fuels this? Dependency, which then causes employment issues or employment issues causing dependency. They fuel each other. Sure they can... They are usually wrong choices. Why temperance took off so much in the 18th & 19th century... Production also dropped.
  2. Yeah... Society as a whole benefitted. Yet, the Military managing soldiers that didn't want to be there set off a whole 'nother set of issues.
  3. Yeah. I guess some air is mind altering. ? Also: I hope You are breathing when You are sleeping. ? I am not anti-weed. I am just anti-idiot doing weed. Which is probably like 98% of the people. I am also anti-malaise, which will surely set in.
  4. He sure does!!! Look how people get dependant on anything. They need their morning coffee, the need their "whatever." That's what I meant. Somebody is always looking for a crutch, excuse, etc... To "relax." Why earlier attempts with prohibition never worked, especially the common masses. Everybody has an ailment, everybody wants to escape. It's called life. Modern societal "systems" cost $$$$$$. Somebody has to power the road to Shambala, it doesn't pay itself.
  5. My Brother just got back from Portugal. Said it was nice. That's the closest I know. Oh... And My Kid's orthodontist was in the Air Force in the Azores. Sorry, can't help. LoL...
  6. Then I texted him ^^^^ to press the "big round button" on His computer till "lights came on." All is well, remain calm. I think 26 was behind Shady's "cyber attack." ?
  7. Same here! Yet, interacting with people is getting worse. It seems to be. One kinda just prays bad luck strikes someone else.
  8. Yep! And God knows they ain't gonna build it all up again like that Doctor's house. Yeah, we all just got gobs of $$$$ to build two residences.
  9. Probably does. Who knows. We are moving towards a dystopian society anyway. I mean people willfully break the law, run red lights, etc... Now... So who really cares?
  10. I don't really drink. I respect people's right to do both. Yet... With stuff like this comes dependency. That's all I am worried about. It's the historical reasoning behind temperance. The lowering of societal standards. Yet... The masses do have to be placated. Look @ how prohibition was first disastrous in Canada & then the US. Prohibition is not the answer either.
  11. Yep! Sorry for making You look bad Levi! LoL Last paragraph is exactly what I was angling at! Thanx.
  12. Yeah... Pot waffs (is that a word) through apartment buildings. 10x worse than tobacco.
  13. Maybe. Having children @ 24 years old is not ideal? My Mother already had 3 by then. By 30, four of us. Yet... I was 30/34 when My Children were born. There is a part of Me that does say... We treat Children like adults way too late. My nephew is 30 years old and My 54 year old brother defends (His bad behavior: drinking & getting high) that He is still a "kid." We need to go back to a time when being a adult revered. Now being a kid is revered. Nobody wants to grow.
  14. Explain a little more... I think I am catching Your drift.
  15. It's 70-80% coaching. IMO. Talent brings it down... But still over half coaching. These players are only on ice more minute bursts if that. Look what the change from Denis Savard to Coach did for Blackhawks. IMO...
  16. If ever around a Culver's, try them. Chain is expanding.
  17. Yep! It totally freaked Me out when we visited... Had a big ass rented 4x4 too. Thought it was Me being a nervous Flatlander.
  18. "She bathes me in sweetness I cannot reveal For sharing dreams I need my woman This humble expression meagerly dressed My eyes so mean it has no meaning But jealous night and all her secret chords I must be deaf on the telephone I need my love to translate..." Now You are here! The "cycle" never ends! LoL...
  19. Stoners unite! Just what we need, more escapism and recreation. /smh (NOT that I am against it... Just more anti-artificial crutch thing, anti-dependency)
  20. Wow! Interesting. I never got the Rubella (German measles) vaccine because of my juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. AND THAT was back in 1970!
  21. Gay. Mustangs are gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that. It's just the crowd that rallies around them. Too Cultish for My blood. Gotta a 'Stang Motohead co-worker, bit Younger, almost 40... He's a Cubs fan too. There, that answers You question. LoL... "Harley" rider too.
  22. I know. I had bad ChixPox young. Going on 50s... I don't think I had a bout yet!
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