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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. You got lucky. Outlier. Or... Very good at self-regulation. Not many good @ that. Also came of age, educated during the dawning of the new tech. That helps? Lung cancer ever worry you? Smoking that is. Joint cough? @ShadyBillsFan: Not directed @ You. The above post that is.
  2. Yet... People will crucify for texting and driving. Stoned? They can blame the drug, scapegoat they got impaired. Sad... People need crutches gave "recreational" activity. Again, not against it all. Just too gratuitous, pot, that is. Like alcohol and sports, people feel part of a group.
  3. It's not always the same as a glass of wine. It is for the elites. I view as a personal weakness... Pot that is. Not to say I have never partaken. I view tobacco as the same. I don't view alcohol, there is some nutritional value. Now edibles I could come around to. But, then again, you are medicating food. Why? Are people really that stressed out. Recreational now? I can see medical purposes. Pain, glaucoma, etc... I find it shallow for recreational purposes more so than alcohol. Maybe it's that alcoholism that I have been exposed to. I am NOT a teetotaler or will I be a Weedtotaler. People will invariably go over board and culture will have to shift back.
  4. Again. $$$$$ escaped the drawbacks? Would You agree with this? Being well compensated, some would say too over-compensated has to be a factor. The Guy that wrecks his body for pennies would tend to abuse the drug more? Say struggling to pay bills, escapes a little deeper with even more people in her sphere exposed to an unsafe action. How do You differentiate between the two. Who do You test if You test at all. Frankly, I don't want my cabbie or my oncologist needing to be self-medicated. But that's just me. Oh, I get it. Yet, the world needs order. Chaos doesn't work.
  5. Great. Another, my grandfather lived to 99 while smoking cigars, and eating a pound of bacon and 1/5 of whiskey every day. I get. People want it. I am for giving it to them. I will vote with You Guys... Just be there when the consequences hit the fan as I will be there to eat crow if they don't. And God knows, I hope I eat crow! I get the pulse of the people. The older generation, Silent Generation is almost all dead. That's who I was raised by. I am neither of a Boomer or Millennial (Am Xer). Go Figure. Yeah... She give herself enough time to wake properly and get mind right? Glad She makes big bucks because that's probably the "escape velocity."
  6. I know it can't vanish. I don't want it to. I drink... I was ROY @ Tailgate Flip Cup.
  7. I understand your point. I am for trying, but let's be real here. Guns are a right. Legal pot does change its impact on society. Crutches that turn in wheelchairs. Agree to disagree. Discourage it. Yet look the other way within reason. Don't encourage it. The danger zone here as with other substances is around 30 years old and below. How the hell do You keep it out of those hands, You don't. The goal is to discourage, not encourage. Society still needs structure.
  8. No. They are operating... Just as if they were a machine operator. Now, you want operators with drama issues? Needing to be chemically relaxed... Pandora's Box. Same with teachers. They take their work home more. Now, we will have educators working while under the influence. Not exaggerating. Not at all. Welcome to brave new world. Look... I am a liberal, I get it. If the masses want it, give it to them.
  9. Great! Malpractice insurance providers would love to know Her name! No. Not at all! Look at damage they cause legally. Legalization is no silver bullet.
  10. They sure are... Distorted. Many of them are grading tests @ home while sipping the merlot miles away in some far off town. Now... I don't know what's better, a Stoner 20 something English teacher grading My daughter's essay while high or not. You be the judge. She is My daughter. ? Probably better high. Okay, "just chilling."
  11. Nooooo... Come visit Me in a Metropolitan area that has 10 million. You wanna see Sh *tholes affected by reefer madness, alcohol, guns, and tobacco. I can show You some real beauts.
  12. We simply don't know it won't spin off axis. Have You looked out Your window at all the problems recently. Let's wait till it goes mainstream. I mean Hammersticks is saying all the teachers are high. Yeah, that's a real shock. Check out the educational wasteland and all the lazy educators carpetbagging for the best pay around. The warts are starting to show.
  13. Fanta is "Nazi Coca-Cola." "The Fanta drink originated as a cola substitute in Nazi Germany under a World War II trade embargo for Coca-Cola ingredients in 1940." So in other words I drink Nazi Pop and wear Third Reich shoes... While watching My Mitsubishi 80" strafe and dive-bomb Pearl Harbor? Kinda like the two old Greek Guys in My Town. Both owned restaurants. Harry & George. Harry had better soup!
  14. Wow! Tobacco is substance abuse. Overeating is too. Okay maybe overeating. Just like putting a slow gun to Your head. We simply don't know. It's not that prevalant and mainstream yet as is alcohol. Also driving too slow is just as, if not more dangerous. WRT driving under the influence. Indecision kills from a safety standpoint, and others around You. What will be the threshold hold for driving and operating machinery? What will be the in the field measuring device, systems for determining impairment? What about accidental ingestion through edibles? Lacing of food?
  15. And... How many gun deaths are directly caused by substance abuse! There is a direct link.
  16. It's a lot more grayer than that and nuanced. And He's forgetting the impact booze was on the masses during the industrial revolution. Promo needs to go way back, even read about Prohibition in Canada during the 19th Century. People become physically dependant on booze. All are different. Some will go through DTs, others handle it different.
  17. And they all come together under a common identity. Forget about America. LoL...
  18. Yeah... But the heavy handed reefer prohibition was a thing of the past, since the 1960s. There was slooooow decriminalization. No "Untouchables"... The gears are slowly moving. Because Portugal is small. Sure... I want to live in say Denmark too! I would gladly pay 50% tax rate. It's the difference between having an only child vs. 20 children. That's why nobody copied it!
  19. Exactamundo! I mean w/alcohol they advise the brain is not fully developed until 26. I know laugh as You may, but same habits are instilled when drinking below that age. Look how well booze turned out. Once again... It's the selfish generation, Boomers and their echo mouthpieces Millennials that see absolutely no harm. Be very careful what We wish for. We live in the land of unintended consequences! What could possibly go wrong! PS: Notice who controls the voting block now? They got their moment in the sun, with the control... The Counter Culture wanted 50 years ago.
  20. I was implying: unleashing legal weed. Sorry for the confusion.
  21. Yep! They will have to regulate the hell out of it! Then people will still be crying. "Ooooo Big Gov'ts got its meathooks in My Chronic!"
  22. ^^^^^They pulled this video from the front page. Made a new one... Made a new video, gave it a more somber tone and started to address cost! Claiming 15-20% more in costs? On say a pedestrian 300k stucture... That would be $60k more... I am claiming BS! I am no expert on this... But would ballpark, 25% to 50% more! Then the VERY expensive upkeep and maintenance? Here is the the VERY toned down, somber video: https://weather.com/storms/hurricane/video/homeowner-explains-how-mexico-beach-home-withstood-the-big-one?pl=pl-the-latest They must of caught flak for the first one! I am still claiming, *cough *COUGH BS on the premium cost, cost overruns, maintenance and upkeep, replacement costs, etc... My response:
  23. I am not so sure about that! Look again. It begins to fall before they brake. It may have crushed them going full speed. They ended up fine as it is. Vehicle, not so much. It may have landed on the cabin and crushed them. As of now, they got middle outcome. Not the best (vehicle fine), not the worst (death)
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