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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Same here. Except the part about the wife shooting off the back porch. She grew up in Lackawanna off of Abbott. First time visiting Our Son at camp, she met Him @ the range. I had to calm Her down that it wasn't just a free for all on the shooting range! LoL... Far Left Libs!
  2. The Pats* stole 5, are they Champions: EDIT: Throw Nick Foles on thumb...
  3. Whoop whoop... Be very still, I think the black ops media helos are circling... Shhh... Hear that rotor pitch? Run! MDS: Media Derangement Syndrome Boyst has got it bad! @ its finest... ?
  4. In US we have The WWF. How Massively Sad©. Brazil could teach us a thing or too about entertainment! BMAGA!
  5. Yet, isn't Your world view skewed (no offense) being a corrections LEO? Just saying... You are seeing things on "steroids." I simply don't worry about "bad guys" and I live and work in very rough, diverse areas. Yet, I am isolated. I am not on constant edge because I have to deal with the scum of the earth in my vocational/occupational life. Again, I mean no offense by saying this. Do You think Your professional life alters the a world view on this?
  6. So You want the wild west. When do we check the guns. In the wild west, it was mandatory to check the gun when one entered the saloon. Guess what, that "saloon" is everything in open society today. Booze makes people go crazy right? What's "checking" the crazy people. Are we locking them away like we used to, or are they on the streets... Ie: "The Saloon?" I mean I agree with you, in a rational world everybody could own guns. But we don't live in a rational world, irrationality exists. That irrationality spoils it for all the rational. I mean come on! We see it happening. You want check points everywhere in society so just a few people don't have to give up their guns because "their way of life" is centered on them. I guess so, because that "way of life" is a right.
  7. I agree they don't qualify as moons. But many above your pay grade still qualify them as "moons." Of course you've noticed the " " marks. But when has that ever stopped you before? /smh
  8. No. That's just how gun control works withIN a country. We have open borders between states. Not saying I agree with it tight control. Let's be real. How can You have one place with super tight controls and right next to it, lesser controls... You think people are going to pay attention to laws when in that jurisdiction that has tight controls there exists a "vacuum." Criminality will flourish, not because of either, but because of both opposing gun laws. Chicago is a classic example because there is no buffer zone with the wildly diverging laws so close. Put two and two together. Just like anything else illegal. Like fireworks. You have less of anything illegal when it's imbedded far away from where it is illegal or there are closed borders. Not saying illegal arms don't get to Canada, but there is a mechanism in place to stop the transportation. Where is that mechanism with tough gun control places via interstate? Even with some radically diverse intrAstate cultures. The suburbs are usally that check against urban criminality and rural rights. Just saying, it's all or not when dealing with these issues. We can blame the gun control just as much as the lack of gun control.
  9. The rich people are the players. How did the League make ends meet 40 years ago? Oh yeah... My tickets behind the Sabres bench were 20 bucks!!!
  10. For gun control to work it has to have no borders. Can't have strict gun control in Chicago and then in 3 minutes get out of town in suburbs or go from Chicago to Hammond, Indiana. Gun control is brought down by the jurisdiction(s) that is most lax. It has to be all or nothing.
  11. The yellow, blue or whatever line at base of boards I think exists because of TV. It's so the viewer can differentiate between ice and boards... For the players too. See the puck. On another note. They should get rid of advertising on boards. Go back to the clean old days.
  12. Oh Stewardess! I speak Boyst! He said: "Move along people, nothing to see here, everything is fine, who cares, don't expect me to interrupt my fine existence." In other words:
  13. https://pickle.nine.com.au/2018/11/08/12/55/earth-has-two-extra-moons-made-of-dust-astronomers-say
  14. I am playing "Adventure." Is this new game, that this thread is about, better? I am having a hard time getting the black key away from the pesky bat. Any advice? And how do I beat the Red Dragon. He's really a P.I.T.A! Here I am in his stomach for the 29th time! Dang it! I'd really wish they'd make these games easier! I think I need a YouTube walk-thru.
  15. +1. You win The Internet for the 23rd hour on the 7th of November, 2018. You Gary... You just shot a volley over GBiD's bow. I expect GBiD to bring his "A-Game" and top you here!
  16. BFLo: (17) NYJ: (24) Bills win because they have higher score! And You thought Bills offense sucked!
  17. EDIT: Greybeard it happed here. My bad, between Sauk Trail & Steger Road. https://www.google.com/maps/place/IL-394,+Sauk+Village,+IL+60411/@41.484039,-87.577424,16z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x880e1dd29d022297:0xcd758ba747c705b8 When I got to light at gas station on Steger Road... The young Lady in car ahead of me was visibly shaken and calling police! I turned west, onto Steger Road. She was in right lane going south towards Crete, Illinois. I rolled down window and said: "Did You see that!" She was shaking and calling on phone. Was about 12:30 am. Just going home from work.
  18. It's because females can become pregnant. I guess in old days, that was a burden on society. A bastar d child, illegitimate, no means of legit support. Conversely in a male dominated, structured society, women if married, may have still messed around... But could hide a pregnancy within their marriage.
  19. It was a divided highway. Two lanes each way... 55mph... Lights at both ends. Big medium in middle... Grass. I was going south towards light, just passed the north light. They must have made turn north at light on wrong side of medium. It has those "wrong way" signs at light. Right here: https://www.google.com/maps/place/1400+E+Steger+Rd,+Crete,+IL+60417/@41.4705764,-87.5776217,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x880e1db339066877:0x5f8d236336cd091b But I was on IL-394 going south, they were going north, wrong way on my side of medium, in what was my left lane. I would have been toast! Spam in a can! Switch to satellite mode to see geography. Yet. They are following the law. They do have a right. If You weren't speeding, you wouldn't catch them to be irritated.
  20. Always drive in right lane, except to pass. It kept me alive. A few years back... A wrong way driver wizzed past be in the left lane. If I was in that left lane, I would have been dead. Always get over to left. Unless traffic is full. No reason to in left when right is clear. Just as signs day on some Interstates like the NYS Thurway. "Stay in right lane except to pass." I mean... That car wizzing by me, I didn't even see it coming. I got to the next light The young Lady in car ahead of me looked like she saw a ghost! Oh... The wrong way driver was to his right! You get the drift of my argument about everybody staying right. It's a safety thing! Dumb! Just run the red light like they do here. The Portuguese aren't too bright. Already breaking one law, what's another.
  21. It's not water. And to All, thanks for the compliment on the early model Toyota Tundra. Going Toyota was a@BringBackFergy recommendation. He says they are great. Someday when that no good lazy azz @Gugny goes & gets a real job, we'll be able to afford a late model Tundra like Fergy has! Your comment didn't go unnoticed @mead107 The honeymoon in Abu Dhabi was great! Except I don't process meerkat. I will only field dress those buggers. If we ever catch that pesky critter, we'd send him off for processing to @CountryCletus Thank the hunters @ the next tailgate when you sample that bang up chili. Oh... Meerkat goes great with a nice American IPA. You like IPA, right?
  22. I think it's cost prohibitive... The way the game is played today. I am not saying that is a thing in placed like Canada, where the infrastructure (rinks, etc...) have been in place for long time. Anyway... It's a very expensive game for youths, getting rink time, etc... It's a skill the average person doesn't acquire, skating that is. SO, if you don't skate, have ever played... You show no interest, well most don't. Now factor in the $$$$. The safety and equipment that is mandatory nowadays... And you have a niche game. Soccer... A foot and a ball. Basically the same orther games. Baseball, is getting there with cost. Yet, like hockey in Canada, the baseball infrastructure is here in the US. Soccer is absolute worst. Snooze-fest. To watch a 0-0 game. Maybe we will catch somebody scoring 3 games from now. But it's cheap... 3rd World loves that and the drone Europeans. Maybe they come out for the tailgate... Oh wait, party to kill their boring existence with 90 minutes of filler. But... It's a set 90 minutes. LoL..
  23. Of course they will say that. Uber is a side job. They will can a driver, who's going to be heart broken? The CEO wants people to take Uber, they'd side with customer... Instead of just saying: "Show some individual responsibility and keep your trap shut on sensitive topics." What's new in America. Yet... They want "ethics." One can make more $$$$ selling dirt to TMZ than driving for Uber.
  24. Can't have your cake and eat it too. As a customer, you are not dealing with a few companies that set uniform policy. As a customer, you are dealing with individuals from all walks of life, the world, etc... The driver broke no laws. Who are you to judge what is right? Agree to disagree. Good luck trying to convince decentralized, loosely regulated ride-sharing providers are all going to be on the same page ethically. It's just easier for the customer to keep their mouth shut. I set the rules for what happens in my vehicle outside obviously breaking of any laws. I should have a right to film them and record audio just like other businesses do. I am protecting my asset (vehicle) and life. What I do with that info is my business. Unless you want government more involved with ride sharing, be careful what You wish for.
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