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Everything posted by Richmond_Bills

  1. Friday Night Lights in now only on DirecTV. The new season is 4 episodes in. A few changes, but for the most part still a good show. A bit more risque now that it is on a "cable" channel.
  2. Hey Guys/Gals, Lived in Rochester until the beginning of 10th grade. Moved to VA. I'm looking to get my hands on old yearbooks 1987-1990 or just 1990 if thats all I could get. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks...
  3. Joe - why don't you try to find a Title Company that bundles their services. For example when I bought my first house, I did my closing through Lawyers Title (a subsidiary of a National Title Insurance U/W) and basically they bundled all of the services for one price. I think broken down, the actual "attorney fee" was something like $125.
  4. Newman, I have been preaching this message for a couple of years. I have turned several folks on to these and I have made many believers. This maybe the most underused "life-improvement" product on the market. You feel "shower fresh" after every dump. If I get low on them I start to panic. Folks - listen to what my boy Newman is saying. Try out the Scott's or the Cottonelle's and you too will become a believer.
  5. Have you ever thought about reffing football/basketball/volleyball? All excellent sources of 2nd income. I umpire softball in the summertime and last winter I hooked up with our county and opened/closed gyms up for basketball a couple nights a week and on Saturdays. All total, I made about an extra $5k for the year.
  6. Gruhl was the man. He still lives in town and is active coaching his boy's hockey teams, etc. His oldest son just won a state high school baseball championship with James River High School. There was a poor attempt at a "Legends of Richmond Hockey" game last seaon and Gruhl was the marquee player scoring about 6 or 7 goals...
  7. I'll answer for the Pooj. The big brown turd is still there. They changed out all of the seats in a $7mm remodel about 5 years ago. They built a club about as big as my back yard shed and they added a new scoreboard. As they say "you can put purfume on a turd, but its still a turd". Now as for the Renegades - I don't know how much you know about the history of the team, but Allan Harvie was the original owner, sold them after three years and the club had up and down seasons for a number of years. In about 2003, the original Renegades folded and the Richmond Riverdogs of the UHL (formerly CHL, currently IHL) were formed (coached by NHL great Rod Langway). This team lasted for 3 seasons as poor ownership ran them into the ground. We are now embarking on the 3rd season of the "new" Renegades once again owned by Allan Harvie. Former Renegade/Riverdog connections include Head Coach Brian Goudie (John Brophy was the first year coach) and D-man of the year Dan Vandermeer. It is lower level minor league hockey (equivalent of "A" baseball). But it is still a heckuva lot of fun and at $300 for season tix my son and I don't miss a game.
  8. The "Portuguese Sausages". After all I am Potuguese...
  9. People use the terms "separation" and "dislocation" interchangeably, so I'm not sure if my situation was the same. I was a chronic dislocator (my shoulder popped out of joint about 30 times before I had surgery). Per the web: A shoulder dislocation is an injury that occurs when the top of the arm bone loses contact with the shoulder blade. This injury is often confused with a shoulder separation, but these are two very different injuries! A shoulder separation is an injury to ligament between the shoulder blade and collar bone. It is important to distinguish between these two problems because the issues with management and treatment are different. Now - if my arm would get jammed, my shoulder would dislocate with the result being my ball joint, next to the socket. To put it back in place, the doctor would have to tug on my arm. Both being out of joint and putting it back was painful as hell!!! Also - if it was a dislocation, it is more than likely to happen again as the ligaments that wrap the joint are loose. I eventually had surgery and NINE MONTHS OF REHAB. While I lost some mobility I played softball for a number of years, continue to play golf, etc. Oh and for the record - the last time mine ever popped out - I was diving for a softball .
  10. Ok - it's been a long day, but this is what the problem was: My battery was dead - which is not surprising as it turns out it was the original battery. But thats not the end of the story. My mechanic said that after he put the battery in, he still could not get the car to run. So, he put it on the computer and the code came up for the Mass Air Flow Sensor. So - being as I had no other choice, I had him fix it. The million $$ question to him - was Jiffy Lube responsible? The answer - there is no way to tell. While that sensor is located right next to the battery compartment, he couldn't see any evidence of negligence. So - the short answer - I don't think I have a claim situation. To take it a step further, I had a conversation with an EXTREMELY rude CS rep from Jiffy Lube in Raleigh. I told him straight up "I'm not asking for you to pay for my repairs - just give me a free oil change for my inconvenience. After all my car ran when I brought it in. And 3 hours later after the whole ordeal, I was watching it being towed away". Continuing to be an a-hole, the guy abruptly told me to fax my repair bill and he would make a determination. I told him fine. I'm going to place a call to his boss tomorrow only to tell him I didn't like how the guy talked to me. I did talk to the local DM of the Richmond JL's and he told me that if I didn't get what I wanted from the CS team, he would take care of my next oil change. Moral of the Story - JL is probably ok for oil changes, but don't let them do anything else. Thanks for all the conversation on the topic...Jim
  11. Thanks for all the info guys. I had AAA tow the car to my mechanic and he'll check it out first thing tomorrow. From what everyone is saying, I'm sure that the idiot that cleaned my battery exacerbated the already weakening battery. Its a 2003 Ford Escape and I don't believe I've ever replaced the battery. I'm just glad its not something major (hopefully). I'll post tomorrow to let you know what it was.
  12. So I'm planning on a fun day with my 2 sons. Oil change, lunch a couple of other errands. I go to a national oil change company we'll call "Spiffy Pube" and get the oil changed. Been there 100 times with multiple vehicles. I have them change the oil, avoid the dreaded "need a new air filter" by telling them I just changed it. But the guy does come in and say "your battery is very corroted, we can clean it for $6". I went and inspected, it was nasty, so I said sure. I pay the invoice, load the boys up, start the car and pull out of the lot. I get about 100 feet, the car goes "click, click, click" and dies. So the guys push it back, check it out and can't find anything. The car starts fine. We take a few laps around the adjacent parking lot and no problems. So we pull away, get to the main drag "click, click, click" dies. Luckily I coasted into a parking lot, called the tools at the shop and they came and pushed it back again. They get it back and now it will "start" but it wont stay running. They screw around some more call the district manager from another location and by the time they finish, it wont start only click, click, click and all of the guages go back and forth. They inform me that this is all they can do with it and I can send it to their mechanic at their cost (to deliver) and if the oil change procedure caused it then they will pick it up. If not, its my dime. Or I can arrange to send it to a mechanic of my choosing (at my cost) and if he determines its their fault we'll have to file a claim, etc. Now - I really don't believe that the oil change is the culprit rather the battery cleaning. I realize it could also be something totally conicidental. I just want to ask you experts out their of your opinion. Please don't tell me "you should change your own oil, etc." I don't have the time, inclination or know how. I just want to go somewhere and get it done. Thanks...Jim
  13. The Outsiders: Patrick Swayze Rob Lowe Emilio Estevez Tom Cruise Ralph Macchio C. Thomas Howell Matt Dillon Others I'm sure I'm forgetting.
  14. The Outsiders: Patrick Swayze Rob Lowe Emilio Estevez Tom Cruise Ralph Macchio C. Thomas Howell Matt Dillon Others I'm sure I'm forgetting.
  15. We will be heading north for my nephew's high school graduation (Brockport H.S.) in June. We are going to spend a few days in Buffalo visiting family and then heading to Rochester. On the way in, we are currently planning on stopping in Salamanca and spending the night at the Casino. I'm looking for reviews/experiences/limits/comps, etc. I typically stick to table games and my wife does some slots but plays the tables as well. Thanks in advance.
  16. I used to travel to San Juan on business a lot. I either stayed in the Condado area or at the El San Juan (very famous hotel) in Isla Verde. Both have casino's, but I preferred Condado - more to walk to, etc. If you stay in SJ - you MUST go to a restaurant called Bottles. I will have to ask one of my co-workers the name of the area where it is, but it is a MUST. P.M. me if you want more info.
  17. 1. Richmond Bills (got my seats late, so I'll be upper level ghetto style in sec 422)
  18. the wife and i watch it faithfully. have not watched last night's episode (have it tivo'd), but the wife says i'll be impressed.
  19. thinking about staying there in Sept with Dad and Brothers. Any comments appreciated.
  20. I will never be able to fall asleep tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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