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Everything posted by Richmond_Bills

  1. When I saw this thread, I immediately thought of this movie. Like you I was very young and to this day, I don't watch movies/television that make me sad. I hate shows like Intervention, etc. I guess being a kid and seeing another kid so distraught was powerful.
  2. My youngest son just made baseball allstars. They played this version of the SSB over the PA system before the first game and seeing him standing there on the third base line with his red, white and blue uniform with his name on the back, hat over heart made me cry.
  3. I'm with you Clip. Is Buffalo/WNY small shop food better than franchise food? Absolutely - I would take Duff's/Anchor Bar/name a place in WNY with great wings, over Buffalo Wild Wings any day. I would take any pizza joint over Papa Johns/Dominos as well. That said, I think there are some people on here that just want to sound cool saying how disgusting this or that is. Obviously it isn't so disgusting or it wouldn't be a nation-wide franchise. You people should honestly take a step back to see how ridiculous you sound...
  4. I honestly have a strong urge to take a dump, put it in a box with the shirt and send it back. That would be worth the $29...
  5. I didn't "inspect" the shirt. Once I realized that it wasn't the right shirt, I just put it back in the package.
  6. I ordered my Dad a long sleeve navy blue Sabres T for Christmas (among other things) off of this website. I get my package and to my chagrin, they sent me the wrong shirt (it was short sleeve in an awful puke green color). So, I call the company, no issue - we'll send you a new one, along with a shipping label and you can send the wrong one back. I get the second shirt. Same ugly puke green shirt. I call, get an extremely nice CS operator. We figure out that the SKU# on their website doesn't have the correct picture associated. We find the right product, she goes to the warehouse to pull it herself and she re-ships. She tells me to wait to be sure that I'm satisfied with the product and then to ship both of the incorrect ones back at the same time. She also took some off my bill, etc. I get the correct shirt, all is well, Dad loves it, I send back the wrong shirts, problem solved. No. I get an e-mail today saying that one of the shirts I returned was damaged (had a hole in it) and therefore they would be sending me back the t-shirt and not processing my refund (though I really didn't have a refund to process). So I call. I tell them my story. The guy says he has to investigate and call me back. He calls me back. "Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do...blah, blah, blah". Let me speak to a supervisor - same story. So bottom line I tell them send me the shirt, I'll refuse delivery (because I didn't order that shirt) and if a charge appears on my credit card, I will dispute it. I'm so pizzzzzed right now I could punch a wall.
  7. I've had 2 occasions where I've met Jim Kelly. As some of you know Jim's brothers live here in Richmond and Jim built a house here but decided not to move because of Hunter, etc. Anyway, I knew he was in town playing in a charity golf tournament on a Thursday and that he would probably be staying in town to watch his nephew play HS football that Friday. I was right - my Dad and I went to the game, were hanging around by the track and Jimbo walks to the concession stand. My Dad says "Hey Jim, how you doing we're from Buffalo". To which Kelly snidely responded "I'm sorry" and kept walking. We stood our ground and he did stop by on his way back from the stand to exchange pleasantries. 2nd time - I was in the Richmond airport checking in for a flight to Rochester of all places. My wife had driven me and went in to the terminal. I'm in line and I hear her say "James" (my name is Jim) and I looked back and she motioned to show me that Jimbo was checking in at the first class counter. I happened to be wearing a Bills shirt, so we exit our lines at the same time, he comes up to me and says "nice shirt" and shook my hand. I went on to ask my wife why she called me James (she never does) and she said "I didn't want to yell out 'hey Jim' and have him think I was a groupie."
  8. bd1960 - thanks for the input. I'm also overweight and told him that as my weight has crept up I've had some GERD/Acid Reflux symptoms. I'm a bit of a worry-wart, so I think this was his way of saying - if I come back with a clean bill, then I should stop worrying all the time!
  9. Good info guys! Thanks - I'm honestly not worried, and like BB27 - I want to be declared "healthy".
  10. So I went to the doctor this a.m. told him how I want to get fit, etc. Started Weight Watchers, going to ease back in to the gym, etc. I also went on to tell him that I've been having some light-headedness and really wanted to get to the bottom of it. I ran labs about 5 months ago and they were perfect, my BP was 120/78. Physical exam perfect. I just need to drop some pounds. He then tells me that he wants me to have an exercise stress test to determine that my heart is completely clean - and assures me that he's 100% confident that it will come out clean. I guess what I'm asking is - has any one on here ever done a stress test - what can I expect? Second - has anyone ever had lightheadedness and been ordered to do a stress test. Thanks!
  11. I had my last drink on NYE. My goal is to drink no alcohol of any kind until the SB. Started Weight Watchers Online which allows it, but figured I needed a good detox and jump start.
  12. I always wanted to start a Metal Band and call it Tainted Meat. I don't know why, it just always sounded bitchin'.
  13. 20 years ago today, we lost one of the greatest songwriters to ever live. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_lennon F#!* December 8th Hate to make you feel old, but that was THIRTY years ago. I remember another thread where something happened in the 80's and the poster was thinking it was 20 years ago, but alas it was 30...
  14. This is the biggest myth in all of sports. As a long time baseball/softball official, there is no specific rule that says "a tie goes to the runner". In fact in every umpire clinic/camp/class that I have ever been to says that a good defensive play should be rewarded on a bang-bang type play. Conversely - in football there IS a rule about simultaneous possession. I just wanted to clear this up as it drives me crazy when people try to quote baseball rules that aren't rules.
  15. Exactly - as an umpire you learn to wait until about 5 seconds after the play is over as to avoid the "out-safe" call. Similarly, with Bills games you have to wait the 5 seconds to avoid the "oh yeah-oh ****" cheer.
  16. I have a cheap DVD/VCR combo player. I haven't had any problems with it until tonight. Put in a DVD to play for the kids, the display said "read" for a long period and then "error" and then it spit the disk out. I'm not technically savvy at all and I've never seen this. Any help appreciated.
  17. It's like anything. I used LOVE Emeril, but he became overexposed. The same is happening with Fieri and Bobby Flay. You can barely turn on that channel without seeing at least one of them.
  18. A must watch for our family every week!! This Bobby Mackey's was good. I also enjoyed the one place they did in Upstate NY!!
  19. Not so much that I went - but that I didn't tell her, beforehand.
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