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Everything posted by K-9

  1. I don’t think Josh has lost confidence when it’s his (over) confidence that results in the unnecessary hero ball tactics. My concern is, are his teammates going to start to lose confidence in him.
  2. Agree both corners were very good in coverage last night and it’s nice to see someone give credit to Wilson for that incredible catch. A catch that Tre played good defense on, btw. I will quibble a little about the missed tackles though. On both misses, Tre had a hold of a leg and didn’t wrap up. I know that Hall is far bigger and stronger, but Tre isn’t a little waif of a player and is more than strong enough to keep hold of a leg when he has it in his grasp. He was lazy on those plays.
  3. I hope we can all really appreciate just how special that throw was and that we never take Josh’s talent for granted.
  4. Yep. Their offense will be a work in progress at best. And the more Mac struggles, the more he is gonna struggle. Bill O’Brian isn’t the miracle worker he’s been made out to be, either.
  5. That’s a very good OLine the Patriots have been abusing. Those 50+ sacks last season weren’t a fluke.
  6. Week 1 is a notorious liar and always has been. Especially in this era of limited practice and preseason tuneups. Don’t be fooled.
  7. Especially for Deshaun Watson who is all about feeling the release.
  8. It’s perhaps the most critical aspect of our passing game and our receivers are well schooled in running to open spots when Josh starts to scamper. How many times have we seen it? Especially those throws across his body while he’s scrambling to the right and he makes that throw back to middle of the field that only he and a couple others are capable of making. I mean there’s a reason you tell QBs to never do that. Kincaid is gonna fit right in to that concept with that ability to keep looking for an outlet for Josh.
  9. Perhaps the most tone deaf post in my 25+ years in this community. You should be ashamed.
  10. A true classic. We make it a point to watch it before each new Sabres season.
  11. If I may borrow an idea from the late, great Phil Ranallo of the late, great Courier Express: Bills - 62 Jets - 3
  12. Minor quibble: clearly it is a false start by rule, which is a procedure infraction. Offside by rule literally means a player crosses the line of scrimmage before the ball is snapped.
  13. “Hey, Aaron. Do you think it’s mere coincidence that Shailene Woodley and Danica Patrick became lovers after being with you?”
  14. If ever an INT pick 6 was not the fault of the QB, this is it. Right thru the hands.
  15. I’m not sure about objectives, but the sheer inconsistency with rules enforcement is why the NFL is the worst officiated league in all of sports.
  16. The guard is lined up with his helmet breaking the center’s hip like he should be. Taylor is lined up with his helmet breaking the guard’s hip, which puts his helmet behind the center’s ass, which is illegal according to the rules. The OT must also line up with his helmet in line with the center’s hip. That is clear as day in the clip above.
  17. I agree with all of this. If the penalty is not going to be called, then the league should remove any pretext and just amend the rule and allow OTs to line up behind the center’s ass when they want to. It makes no sense to have rules if there is no intention of enforcing them.
  18. Jones said before the game that he is prepared to sit out the first eight weeks but not longer so he can qualify for a year’s service.
  19. Victory formation time. My favorite play.
  20. Love it. Screw you Reid and your too clever by half crap.
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