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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. Jaguars 6-98 patriots 1-10 It's hard to win when you get penalized because you aren't the patriots.
  2. Can you tell I'm having a prostate exam ? ... Can you tell I like it ?
  3. Jeff Gillooly ... a baseball bat ... tom brady's knee ... Buffalo Bills AFC East champions.
  4. I'm guessing that the check in desk is on the first floor.
  5. I'm rooting for a giant sink hole to swallow the entire stadium during the game .... Is that so wrong ?
  6. There has never been a home team in the Super Bowl... that'll continue. Eagles will get their tail feathers kicked by the officials and the NFL's team.
  7. Brings a tear to my eyes. Beautiful girl, beautiful voice ... RIP Dolores O'Riordan
  8. It looked like a Stephon Gilmore attempted tackle.
  9. A three and out ? ... The Steelers defense were awful all day long, if they had kicked off they never would've gotten the ball back. The onside kick was one of the most pitiful I've ever seen.
  10. How could this guy not win a Super Bowl with the great QB's he's had ? Brady Quinn Colt McCoy Chad Henne Matt Cassell Hall of famers one and all.
  11. No BS ... Last year I had absolutely no desire to watch the patriots win another Super Bowl so some friends and I went to the casino instead. I hadn't missed a Super Bowl since the early 1970's, I even watched one while vacationing in Jamaica. Nothing has changed on that front and we're already planning on the casino this year as well as we're all just sick of the patriots and the BS that goes along with them. If the patriots are in this years Super Bowl expect the ratings to be the lowest so far this century. People are tired of the leagues team.
  12. I thought Beane, McDermott and the Pegula's were all down in Florida.
  13. I'm way ahead of you ... Between this season and last I've watched the patriots twice, both times against the Bills. Last years Super Bowl was the first one I didn't watch since I was a kid and didn't care about the NFL.
  14. This coming Wednesday I want to see the NFL go into the locker rooms of the 4 remaining teams and take a blood and urine sample from every player. If any player fails or refuses the test than they are banned from the AFC and NFC title games as well as the Super Bowl.
  15. I watched a movie I've seen before rather than watch a football game I've seen before. I still don't know the score of the game nor do I really care. Three games left for me to watch this year ... the two games today and the NFC Championship game.
  16. Dennison getting the axe means my prediction was once again wrong so back to the drawing board ... OC - Juan Castillo QB - Other - Nate Peterman
  17. Hate - patriots, Cowboys Like - Saints, Browns (feel sorry for them)
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