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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Ok what a CRAP article! First lets LOOK at the D he faced in the playoffs: Denver: He broke a record for most TD's thrown in ONE HALF.... Ravens: Have been his kryptonite for ever... he has his toughest games against them Giants: Broke the most consecutive COMPLETED Passes in SB history, oh and Gronk was on 1 leg. As someone else mentioned when he has the threats he makes the plays on deep balls. (And Lloyd should have had that deep ball in week 1.) I really thought the article was poorly written and IMO sounded like a whining JET fan. Hmm thats an interesting point. But it seems most great QB's have a great HC... I really can't think where that isnt the case?
  2. Ok I will say it.. IT WAS ONE WEEK! I am in some peoples eyes here the enemy, but as such I will point to an EVEN BIGGER distruction that YOUR Bills gave to the Pats in the opening week of 2003? The Bills destroyed the Pats 41-0, Was the Pats season over that year? HELL NO. So stop the gloom and doom the Bills were flat and got beat down it only counts as 1 Loss.
  3. Really??? a FORMER Patriot says this who is a TV ANALYST and you bring Brady into it... man the guy cant catch a break... Now look below and see the teams which one has the LEAST chance of winning a SB: Packers Texans Patriots Ravens Steelers Giants 49ers Bills ALL those teams if they signed Williams probably go over the top and would be front runners win the SB again (ok maybe not the Giants they do not need Mario) The Bills even after signing him just thought of as a good PLAYOFF team... In other words you need a Better O for him make a difference.
  4. There was a lot of things that could be penalized happening EVERYWHERE last week for example PI was rarely called and helping the D out that way, holding was RARELY called and helped out the Offenses... IMO the Replacements were not good but the were equally bad on both sides of the ball.
  5. Really?? Didnt the Colts PROVE that be false? And last time I checked I do not see a P. Manning,Wayne,Harrison or any real stud players they paid premium money for on the O... I do see that on the D side though
  6. LOL i think I am safe in saying the Bills D will live and die by the pressure and play of your front 4. If they fail get pressure the D will be picked apart. If they get pressure (not just sacks) D will be fine and dandy....
  7. LOL are you guys this down when yopu face the Pats? I always see how you are going to POUND us in threads, but the JETS get this... word to the wise.. the JETS STINK!
  8. "Mario looks Super, Fitzgerald not so much" "Bills win ugly 10-3 contest...." Most game 1's are UGLY... lol
  9. Do you think that will hurt the Bills against teams with good TE(s)?? The TE craze is the latest thing in the NFL after all lol
  10. I agree the Jets D is better right now, but the Bills team is better overall in my opinion. (Your O may not be explosive like a Packers or Saints team but not enemic like the Jets O...)
  11. lol a bills fan of ALL people shouldn't talk about blown chances at winning SB.... again name a team in the last decade that be an easier pickk for an expert... AGAIN 6 out of 10 years they been to the AFCCG OR SB!! Heck most teams can't even say they have had a winning record 6 out of the last 10 years! I love talking football but I HATE pure silly unadultarated hatred based on pure jealousy... I remember seeing my fellow Pats fans act the same way when the Bills and Kelly were going to the SB year after year.
  12. Wow! It couldn't just be a SAFE bet for them to take the Pats right? I mean 5 SB appearances 6 AFCCG games in 10 years with Brady at the helm and 11-5 the one year he was out.. ya they are sooo stupid stick w the Pats **eye roll** They want look good with their predictions the Pats as shown are safe bet.
  13. i see a close game tied till Mario sacks sanchez who fumbles and the ball is picked up and returned for a TD.. Final Score: Bills -10 Jets 3
  14. Waters is older but was an all pro last year, and Solder be fine once Mankins is ancored next to him and the O line is together.. People forget (MYSELF included that the Oline needs count on eachother to be successful.. someone could look bad because the guy next to him messed up.)
  15. Umm its game 4 of the preseason.. why would ANY starters be in?? Solder had ONE bad game and been getting better, Cannon is our #2 and will be replaced by Vollmer for week1. BUT the reason you hear nothing is simple: 1. Mankins was out and will not play a full game till week1 2. Same with Vollmer 3. Waters is EXPECTED rejoin the team on Friday.. (Per talking heads.) So the O line you been seeing missing THREE of their FIVE starters. So esentially our 2nds against their 1st teamers.
  16. LOL it appears the draft was the best part of the off-season for the Pats as both 1st round pick have looked AWESOME! also Wilson (our 2nd round pick) has looked very good as well at Safety. Oh a Lloyd looks pretty good as well.. So with Welker,Lloyd,Hernandez,Gronk our Passing should be fine add in Demps occasionally and Ridley running the O looks good..... as long as the O line blocks
  17. Dont read to heavy into the preseason the Pats have NOT had all 5 starters out there at one time yet.. But will by week 1.. although that is a weak spot right now.
  18. My god, lets break down your schedule: Jets -- tough games BUT you should be able to split with them but I will mark as 2 TOUGH GAMES Phins -- HE HE should be 2 easy wins this team couldnt beat USC. Pats -- I am a Pats fan and since they are reighning AFCE Champs 2 TOUGH GAMES Texans -- Best team last yr bar none in the AFC Tough Game 49ers -- Great D shaky O Tough Game Browns -- EASY Game Chiefs -- Avg team should be a a W Cardinals - No QB decent D should be a W Titans -- Avg team but should be a W Colts -- Full rebuld mode should be easy W Jags -- should be easy W Rams -- awful team should be a W SeaHawks -- Awful team should be a W At WORSE this team should be 10-6. And I am a Pats fan! And who made your schedule facing Pats then Texans one part and 49ers and Pats another time.. talk about brutal!
  19. I think the Bills be fine, IMO your O was never AMAZING , lighting up the Pats D early last yr was NOT a very difficult thing to do 9they were lit up more than an XMAS tree early last year!!), that and your D made your O look better with those 4 picks of Brady they dont make those picks the game is VASTLY different. (That game was awful watch looked like neither teams D wanted stop the other teams O.) I still see a WC birth for the Bills and probably a 10-6 or 11-5 record IF they stay healthy!!
  20. I think the Bills could sweep the Jets just because they are so messed up right now on O your D could win with turnovers. I could also see you guys beating th 49ERS but that be a really close nailbiter either way both D minded teams. The Texans, I have penciled in as SB bound if they dont get injured again, I mean they almost beat the Ravens with a 3rd string QB imagine how they been w Shaub. As for the Pats I will remain silent I am biased and know this lol.
  21. Hey an OUTSIDERS perspective here. I see 6 tough games for the Bills this year: 1. Pats v Bills -- Division game pitting what should be a great D against a perenial O powerhouse. 2. Bills v Jets -- Both should be great on D, but I give the O edge to Buffalo as long as Fitz is healthy. 3. Bills v SF --- Another D battle but I think SF D MAY be a little better.. O I call even. 4. Bills v Texans -- IMO the toughest game as the Texans have (based on last yr) the best overall team in the AFC. Thats SIX tough games, hardly an easy schedule. Lets say WORSE case you go 0-6 (I dont see that I see you beating at least the Jets) the Bills should still be 10-6 a HUGE improvement. Good enough for the playoffs I do not know.
  22. I know they been succesful for the last 11 years, but they are hardly perfect. 1. The D has not been dominant since 2004, and was downright awful last year. 2. their drafts have either been a huge hit or huge miss. (we have 1 draft where we dont even have 1 player left from the draft.) I mean FEW if ANY teams have what has made the patriots long term successful, and that is a HOF Coach (BB) who is able to take the garbage that BB the GM gives him and make it work amazingly well and a HOF QB in Tom Brady. So instead of measuring yourself against the Pats (only 1 team) see how you measyure against the other 12 teams you play because even if you beat the Pats twice if you match up POORLY with 8 of the other teams you are guaranteed only a .500 season.
  23. I say the Bills are an easy OVER I see the bills as the #2 team with 10 wins... as for his comments about the Pats I would point out to him the last TWO years they have finished with 13 and 14 wins each... and this yr the Pats D (ON PAPER) actually looks like it is a lot better. (heck couldnt be much worse it was ranked 31st last yr lol)
  24. The Bills are VASTLY Improved, and in any other AFC Conference they probably be favored to win the division after their off-season and probably be talked about as a SB contender. But you are in the AFC East home of the last standing juggernaut of the AFC. (The 3 juggurnauts of the AFC the last decade been Pats,Steelers,Colts)
  25. lmao you guys are funny. But I agree the outfit by welker is scary ugly lol..
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