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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. I dont know if Tannehill will be a bust but who the heck is he going to throw to down there?
  2. How does the AFC look.. Here is My Opinion: 1. Pats -- Defending AFC Chanmpions, and have addressed their WR problem with addition of Lloyd and 9 other WR (LOL figure 1 of them will emerge my guess is Gaffney be the #2 WR w Welker back in the Slot) they also addressed the Defensive front 4 in the draft w all but 1 pick being D and 2 1st rounders projected be D starters. Weakness? The 2ndary is still suspect while they did add a new safety will McCourty rebound from his 2nd year slump? only time will tell. Prediction: 14-2/13-3 (weak schedule) 2. Bills -- have made some aggressive moves in FA w Williams and Anderson signings, defense should be vastly improved over last year and one of the teams leading in sacks by years end. With the offense healthy they should be able put up points again. weakness? very little depth so injuries to key players could effec t them greatly. I also do not see anyone to compliment CJ as a WR. Prediction: 12-4/11-5 3. Phins -- Have a very good D, but their O will scare NO ONE. Prediction: 5-11/4-12 4. J--E--T--S -- D is old and they are still imploding from within, their draft will be extreme busts or reward.. I am expecting bust, Rex Ryan gets fired as he loses even more control of the locker room. 3-13/2-14
  3. That really depends WHERE the pressure comes from. If you get it right up the middle it bothers Brady 9As it does any NON Mobile QB.) But if it is on the edges he LIKE Manning can buy time stepping up etc.
  4. Indy will either cut Manning or keep him.. I do Not see them being able to trade him BEFORE that bonus Money is do.
  5. IMO Manning wouldn't sign with the Jets he is so OPPOSITE to the way they act, I dont think he feel comfortable there. (Just My Opinion.) I mean think about it the JETS are loud mouth and obnoxious, where Manning is laid back and I don't think he ever said a bad thing about any team or player. That said I can see him going to SF.. Imagine that team with a Great QB with that DEFENSE shudder.... AKA I think he wants another ring.
  6. LOL OWNERSHIP (Irsay) has come out and said they are keeping Manning awhile ago. Polian is the one said they draft Luck if they had the 1st round pick and made no comment on Mannings future there. Mind you If I was Irsay I have fired Polian too, just for his terrible drafting, lose 1 player go from SB Contender to #1 pick is unacceptable!! (Pats lost Brady and still went 11-5 showed they had a better TEAM..) And the NFL does not want Manning v Brady twice a year its the #1 rated football game outside of the playoffs, they dont wanna ruin that!
  7. It could happen, BUT I wouldnt count on Brady throwing FOUR Picks again to hand the game to the Bills like in week 3. If Brady Plays: Pats 41 Bills 21 It is Possible but I doubt Brady throws 4 Picks Again. But my prediction: WITH Brady: Pats 41 Bills 17 WITHOUT Brady: Pats 21 Bills 20
  8. Couple factors take into account as well: 1. Does Brady have a chance of Breaking Marino yardage record of 5058 yards. AND will he be the record holder (see Brees lol) 2. The Pats D need ALL the work it can get and could try use the Bills game as a confidence booster for the young players.
  9. Hey just a question, Why do you dislike Kraft? He is a great Owner and was key in us all having a season this year.. My Hated teams: 1. JETS -- loudmouth abnozious fans and coach and always talk smack even after your team punches them in the mouth. 2. Eagles -- I hate any self appointed DREAM team in PRO sports. 3. Chargers -- Always say how great they are, always bragging.. always end up stinking the joint up when it matters. Thats it, I respect the bills and remember the days you made my life miserable twice a year with Kelly and co. I been a Pats fan since I was 16 and we got crushed by the Bears in the SB... I TRY never be obnoxious like some of my BANDWAGON counterparts (I dont remember them in the 3/4 empty stadium when we went 1-15 to get Bledsoe lol)
  10. lol see this happening: JACKSON SIGNS WITH PATRIOTS AND SUDDENLY IS A SUPERSTAR WR..... **insert sound of a lot of bills fans cursing here** Fact is the bills have no one else really who scares a team in the passing game. NO ONE.
  11. IMO the DOMINANT AFC teams (in no particular order): Steelers: Tough D and O and outside of Baltimore very good. BUT lets not overlook they BARELY beat bad teams (needed a late FG to beat the Colts who are aweful) Texans: Played very well, but losing Shaub as well as their best D player be to much for them to survive? Baltimore: I cant figure them out they dominate Pitt then lose to Jags and Seatle? HUH? Pats: Best QB/HC tandem in the NFL, and a very dangerous offense. A very scary (as in bad) D as far as yards go but tough in the red zone. One thing (as a pats fan) I noticed even when they have played AWFUL football this year (pitt and Giants) they still had a chance win the game. (which is amazing. Middle pack: Bills: Great YOUNG Offense,but seem have a simular prbl on D as the Pats but perhaps not as strong in red zone D. (I let you bill fans agree or correct me). May not be this year but soon will be a contender and challenging the Pats for the division. Raiders; Scary run game, and a decent D. But no one is afraid of their passing game even with Palmer. Jets: Great Coach, very Good D, ok running backs. But IMO the worst QB in football. (starting not a backup forced to start.) Chargers: Have amazing tslent on O and D, but worse HC in the NFL. Ok thats my opinion : SLAM AWAY l;ol
  12. LOL I t is NO big secret the BB HATES the Jets more than ANY other team in football. With the Jets it is Personal to him. I didn't see him say that but I laugh my butt off if I had as that is unlike BB in so many ways. (can just picture him doing a croch chop lol)
  13. ok read the report on NFL.com it is NOT a done deal and being reported for a 1st round draft pick. Now 9 out of 10 times the report isnt completly correct bet it is a conditional pick as HIGH as a 1st round pick and as low as a 3rd. Based on different criteria.
  14. Palmer last year had Ocho _I lost a step- Cinco, and T-OMG-0 who were both more interested at that time in their reality show than football. (matter fact he did better with the rookies than those two.) That said it smells as WIN ONE IN MEMORY OF AL AT ALL COST type moves.
  15. 2nd guessing??? find one post where I thought Gailey made the wrong call? All I said ever was there is a BIG difference in play calling when your playing a future HOF like Brady and a lesser QB like Eli Manning. As for the Cowboys, maybe 2nd down they should thrown it 9Vader had a point) but 3rd and 18 your asking for a mistake so was the right call.. So find someone else who was calling the plays wrong, but better luck next time
  16. You ask ANY HC they tell you differently. They punch it int and trust the D stop an inferior QB.. But you have a Brady,Manning, or a Rogers you take the knee and kick the FG. ALWAYS about who your opponent is. (Mind u with a JP Loseman the game been a blow out anyways so lol)
  17. Called habing a so so QB under center Vader and on 3rd and 18 just asking for him screw it up.
  18. Vader the Pats D played well yesterday, even w 4 TO they only gave up 16 points, meanwhile the Pats O was sputtering. (but shot itself in the foot alot) That and well Romo scary bad when he has to perform... All said they needed to air it out to win the game.
  19. It may not have been the best playcall, but Fitz has numerous reads to make and should have known not throw it there.. (always other options on a playcall Fitz just made the wrong choice it happens.)
  20. Umm not hurt your point but Eli Manning IS NOT anywhere near the same caliber QB as Brady. You throw in the cowboy situation to keep Brady off the field just like the bills took a knee before they kicked the FG to win. With Eli you MAKE him beat you, I doubt few thought Brady wasnt going to at least get a FG w the amount time left if not the TD.
  21. I say play the kid, i hate experts say "he cant win because"... Bills AND pats fans should know experts are not always right we have 2 QB's who were suppose be at best back ups.
  22. I hate scrambling QB's so aggravating to watch, think your D has them and woops their he goes grrr.
  23. Huh? While I agree the Bills are for real this year and APPEAR to have replaced the Jets as the contender the Pats have to watch out for I dont understand what you meant by superstars at cheaper position approach the colts and Pats use? I mean Indy's team is almost 100% DRAFTED by Indy. NE team on O has a 6th round draft pick, UDFA at WR and RB. And 1st round talent on the O line. (The only BIG name is Ocho who has been rather useless this year.) On defense our seconday is all drafted talent and our Best D lineman was drafted by NE. (and the rest brought in try fix our AWFUL pass rush.)
  24. shocked no one mentioned Romeo Crennel. He is a very good D coordinator, both with NE and KC last year.
  25. I agree, I think its more important because this will show how resilient the Bills are, and if they want be an elite team they have to know how to rebound back quickly from a disappointing lose. (even great teams have bad games its how they react after that makes them great.)
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