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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. It doesnt hurt that Him and Brady seem to always be on the same page. (IE against the raiders he just instictly knew Brady was going to throw over his back shoulder and instinctly knew to look that way even in great coverage.) Something be said when a QB and WR have a connection like that Brady had/has it with Branch as well a simple look and Branch knew to change his route and knew what route change it to.
  2. This year has ANY D looked good? Honestly its been so dominated by the O's its sad and I blame a lot of the rule changes. (I mean the defender sneezes on a wr or QB he gets called for a 5 yrd penalty and automatic 1st down, lol)
  3. I agree Welker been a beast this year he has over 600 yards receiving ALREADY. And has had over 100 yards receiving every game (make a bet Revis is on him Sunday Now that should be an interesting matchup)
  4. Sacks is only IMO part of it, a QB with a quick release and a good pocket presense makes a O line look better,also a QB who holds onto the ball to dang long (David Carr for ex) can make a good line look dreadful. That saiud I think the Bills O line one of the best, I have not seen enough games be 100% sure, as a Pats fan I can say Brady has a LOT of time usually in the pocket to pick a team apart.
  5. LOL I love the Brady hate in regards to a rule that WAS properly called (most here say so.) so how would eliminating the rule tarnish his accomplishments? I mean when the forward pass was made legal did that tarnish all the other winners won by just running the ball. (yes arcane rule way way back lol)
  6. 1st I agree it is a TERRIBLE Rule, but it did NOT originate w Brady! Matter fact in that year the Pats had the TUCK rule called not once but TWICE on our D, the difference was OUR D unlike the Whiners D stopped the other team. (It was called correctly all 3 times). Like I said needs be taken out of the rule book big time, even if we got our first tropghy because of it lol
  7. **eye roll** Really the FIX was in?? not that the NFL minds having the BIGGEST under dogs doing awesome and giving postive PR to the league. NOPE they will fix it that they lose. Dude if the fix was in the Bills win they (and the Lions) the feel good story this yr in the NFL. Plain and simple was at best a blown call at worse a ref unwilling to correct his bad call via review.
  8. Oh I can def see the Bills winning, the Eagles have amazing talent on D and SHOULD be light years better than NE on D. (and they will be desperate as well or should be,) I see a dog fight.
  9. Refs ALWAYS miss calls usually for both teams (hopefully equally) for instance yesterday Wilfolk was being held when Campbell completed a long pass. How do I know he was held well seeing as how I saw his bear back and the other guys arms pushing his shirt up say an OBVIOUS hold lol. (I am sure were simular ones for the raiders)
  10. Philly has THREE Above average CB's which will allow them to stack the box against the run (theoretically). They are also a desperate team and in a MUST win situation, and w that talent they are always dangerous. (BUT they could be the NFL version of the red sox **sigh* red sox **sigh** lol)
  11. lol week 4 and talking tie breakers already. I will go out on a limb and say if the Jets lose this coming up weekend to the Pats the AFC East becomes a 2 team race.
  12. EVERY team has a stinker, IMO always best get it out of the way early in the year especially if you have a young team.
  13. Ok the Bills lost a heartbreaker to the Bengals. NOW you will see if they can rebound like a good team does. I personally expect them to rebound and have a great game.
  14. That was kind of funny.. and Welker saved my fantasy team last week lol
  15. The other 2 were tipped and anything can happen after a tip.
  16. I dont think it was an actual dis, but I wouldn't be surprised there was no love loss there when he was a charger and had a huge mouth on him.
  17. I honestly didnt see that i was watching the game online so feed was well BAD at best. And BB doesnt coach head hunting my reasoning is the fact he benched Merriwether last year when he went head hunting, BB was visably angry at ther big bang clock then steaming mad! No I am stating the Bills coach did something MOST other coaches wouldnt do. BB was playing the odds, and he lost that happens.
  18. I 100% agree with this was a bonehead play. I am not saying the Pats WOULD have done anything but Brady with say 40 sec left and only a FG to tie i LIKE OUR CHANCES.
  19. really? BB would think Chan smart and not RUN the ball but take a knee?? Please your crazy if you think at least 28 other NFL teams run the ball expecting be stuffed.. So again your premise is not only silly but completly in left field
  20. I doubt any "play" was called I am pretty sure during the to BB told the D let them score so Brady get the ball w almost 2 minutes left. Sadly your coach didn t take the bait and did the knee bit.
  21. lol really? he been doing this for 30 years has numerous top defenses, 5 SB rings as a coord and HC but he teaches be dirty. This was a stupid act on Vince part and not like him at all he has maybe a handful of dumb penalties like this in his career.
  22. sorry keyboard nutty, was trying say this: BB went 11-5 with Cassel, hardly an elite QB so I think he been successful even without Brady. (so "lucking" into him was silly comment) Also Ted Johnson Blamed BB then a week later asked BB to sign him to a deal PUBLICLY in the boston herald or globe.. so he really hated him. And lastly wasnt going get into spygate that starts nothing but problems.
  23. great post, also look at it as an analyst would the Pats O gave up 4 TO (one for a pic 7 all turning into 24 points) and the bills still needed a 2 minute drive to win it. In their minds if Brady plays like Brady the game isnt close, wether thats TRUE OR NOT is not important it is how they are seeing it am sure
  24. How I see it: Phins v Chargers --- Chargers 21-14 (2 picks again for rivers lol) Pats v Raiders --- Pats 41 Raiders 24 (Brady has 0 picks and thats nuff said lol) Jets v Ravens --- Ravens 21 Jets 17 (going be close Fat rex to good coach get his D gashed twice on the ground, but Baltimore can throw as well) Bills v Bengals -- Bills 17 Bengals 14 (Bills have a let down after huge win but still pull out W0 Standings: Bills Pats Jets Phins
  25. Colts IMO do not have a good HC either. IMO you need a good QB and HC to win in the NFL. One without the other is hopeless.
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