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Everything posted by PatsFanNH

  1. Huh? but the Pats still scored at will??? (unless you consider it "stopping" the run when they were running Boldin 3 times straight up the middle and he STILL got 9 yards out of it.)
  2. Ok so he is hurt? A lot of players play through injuries. This is FOOTBALL people get hurt, I also think peoples expectations for Mario were a little unrealistic coming into the season. FACT is he was coming off IR and was going need significant time get his timing back and with another injury may delay it even more.
  3. He CLEARLY DOVE for his KNEE he HIT Brady on the KNEE... That is by Rule a penalty. Now was there a patriot Lineman NEAR him and FORCED him go low? Nope he did that all on his own. I know I will sound like a homer but it looked dirty to me like he wanted to hurt Brady. Now the Hit on Fitz, In normal time (refs only see normal speed no slow mo) It appears #79 throws him down from BEHIND (a penalty FYI) and into Fitz if anything your Olineman SCREWED UP. Now in slow mo you can see him jump up and hit Fitz in the upper part of his leg.. NOT his knee.. It was also OBVIOUS... he did it out in the open NO big Bodies all around him... A call on THAT hit be called 100% especially since he looked like he dove for his Knees.
  4. Brady went from 4th string QB to the 2nd String QB, and as I said before Bledsoe was close to being pulled for Brady. Bledsoe just couldnt do what was needed to win. Also BB only coached 3 years in Cleveland and made the Playoffs in the 2nd yr, what amazes me is EVERYONE forgets their great owner ANNOUNCED at the beginning of the year they were moving to Baltimore which destroyed the season. Brady was a BIG reason for the Turnaround? No he was a game manager in 01 nothing more. He did NOTHING to cost the game and relied on the D to win the games for him. Something Fitz COULD do if your OC got his head out of his butt on play calling.
  5. LOL better yet show them their OWN effort in the 4th Quarter of the game... If they had ANY professional Pride they be motivated to at least give an effort.
  6. Someone posted the hit on Brady. Sorry but your guy was a moron for 2 reasons: 1. He went low on PURPOSE 2. Where he did it any BLIND man could have called him for it. I am not shocked he is 15k lighter after the hit, If I was the commish I tell him for being an moron and purposely going low on one of the NFL Golden Boys.. (You do that to Brees,Brady,Rogers,Either Manning you will be fined.)
  7. I agree NO one pushed the Bill into Brady was a VERY easy call.. The one on Fitz was not as clear, and it appeared TO ME he was pushed by the Bill O lineman INTO Fitz...
  8. Favors him? that was a CLEAR case of tackling LOW??? That was an EASY call to make! What is worse is your DLINEMAN went LOW on purpose! Which is probably why he got the 15k fine as well. Oh and Brady went down like that because his other foot wasnt planted so he like anyone else fell down.. ~~sigh~~ Proof... proof you guys were wrong and the call was a DUH call. Fitz call was damn close but hard to tell especially since it was OBVIOUS your lineman PUSHED the Patriot from BEHIND... (you guys watching the same clips??)
  9. Thats just it, Fitz strength is NOT the long ball, it is actually a weakness and IMO the bills call to MANY long ball plays instead of playing smart safe football which IMo what you need with Fitz as a QB...
  10. The Turnovers IMO is your OC fault. His play calling goes against Fitz strengths.
  11. Losing sucks, but I personally can handle it my team seems to be giving it effort. For example last year the Pats could not stop the Bills O but they never stopped TRYING to, they never made it look easy. Same with the Bills last year when facing the Pats I always saw effort from the D, this game looked like they were spending their game checks in their minds instead of playing the 4th quarter. (I love football and I hate seeing crap like that.) And I know BB as a coach would not stand for that neither would Parcells HEADS would roll..
  12. lol 1ST I been a Pats fan since Tony Eason became Tony "Turtle" Eason in 1986. That said it was widely thought the Jets game or the next one was going be Bledsoe last period. BB loved Brady and in his first yr he kept him as the 4th QB because he loved his work ethic. So Bledsoe was on his last legs here. I also know they were 5-11 the year before, Bledsoe had lost his edge BIG TIME. That said BB had at least one more year to prove himself and I am pretty sure 2002 would have been Brady the starter with Bledsoe to Buffalo still happening. Now what happened from there no one will ever know as Brady took over played smart and let the D win the Game for him.. 9Brady was a game manager in 2001 FITZ could have done that job that year.)
  13. Wow, on most boards that give you at least a stern warning for attacking a poster for no reason, if not a time out from posting. C.Biscuit97 I was not talking about the RESULTS from the game but the EFFORT the D seemed to be given in the 4th quarter. No matter how bad the game was for the Pats last yr the D always kept playing hard there is IMO no excuse for guys getting paid so well not to give 100% till the very end especially at HOME! shocked the Bills fans were not booing the crap out of them for their effort.
  14. Interesting fact BB was in year 2 when he won the SB with a no name QB called Tom Brady at the time. Been a winner ever since, he was not close to being fired at all.
  15. I agree both should be considered useless stats... a TD when down by 21 with 6 minutes to go is garbage as is the INT with 3 minutes to go down by the same margin again. Fitz last 2 INT were when the game was pretty much over IMO.
  16. EXACTLY! The O didnt cause the D woes Sunday. The D INABILITY to stop anything NE threw or ran at them was the problem. The Pats scored on 7 CONSECUTIVE series in the 2nd half. Giants rarely blitzed, and again they won the SB AFTER brady hurt his shoulder he doesnt hurt his shoulder he continues picking them apart as well. \
  17. first and ten, IMO going be 10X harder in NOV for a few reasons: 1. In NE and the crowd will be into it and in Full playoff ready mode 2. Pats should have Hernandez and Mankins back on O as well as Hightower on D. All 3 IMPORTANT players. 3. Pats are a better HOME team 4. Pats Young D (with 3 rookies in there) will be seasoned and probably not make dumb mistakes 9See 68 yd TD run) But could Buffalo make it tough? yes but your D going have to step up BIG time. And I personally dont know if they can or will.
  18. Ok, #1 BB would have reemed the OC for the play calling as he would have dummed down the game to make it ALL about the RB's with short safe passes. I know this because BB did that with Tom Brady in 2001. He build an offense around Fitz strengths if that didnt work they cut bait after the year and either sign trade for a QB, sign a FA or draft one. All dpends on which was the best option for the team. BB biggest issue would be with your DEFENSE. Their performance would have gotten someone cut and also someone benched. He is a DEFENSIVE Guru and the effort in the 4th qrtr of the Pats game would NOT have been tolerated. (BB would have LOST it on the sidelines and heads on D would have rolled.)
  19. He is a RB then and not a defenseless WR or QB in the pocket the hit was technically legal. As to the OP the Refs as I said before will throw the flags for the low hits 100% of the time for the Brayd,Rogers,Mannings of the league. the rest it seems be rather INCONSISTANT at best. But it is not just a Brady thing.
  20. I agree but be smart whenyou take the shot, for example don't take it when you just went down by a FG or TD.. (dont do anything dishearten your D.) And def do not do it if you have a small lead near the end of the half...
  21. Could it be because it gets into Fitz head? What do you think makes them come in bunches??
  22. Mario was moved around a lot in Texas, and it seem to work was thinking it couldnt hurt right? As for Fitz his INT seems come on the deep ball, and what I am saying for the O is play SAFE ball dont give SF a short field or they will kill you.. Make Smith and the 49ers drive the field give your D a chance cause a TO or two... (they did against NE..) then take advantage... It could work, PLAY TO YOUR TEAMS STRENGTHS...
  23. Ok here is what I THINK the bills should do this Sunday against the 49ers: 1. Commit to stopping one thing the 49ers do well: I would go with stop the run and make Smith beat you with his arm. 2. Mix things up a bit on the D line move Mario around so they dont know where he is lining up... 3. COMMIT to the RUN!!!: The Bills have 2 VERY good backs and one eveeryone seems to like in Choice.. USE Them! 4. Play action passes and short and intermediate routes: Fitz has most of his picks when trying throw deep. STOP this by using short and intermdiate routes and PA (even if your running poorly if you run constantly they will usually jump up and open up quick passes. Now this may not get Buffalo the win but I would guess it would keep them competitive till the end and Smith is NOT Brady so there is NO reason to have that nickle/Dime package in again to get gashed.
  24. IMO A little early be calling them one of the best in the league. It isnt like you have faced the Ravens,SF,Texans of the world the 1st 2 weeks you faced the Jets (who stunk in pressuring the QB.) and the Chiefs..
  25. Well the FORMER head of the NFL Referees (the guy on FOX Pre game show) disagrees with you. He said it was at BEST a marginal call and that the regular NFL referees would never call that since Gronk had his hands in the proper position and kept the guy DIRECTLY in front of him.
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