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Everything posted by TheBrownBear

  1. Geez, i like the occasional good troll post, but this is so subpar it's merely irritating.
  2. Andy Dalton won 9 regular season games as a rookie and averaged 10 wins/season over his first 5 years on the league.
  3. That video was just horrible and sad. You can see by the way she tries to remain calm throughout that this has probably happened many times in the past.
  4. It proved that the Bills can beat the Jets easily in their own stadium - which is something the Titans couldn't do.
  5. Pats are good and that's okay. Yes, a little overhyped at the moment, but that's what happens when you win 4 straight games in this league and your coach has the most titles in history. I expect them to destroy the Falcons this evening, because the Pats are pretty good and the Falcons absolutely suck. Doesn't mean the Pats are better than the Bills. That will be settled on December 6.
  6. I don't subscribe to the theory that Thurman "fell off the cliff". There were a lot of things going against him at the time his YPC took a hit (1993-94). Kelly was aging and not the same guy he was a couple of years earlier, the offensive line was significantly worse, Marchibroda left and the rest of the league had caught up with the K-Gun. The entire offense lost a step or two during that period.
  7. How does Mac Jones "scare" anyone? Even if he turns out to be really good, we still have Josh Allen. As long as we have Allen running the show on offense and McDermott/Frazier shepherding our defense, I'm not going to be afraid of anyone. The Pats being good again doesn't suddenly make us a lesser team.
  8. Well, I'm glad he's willing to acknowledge what everyone can see. Let's see if they can get things turned around in the next few weeks. Jets' defense has to be licking their chops right now.
  9. I feel you, OP. As we get older and we have so many other responsibilities and hobbies or whatnot, it's painful to spend 3-4 hours of your weekend alone watching your team lose to the Jaguars or struggle to sneak by the Fins. I often find myself just watching portions of the game now - maybe just one half, and then spending the rest of that time doing something with the kids, going for a bike ride/workout/hike or playing golf. I still get amped for the primetime games and my family will typically play along and watch them with me, which makes it a little more fun - even if my rotten kids root for the other team just to needle me...lol. Give yourself a two week break from watching and see how you feel about it. Go do something you really enjoy during the game or something you know is good for you. Sometimes a break is all you need to rekindle your enthusiasm. Or maybe you'll find that your life is enriched by substituting something else for football watching.
  10. I actually like Moss and he fits the role of a tough yardage guy pretty well, but he is not explosive in any way. Singletary, I'm just done with. He can make the odd guy miss, but he has no explosiveness or push and is incapable of hitting the hole quickly. I'm not a chase the elite running back type, but it's become clear as day that we need an upgrade at this position along with o-line in the offseason.
  11. Think about his best plays today in the second half. They were basically miracle throws under extreme duress that hardly anyone could have made. He didn't stand a chance today. I agree that most QBs would have been knocked unconscious or thrown a couple of extra picks (or just turtled and get sacked 8 times). He wasn't good, but no one would have looked good today with the way the line was dominated and the receivers blanketed.
  12. I honestly wouldn't mind seeing Ford cut this week. He's just a body at this point. Give me a hungry street free agent.
  13. Boy. Our o line just got kicked in the teeth and Josh lost his mind. I am now officially in the "we need to address the running game" camp. That was some popgun offense today. Jets should be licking their chops. Also, the Manning curse appears to be real.
  14. I called it in the first half. This is 1988 Tampa game. Same exact feel to it. https://apnews.com/article/ba624d348b675c4dd9aee9236b4c1fa6
  15. This game reminds me of that 10-5 game we lost at Tampa during one of our Super Bowl runs.
  16. What's a "Grown-Ass Man?" I assume it's a man with a well-developed rump? Also, I'm not your son. 😄
  17. I acknowledge that calling him brain dead or feral was for emphasis, and not meant to be a definition or a strict depiction of all blackout drunks. And yes, this is mostly based on anecdotal evidence and witnessing the behavior of friends/acquaintances at this level of drunkenness (though also supported by the scientific literature). If you want to pick nits with this, then fine. I initially raised the question about the girlfriend's (in)actions or state of mind that evening as a completely separate point in my original post. It was subsequently conflated in the replies. But yes, you're right, I did specifically lay blame on her ("she is not blameless"), and probably shouldn't have in the absence of a clearer picture of what actually occurred.
  18. Thank you. Not sure why Mr. Weo is so hung up on my using the term blackout as an indication that the guy had seriously impaired judgment at the end of the night. I lived in a fraternity for four years. I lived in close quarters with my share of drunks. People are essentially incapable of higher level thinking in that state. They are driven by the ID and automatic behaviors at that point. If you're heading out to drink at a bar, don't drive your damn car. Grab an uber or taxi. If Ruggs doesn't take his car out, this girl never gets killed and Ruggs is on the field this Sunday. The fact that he chose to do so - well, that's the point where you question his judgment and motives (does he D&D all the time and he's just a selfish bastard who doesn't GAF?; did he not expect to drink so much?; etc.) - not after he is so drunk that making the correct decision is basically a matter of chance.
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