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Everything posted by jletha

  1. Its really unbelievable how much zip he gets on it. And its...accurate! Not every pass is a dime but overall accuracy hasnt been a huge issue these last two games.
  2. That throw was very impressive because it was on the sidelien and he was rolling left. The reason he has so much room to run is because defenses have to respect his arm and throwing ability. If he couldnt make deep throws then DBs would peel off of WRs when they get too far down field. I think if he can stay int he pocket a little more often we will be very formidable.
  3. Both TDs to Zay are big-time NFL throws, especially the second because he hangs in the pocket, looks in multiple directions and fires a laser right to the spot with defenders in the area. He can make any throw on the field from almost anywhere in the field. You can see him getting more comfortable with the game every week. He is still a raw and needs to develop a touch on some passes but man it is a completely different sport compared to watching Tyrod. I was his #1 hater in the draft but he has really turned me around. When he has the ball it is must see TV.
  4. Erik Turner, the main guy from Cover 1 now writes for the Athletic and does breakdowns weekly
  5. I would give very little for OBJ. His contract is way too high for one WR, especially one that causes drama. Money better spent on the trenches and/or 1-2 good WRs instead of 1 elite WR. Id be more into AJ. His contract is more manageable since he only has 1 year left and its cheaper.
  6. There were 3 defensive touchdowns. There werent many punts at all but the defense was massive in the game.
  7. Weird I remember Aaron Williams being a disaster his rookie year, he only got good when we moved him to safety in his second year. Also: Zay Dion and Teller are all mediocre to serviceable. The quality players are all on one side of the ball. If McBeane can have the same kind of success drafting offensive players then we could be in business. A lot of it will be on Josh's shoulders.
  8. Matt Barkley has 10 TDs and 18 int on his career, including yesterday. We played the Jets. It is amazing how this board goes from scorched earth-fire everyone to "Here is how we make the playoffs"
  9. I know people love the outdoor stadium for nostalgia but it would be a mistake if they didnt build a domed stadium next time around. Exactly like you said, even if the team is bad it gives people something to do and during winter it will be an escape from the cold. As much as people want to believe it, the cold/snow in December does not help us at all. Sure maybe teams from the south arent used to it but neither are most of our players and it puts both teams at a disadvantage. It also is a massive deterrent to a fanbase that is one of the smallest in the NFL.
  10. Do you think its possible that there may be a happy medium between throwing 12 picks in 130 pass attempts and what tyrod used to do?
  11. No chance I would support the new team, wherever they went. I would become a Browns fan based on geography and the fact that Im well conditioned for misery. Also nobody could accuse me of being a bandwagoner.
  12. There is no way they let Allen sit another year. This is Allens year to learn and observe. Next season he will go into camp as the ingrained stater and get all the 1st team reps so that we can truly evaluate him. You cant look at Rodgers and say "Hey it worked for him!". That situation in GB was very unique in that they had a HOF QB that was still competitive so there was no need to put Rodgers in.
  13. Being in shotgun certainly helps but either way, youve gotta be able to diagnose a defense. 2 back sets are great but they also limit your WR options and ability to play downfield (especially if you have a TE to protect which it seems like we need unfortunately). Itd be nice to use the RB leak out passes to get Josh a rythem and he has shown he can hit that pass effectively enough. But hes gotta be able to see a blitzer, and get the ball to the hot read ASAP.
  14. I disagree with this a bit. Its using the play call but it involves a lot more of reading the defense. When you get under center you have to identify the likely weaknesses in the defense and try to determine possible blitzes BEFORE the snap. That way, you have an idea on how to execute the play call, or change it, by exploiting what the defense is giving you. The play call can only get you so far. The QB has to diagnose the defense before the snap and react based on their educated guess after the snap. Thats what makes Rodgers and Brees better than most. They dont just blindly execute play calls.
  15. Unfortunately this is about right, and was why a lot of fans and experts a like thought he far from a finished product and should have taken Rosen. I think he has looked ok, quite good against the Vikings but this week his flaws were on full display. But, it snows in Buffalo so...
  16. Tie are actually pretty fun. They make playoff scenarios a lot more interesting and sometimes a tie is the right result. Im a big Premier League fan and I have seen the way of the tie. I would like more ties in American sports, what is the issue with them?
  17. Yes, one time he had a deep ball dropped. Several others have been off target or underthrown. That said I was replying in reference to someone that asked " Isn't that the 1 thing he was supposed to have?????" to which the answer is no, he never showed he was a good deep ball thrower in college. He CAN do it but he is inaccurate on those throw, like his other throws. Doesnt mean he will never hit one.
  18. He also wasnt good at hitting the deep ball in college, he just had a strong arm.
  19. That was a major blunder by the refs and Id bet their getting told they were wrong by the league. Every rules expert said that it was clearly a forward pass. Not sure how hte refs screwed that up honestly.
  20. 1) NP was their first choice clearly but they obviously know that injuries can happen on any play, at any time. Knowing that hey still traded AJ which meant that if NP had to come out for any reason, whether its the first play of the first game or later, they were OK with Josh coming off the bench. You say reluctantly like you know something when its pure speculation on your part. 2) Sure having a good O-line and more talented WRs would certainly help but that is not the ONLY way to learn. QBs have had success by being thrown in the deep end and some QBs have failed like that. Some QBs have had much better situations and still failed. There is no fool proof approach. What I know is that Josh is gonna learn a heck of a lot more playing than he would watch NP. There is virtually no benefit to having him sit behind NP. 3: "Don't give me the bs about preseason not counting and guys don't try blah blah blah." Youre very assumptive in your post. Im not gonna give you that but that Cincy game wasnt exactly the ideal situation for Josh. The O-line was rotated around on every single drive and I dont think Dawkins played at all, neither did McCoy. My main point is lets give this team 3-4 games before the sweeping generalizations come out. Losing Richie and Wood was always going to be tough to replace but lets see how the team responds at home with Josh at QB. The Baltimore game was also dictated a lot by how the defense played. We were immediately behind and playing catch up all game. I do not expect the defense to let in 40 point a game. A lot can change game to game. it doesnt have to be all doom and gloom after one bad loss.
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