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Everything posted by Livinginthepast

  1. Wow another great series. Was Allen up all night last night.
  2. Horrible soft zone making this rookie look like Brady.
  3. Danny Smith Steelers ST coach and former Bills ST coach with the biggest wad of bubble gum in the NFL in his mouth!
  4. I dont think you even read my original post properly or understood it. You keep replying about things I never said. Just give it a rest buddy.
  5. I remember watching that game. At the time it was very odd and I didnt like it. I missed the announcers! The announcers though back then were great. Especially NBC with Dick Enberg and Merlon Olsen, Charlie Jones, Don Criqui. I didnt like the CBS gang as much (Summerall and Madden etc). The Monday night bunch were interesting with Cosell but I was never allowed to stay up late and watch by my overbearing parents on a school night! The one thing I do remember about this game was that it was hard to follow what was going on. As an 12 year old with a short attention span and relatively new to football, the announcers did a great job of explaining the intricacies of the game.
  6. The NFL has often been a league where peaking at the right time wins you a championship. In the Bills 90s run you could say that they peaked too early in the Raiders game in 1991 and underperformed vs the Giants in the SB. If they can just get into the playoffs they can go on a run. Much lesser teams like the Raiders in 80, the Pats in 2001 and the Seahawks in 2014 hit their stride in the first couple of rounds and peaked in the SB.
  7. Chargers are in disarray but the Bills need to focus and get it done. Do not look past them!
  8. My post wasnt about ALL of the Bills losses this year or even the "heartbreaking" ones just some select ones. For the record I thought the Bills were well prepared for the Eagles game which they lost.
  9. My post was about my observations on McD's preparation for Bills games over the last few years. I'm not sure why you are mentioning the Eagles they are completely irrelevant to the discussion and their losses that you mentioned may have nothing to do with being prepared or not.
  10. You completely missed the point. It wasnt about winning or losing big games, it was about being properly prepared to the best of your ability for them. That's the inconsistency. Sometimes the prep is superb and other times it looks like the team hadn't watched film of who they were playing at all.
  11. Its not perfect but its way better than 13 secs or the AFCCG when the Pats beat the Chiefs. 13 seconds should have not gotten to overtime but once it did who won the toss won the game. I thought at the time that once we lost the toss we should have onside kicked it. There was no way we were going stop anything with or tired defense and McD and Frazier's soft zone.
  12. The Eagles weren't being aided and abetted by the refs in the Seahawks game. Seattle also also had the home field advantage, their players made the plays when it really mattered (like that catch at the end) whereas ours (Davis) didn't and finally their coach didn't blink like ours did. Its yet another game we frittered away. So frustrating!
  13. I was hoping for the Sam Adams vs the Pats!! How many people read that first sentence in Forrest Gump voice?
  14. The frustrating thing about McD in his entire time here is that he is so inconsistent in these big games. He has gotten so many big games right . Yesterday the team look prepared and they executed almost flawlessly. Then other games where they look woefully unprepared in all areas (like Cincy playoff game etc). Yesterday might have been in McD's top 3 as coach.
  15. Happy and I'm smiling, walk a mile to drink your water!
  16. Sorry if its been answered but who do we want to win this game as Bills fans?
  17. Wasnt it Von who came really close to a sack on Prescott in the 2nd half? and the Prescott ducked under and escaped.
  18. Absolutely. Either he should have caught the ball or tried to go through the receiver drawing the flag. I have no idea of the rest of the game but I cannot understand how he was at zeroes again!
  19. Loving the Bills performance on both sides of the ball and the Cowboys looking like frauds!
  20. Why do the Bills never have a trailer on the blitz? They always overrun the QB.
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