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Everything posted by Beach

  1. no, but it might be entertaining
  2. they should just do the golf drive contest next
  3. that's gay 🤷‍♂️
  4. it was the crying about the obvious Offside for me
  5. he dropped the pen before signing tho
  6. i didnt judge the accused without evidence
  7. im not talking about the organization. the court of public opinion was the problem, were u one of them?
  8. i blame all of you with the pitchforks before we could hear any real evidence
  9. just put a new message at the back of the endzones, that'll fix it
  10. yikes, im not reading all that
  11. you have upset the fashionistas
  12. ive only seen 4 superbowls that the Bills werent in. im skipping this year again.
  13. i moved my Bills flag to the garage, im sorry
  14. if Nick Wright upsets you then he has done his job well.
  15. i agree with a penalty but we must define a fake slide first
  16. awesome read, but i think Taron Johnson was only 5 years old in 2001
  17. is it ok to book ahead for the parade in February or will that jinx it?
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