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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Dude Hackman was nothing with Falco. More proof we need a real franchise QB
  2. I thought this thread was going to be about the fact that Fitz is going to play so atrociously that no coach could be successful and chan would come out at the end of the season and say we are finding a new QB to lead this team. Sadly you said Fitz was good. I do think Fitz should stop worrying about his mechanics. He's a smart guy and a gunslinger who will always make mistakes. Let the guy play, whatever e is doing now is creating some hesitation and creating more mistakes
  3. I thought this thread was going to be about the fact that Fitz is going to play so atrociously that no coach could be successful and chan would come out at the end of the season and say we are finding a new QB to lead this team. Sadly you said Fitz was good. I do think Fitz should stop worrying about his mechanics. He's a smart guy and a gunslinger who will always make mistakes. Let the guy play, whatever e is doing now is creating some hesitation and creating more mistakes I thought this thread was going to be about the fact that Fitz is going to play so atrociously that no coach could be successful and chan would come out at the end of the season and say we are finding a new QB to lead this team. Sadly you said Fitz was good. I do think Fitz should stop worrying about his mechanics. He's a smart guy and a gunslinger who will always make mistakes. Let the guy play, whatever e is doing now is creating some hesitation and creating more mistakes
  4. 2 kickers, no punter?...4 QBs? I am seeing potter miss some kick offs and there have been a few returns, nothing big but a few. I am finding this kick off specialist a little silly. pick one of them. Sooner or later BM would be gone. sad to see him go
  5. Get out of here. Simultaneous possession goes to the offense. Pass interference is non reviewable. Stop falling inline with the taking heads who are upset "the good teams" aren't at the top. Normally the rest of the league suffers for the "good refs" making calls that screw everybody for the select elite.
  6. The big media issue lately is the fact that normally the preconceived good teams get the Wins. When Seattle and Arizona are on top and GB and NE are losing it makes the talking heads upset. Regular refs get just as much shyt for throwing games, the favorites just aren't the medias choice. Hopefully we can take advantage of this.
  7. Just a thought. He is pretty explosive with the ball on KR and PR. It might be a nice stop gap with CJ and possibly Fred out for the Pats game. Get him 5 plays or so a game where he sits on a couple of screens and easy short slants or out routes. See if this guy can make a few guys miss. He is a physiological machine, great speed and acceleration. Not to mention we have yet to do it. could create some mismatches elsewhere against the Hoodie. We need something extra offensively for the Pats. Flame away
  8. I think chan is trying to avoid a qb controversy. When TJ dresses look for him to okay. Fitz has been poor. He's protecting him.
  9. Tony Romo is way too high. Ryan Schaub and Stafford are all better
  10. Hit was boarder line. Looks like Tate is leading with his helmet. Lee gets hit pretty good with his helmet right in the rib cage, but he has to be more aware than that. Tate is more or less fined I think for celebrating on top of an injured player on the field. It is a close call between legal and illegal. The lack of respect for the guy on the ground pushes the league to heir on the side of illegal I think. Minus the celebration and I don't think we hear much about this
  11. 2009-Buffalo-Bills-2.jpg most likely kind of like this. sorry i didnt find a current one
  12. Just a thought after seeing that Rochester DnC article about the Bills moving. Ralph says the team will not move as long as he owns it. Could Ralph be saving us from the league plan to move the team. Ralph could sell now but the team could then move within his lifetime
  13. I like Spiller a lot, but he has to be much more consistent. He fumble balls at crucial moments. Imagine if he doesn't pick that ball up last year in the endzone vs the Pats. Not the greatest route runner. With decent hands. He gets stopped at the line 3 out of 4 times, then breaks 1 for 20 yards here and there. His average turns out to be padded because of it. I think he did a lot of great things for us yesterday, but when it is 27-7 at the half, some of those rushing yards are inflated with a softer defense. We are fine with Spiller at the helm if we need him, he is nowhere near elite or game changing at this point in his career.
  14. we should be ok. spiller is a drive killer at times. gaining 0 3 runs in a row then bouncing one for 20. hopefully he can put it together for a few weeks
  15. WOW! 3 of those could be brought up in conversation for some of the top 5 of all time, if not better. Where does old Jimbo fall on that list of current QB's
  16. Marg Levy is a better leader of men than anything else.
  17. I don't want to be "that guy" but a good offense/the pats would have put up a minimum of 15 points with this field position. This is a huge problem. I know it's preseason I am consoling myself. This is the first time I have been seriously worried
  18. -Steve Johnson is not on the same page as...well...everybody. -We need to run the ball more -I would also like to see more of those underneath routes like we just saw Hagan get on 3rd and 10...just not on 3rd down. -Fitz looked good in the 1st. He's done nothing but misfire since. The fact that we are dominating field position and not getting ANY field goals and 1 TD is on the offense.
  19. Steve Johnson is not on the page with the rest of the offense
  20. i miss Empire. I would kill for Buffalo sports network that is Andrew Peters and Rob Ray, or YNN
  21. I would trade my next 2 drafts for the 2nd overall and I would take robo punter and robo kicker with the first 2 picks
  22. I don't understand the knee and thigh pad thing. When I heard equiptment change I thought concussion helmet. Especially given the climate of the league currently. I think it is a waste of time to talk about knee pads at the owners meeting. It's as if the current state of affairs in the nfl doesn't exist
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