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Everything posted by Mango

  1. I think if the NFL gets anywhere near 5% in the first two weeks they are in for a world of hurt. No amount of testing will slow that rate down and it is probably too late. Incubation is somewhere between 5 and 14 days, and the NFL opens with zero cases and on the 14th day they have 4.5% positive cases (130 positive cases or 4 per team), it is probably already working through the a ton more. That would be a total failure.
  2. No, there are dozens of sources reporting it. I just know some here are not particularly "fond" of CNN, MSNBC, BBC, NPR, NYT.
  3. Adding on here, calling the dip in cases due to immunity is largely false. In a 60k+ person study in Spain, they estimate that only abut 5% of the population has antibodies. Some higher density areas like Madrid are around 10%, while coastal cities fall around 3%. Heard immunity would result in larger casualties than we are seeing now. (purposely linking fox news before somebody yells fake news) https://www.foxnews.com/science/covid-19-antibody-study-spain-warns-herd-immunity-cannot-be-achieved-without-devastating-effects
  4. It sounds like a lot of players are talking about not showing up until there are some answers. Just a pre-emptive voice before an official NFLPA stance. At this point I do not see how the season starts on time and runs in full. It seems to make the most sense to delay the start of the season.
  5. This isn’t comparable to most of our situations. 95% of us are pushing product in some way. Whether it’s sales, writing code, cooking food, working at 7 11,we are just part of the supply chain in some way. NFL players ARE the product, so thoughts on “choosing” to work is drastically different than most of our experiences.
  6. That assumes things like spiral and angle of release are constant.
  7. Right, I get that. But I think it they try and start the season and make the 53 man roster, teams will still be on the hook for roster bonuses and work out bonuses. Different than performance. I get what the NFL will try and do regarding performance bonuses. I’m not an attorney, just a dude with an opinion on the internet, but I’d guess if it went to court performance bonuses will end up prorated.
  8. I did the same thing, picked 6. I am pretty sure the OP’s edit was that you were capped at 5. It’s not in the meme and wasn’t originally in the title/post.
  9. I quoted the wrong post from you. I meant to refer to your post about it not effecting elite athletes much. That’s false. If the Olympics were held this summer, Emily would most likely not make the team let alone win. That’s a gigantic effect it’s been months and multiple members of team USA have not been able to perform to standard. But sure they’re not in the ICU....
  10. That’s Losman. Flutie never played with those jerseys. Their first year was 2003 Flutie left in 2000. You should get an extra dollar for picking JP.
  11. You must have missed my PSA in another post from fellow teammate Buffalo native, 4x world champ, world record holder, and olympic gold medalist. Where she hasn’t been back to fork year from February/March (this post was from JULY) and she has teammates with similar or resumes who are doing much worse in terms of measurable performance. Sure their elite status might keep them out of an ICU, but it may likely cost them their career. Forgive me for being blunt (or don’t, I don’t care) but get your trash opinion about the effects on elite athletes vs. the general population off of the internet where others might confuse them as facts, and keep them to yourself until there is literally any shred of evidence as to what you are saying is true. Reposting: My COVID experience: This is going to be a long post, but I've seen so many people talking about how the age of people infected with COVID has trended downward and that means we're fine. So I thought it was a good time to share my experience with the virus so that people connected to me could read a 1st hand account of the impact of a mild/moderate case of COVID on a young, healthy, fit individual. In case you don't know me, I am an elite athlete, a 4 time world champion in rowing and I won a gold medal at the 2016 Olympic games. I'm currently training for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics in 2021 now. Back in March everything was changing so rapidly. The virus started spreading in the Northeast US where our team was training for the Olympics. It was an incredibly stressful time and we were entering our last 2 month stretch of selection. Everything started getting canceled, my dad found out he was going to need surgery and radiation to remover cancer from his face, and officials were insisting that the Olympics would definitely go on as planned. We were told that the Olympics don't get canceled (turns out they can be postponed though). Our team continued to train following the local guidelines as they rapidly changed throughout March. I was definitely concerned about the virus and what we were hearing was happening in Italy and other countries, however I considered myself and my teammates low risk individuals. I couldn't tell you the last time I was at a bar or another crowded place. Everything I do, especially in the Olympic year is all about recovery and being in the best position I can possibly be in to make the team. So my social circle is really small, almost completely limited to my team and USRowing employees. NJ issued a stay at home order on March 21st. Our entire team took ergs and weight lifting equipment home with us and I started training on my porch. 2 days later we received an email that a USRowing employee that most of our team was in close contact with tested positive for COVID. We were instructed to quarantine for 2 weeks following our last interaction with that employee. I had worked with the employee who at the time was not showing any symptoms 3 days earlier. I started my quarantine and was so thankful that I had done a massive grocery haul a day earlier. One by one my teammates (ages 23-37) started showing symptoms of the virus. I didn't think I was having any symptoms, but I did notice that I was having a hard time breathing when the intensity of my workouts started increasing and that I was starting to sleep close to 12 hours a night, but I didn't have a fever. So, at the time I attributed the difficulty breathing to erging outside in the cold and the extra sleep to the fact that the Olympics had just been postponed and my entire focus for the last four years was no longer close to 100 days away. As most of my teammates started to recover from their acute COVID symptoms, I started noticing a fever on April 1st. That was Day 12 of my quarantine. Our team doctor told us to look out for anything over 99.0 because their practice had seen people testing positive with fevers as low as 99.0. On the night of Day 12 I had a baby fever of 99.2, so I texted our team Dr. to let him know. I genuinely thought it was unlikely that I had COVID because typically people were showing symptoms days 4-5 after exposure. So I thought that the elevated temperature was probably just a fluke. The next morning I woke up, I felt great, and I never had a fever that entire day. Friday April 3rd was a completely different story. I slept over 12 hours that night and when I woke up it was painful to breathe and my entire body ached like I had done something really wrong while I was practicing the day before. That day my fever ranged from about 100.4-101.7. I couldn't walk up a flight of stairs without needing to sit down and take a nap. Not only did I sleep for 12 hours that night, but I also took a 3 hour nap. I was too weak to make myself food that entire day until I forced myself to make pancakes that night because I knew I had to eat something. The next night I slept for 12 hours again. It was still painful to breath and I was still extremely exhausted and unable to do simple household tasks. Thankfully, though, my body aches were gone that day. These were the 2 days where I had the worst symptoms, but just because these symptoms improved after 2 days doesn't mean I was fully recovered from COVID. It took the rest of April for me to be able to train normally again. I took 4 days off from training while I was sick and in hindsight I wish I had given myself the freedom to take more days off if I needed them. When I first started trying to work out again I tried doing a 30 minute jog. My heart rate was really high and I felt like I was running through water. The jog was meant to be light and a small attempt to get my body moving again, but it was so difficult I had to stop after 20 minutes. I am used to doing workouts that range from 80-120 minutes. I don't give up easily and I was just near my peak closing in on final selection for the Olympics. Now I couldn't even jog/walk for 30 minutes. The next day I tried an easy erg. The best way I can describe what I was feeling is when you crash and burn on a workout because you didn't fuel your body properly. My legs felt fine, but I felt physically faint and shaky and not ready to do the workout. I completed the workout by taking one stroke at a time and allowing myself to be as slow as I needed to be. The entire month of April was a big struggle for me to workout. Things improved to where I was able to workout consistently, but I had to go 10-15 splits slower that I normally would on easy workouts to control my heart rate and make it through workouts. And for reference, 10-15 splits is a ton, that basically meant I was erging at a pace of an average high school girl. I still didn't feel like myself and always felt like I was carrying 50 extra pounds when I was working out. Things didn't really improve until I went for a run the morning of May 2nd. All of a sudden I felt light and like I was in my own body again. It felt like a complete 180. While I felt normal in my body again, it has been a long journey to get back into shape. As of today, over 3 months after my symptoms went away, I am working on getting back into the shape I was in in early February and March before all of the setbacks. While it only ? took me a month to feel like I was in my own body again, I have teammates who were dealing with complications from COVID for over 2 months. So if you don't think the virus is that big of a deal because you are young, healthy, or fit, please consider my story. My guess is that my teammates and I are at a minimum healthier and fitter than most of you and it knocked many of us down hard. I have personally never experienced any other illness like this. I have never been knocked off of my feet for an entire month before. Please wear a mask to protect yourself and the people around you. I am hoping to donate blood plasma to help a person in need. We're all in this together and the more we can do small things the sooner our lives can get back to something resembling normal again.
  12. I could Be wrong here, but regardless of TV contracts, if they try and start the season and get a few weeks in, they’ll still be on the hook for roster bonuses, work out bonuses etc. That part of the contract is independent of TV revenue. A ton of players will get their bonuses. The NFL will probably push to have performance bonuses extrapolated.
  13. My biggest issue with this is the NFL hasn’t reported any league wide testing outside of orgs and players making it public. (Obviously HIPPA exists) It is half way through July and they haven’t reported any COVID cases as per of any league mandate. Why would I suddenly trust them to honestly report it come September, October, etc. say we make it to January, are they reporting it then? We are weeks away from training camp. Leagues trying to start up are reporting regularly, but not the NFL. Proportionately they should be at about 90 cases and crickets.
  14. Based on dollar value in no particular order. It said spend $15 not only 5 players. Any offense should be good enoug to win more than they lose with this. I’d take these 6 over every bodies 5. TO ($1) Woods ($2) John Brown ($2) Fitz ($2) Lynch ($3) Moulds ($5) Valuation in this meme is a disaster.
  15. Squatty Potty field gets my vote of all the poop accessory brands.
  16. I had a huge crush on Olivia Munn in the newsroom. I watched a bunch of her YouTube videos, ineterviews etc. after and found her super annoying. Very pretty, yes, but not my cup of tea outside of that. Rather be with somebody that I actually like.
  17. Right, other than the word "Bills" there is nothing linked to Bill Cody. So I think that is a bit pedantic. Everything is just a Buffalo/Bison. There would be zero need to change anything in their brand.
  18. Whatever. Go for it. It really doesn't matter. The Bills don't actually use Bill Cody in any marketing, mascots, etc. at all. Just rename them Buffalo. We use a Buffalo on the helmet, all of our marketing, mascots, t-shirts, imagining on the score board etc. I wouldn't "change" the name. I would just drop the Bills part. We can be like Madonna. We are just Buffalo. Literally nothing would have to be different.
  19. I agree with both you and @ScottLaw. Largely the defense played well, or at least well enough to win that game. But Watson also had his way through most of the second half. They couldn’t get off the field and allows a bunch of long drives. Ie. Only 5 incomplete passes. Offense botched that game first and foremost. A better second half from the offense probably gets a better performance out of the defense.
  20. “Anything less than your best is a sacrifice of the gift”- Steve Prefontaine Love that one. Funny story: I was living at the US Olympic Training Center. They built us a new boathouse and wanted our feedback on quotes to paint on the walls. As things do, it devolved with locker room banter and quotes that were inappropriate. Obviously the USOC was taken off the chain. Well.... I replied all to the original thread accidentally and sent “**** “beaches” make money” to the entire BOD at the USOC. Long story short, I had to write an apology email that I still get crap for from friends and it’s been almost a decade. Moral of the story, never reply all.
  21. Somebody posted those predator looking masks earlier. I’m curious if they move from the steel cages to those plastic masks with respirators if there’s any effect on impact to the head.
  22. It will take some getting used to, but athletes in tons of other sports have PR’d with full on respiratory masks while testing/measuring their VO2MAX. Obviously a ton of variables for that to happen, but as long as it is the same across the board it’s no different than playing a game in Athens in August or in Maine. Everybody is on the same field, on the same day, with the same weather.
  23. I can’t wait for the guy who said that the Execs in this poll were guys like the VP of communications for Seattle and the players were the long snappers. Bueller? Bueller...
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