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Everything posted by loserlovers

  1. Geniuses....you wouldnt trade 31 yo fred for a first but you wanted evans traded for a fourth because he was "old" I never saw evans slowing down, but i did noticed fred was never fast to start with. just an opinion but i dont think fred is THAT good. he is good but not "all pro" i know he got alot of yards but we were running an offense that looks like a pass the whole way and allows for big plays by the rb. If fred is "all pro" and so awesome, why did it take until he was 30 to see he was even better than a so-so lynch? And i like how popular it is to reply to a "what if we traded our best ______ " post. Every year some genius takes our best player and post "what ifs" and everyone responds. Dumb. If it happens it happens but...its not gonna happen. i only responded to point out the age part and how evans was the same age and how people posted that crap for 4 years.
  2. people think this because he had a rough start, i cant remember exactly what happened but i remember him sucking in some games early in hs Bills career whereas Cristie started hot and only had a few bad games toward the end. Also, Lindell was a cast-off that no one wanted or expected to be good. He is good though.
  3. well i think id rather have any one of the guys you mentioned above over stevie, also just because hes OUR number 1, doesnt mean hes really a true number one. A true number one is better than johnson. I think we are so used to crap recievers partly due to lack of opportunity do to trent edwards stinking up the field for 3 years , that we now get all excited over average wr play. Steve is a little better than average, thats it. this argument only makes sense if you are talking about starting him as your one because hes all you have, when it comes to paying him...it doesnt mean you now have to pay the guy like the other top 31 guys, he just might be the worst number one, so why not pay some other teams number one,? even if you pay a little more than stevie would cost, at least the new guy might actully be fast, or taller, or not take dumb a$$ penalties...or drop game winning balls.
  4. well we lost more players (starters) in 2007 i believe, when kevin everette started it off in grand fashion in the first game. We went 7-9 w jauron and a team of back-ups and a worse qb. I think george edwards was the main reason for this, as well as giving away lee evans. The arguement that "hes too fast for this type of offense" was stupid. Did you see how many times fitz connected on deep streak/fade passes this year? i think donald duck caught 1 and stevie about 2 in garbage time. If we had kept lee and dumped edwards think of the possibilities. .. oh and dont say lee would have got hurt too had he stayed.
  5. jesus are u serious??? Its like saying, "how could you call peyton manning or tom brady an elite qb" um i dont know...common sense maybe. If stevie were actually fast...or taller...or had better hands then maybe you could call him a 1, like calvin johnson or fitzgerald. These are 1's dont cha think??? stevies a 2 for 3 reasons above, is that enough?
  6. most of you missed the point of the OP, It was about guys we "let get away" for peanuts ie (fourth round draft picks" etc. These are guys we had under contract or were restricted when we got rid of them. Pat williams, Winfield, Clements, Bennet etc were all high priced free agents which is part of football. I was pointing out guys who were good who we shipped out of town. I guess I should have added leonard to the list.
  7. well he left as an expensive free agent, im talking guys we had under contract, though i think greer was a rfa when we let him get away
  8. I wish we had all 5 back but if I had to pick one, Id pick Greer because he was good then, good now, and never did us wrong. note-do not confuse this poll with high priced free agents we didnt resign (williams,winfield etc)
  9. evans caught and outfought a ton of guys for jump balls over the years. And your missing the point, which is that his qb completely sucked for 3 years! he did great with bledsoe and losman, when fitz came in, TO took most of the deep ball throws away from him, and then he got hurt. you guys just cant seem to keep track of all the things that took place and put 2 and 2 together, you just say one simple catch phrase for every player like "cant go over the middle"(evans) "needs a better line"(edwards) or "cant throw deep"(fitz) Evans also is not undersized, hes bigger than steve smith and santonio holmes and faster than both. I wish there was a year he could play un injured and with a good qb, if anything just to shut you guys up. Mark my words, when evans is healthy and in the line up for a while, hell make a come back...and youll all wish we still had him.
  10. wow you guys are amazing, lee can run any route, was a great college player, a great pro for multiple years, great hands..and oh ya, really fast. I would say no current reciever on our roster has those traits. And fitz neve had a complete season with lee, ever. So how do you all know if he can get him the ball? he got the ball deep to him several times before in limited opportunities. again, what short memories most of you have. And you think because trent edwards never threw him the ball that he cant run a slant or drag route? Laughable Qbs need time to gel with a reciever like losman did with evans, since then hes always had a merry go round of bad qb's or been hurt. id gladly have him back
  11. i agree a better line helps any qb play better, but who says our lines bad? it was hard to tell since wood went out and fitz was always throwing so quick. and about your point on gaileys offense...it doesnt matter what its designed to do, it didnt work, after week 6 teams loaded up the short zones with db's and that was that. when fitz went deep to beat it, he underthrew it. many times wr's and rb's were wide open post snap and fitz wouldnt come off his primary...ever.
  12. if a reciever has a couple great seasons and a couple decent ones in the nfl, guess what-HES GOOD! Evans was good but he was injured, You will see when he plays a full season, he will be a starter and he will be bringing in some nice deep balls on espn highlights that will make you all very jealous after watching our loser group of recievers catching 4 yard slants all game long. I will remind you all how 8 years ago many of you said Spikes was done, and fletcher was too old and no good, that Mcgahee sucked..and so on. Well its 2011 and they are all still starting and some nearly leading the league in stats. SO what do you know?
  13. Heres my take on why fitz greatly regressed after a fast start...(which in part I blame Gailey) in order of his biggest problem to the smallest... 1. Fitz became enamored with the idea of not being sacked, and so, threw the ball almost every play at the two second mark. The problem with that was, only slants or quick go routes could be thrown. How many times did we see dropped slants, tipped balls that got picked, and sideline "long" balls that were picked? the recievers just dont have time to get open in 2 seconds. yes being sacked isnt fun but sometimes you have to go for longer routes, more play action and the threat of a run via a rb in the backfield would help with that. 2. Fitz under-threw almost every "deep" ball he attempted. Thats why they either fell incomplete or got picked. Very few were actually completed and none were to wide-open receivers who could catch and run with them. They were all highly contested jump balls. you might say its his arm strength but he threw much deeper in his first two years here, he has better mechanics now so Im thinking its that hes too used to throwing the slant and just doesnt have the same touch on deep balls. he throws them very flat and not far enough. 3. I cant believe im going to say this one...Fitz needs to dump the ball off more...ok ok I need to take a deep breath. After the living hell of watching a certain someone dump the ball to running backs on nearly every play, we go to a qb that virtually never dumps the ball off. Ya he throws to the rb but thats a different route that ends up being contested. I wanted to see the ball get dumped to a blocking RB that breaks late into the empty space that the secondary leaves behind 2-3 seconds into the play. I saw fitz force alot of balls to covered guys just as Fred or CJ would run out into a wide open flat. 4. Fitz threw to his first read nearly everyplay. I watched his head and eyes when possible on my HD 48 inch and my hd dvr. He never turns his head! Hes so smart he was usually correct about his read before the snap, but how many times did he throw to covered players as we watched other wide open receivers throw their hands up??? I saw that alot. Ever notice when he threw to triple covered receivers?? he just didnt turn his head. Notice i didnt mention accuracy. I think fitz would be a great qb if he had a coach that could tell him to throw with more arc, throw to the runningback when everythings covered, and who gave him some better plays where running is actually a threat and receivers run other patterns besides slants and go routes. I know fitz can chuck it, he did it so many times to TO and Evans before. Isnt it funny how every year we get a qb who start throwing two basci patterns? Losman was all about the skinny post and the streak, Holcolm loved the 5 yard out and the 5 yard in, edwards loved the dump off and ...the dump off. And now Fitz is in love with the slant and the go route. Ok I still think Fitz a good qb...hes obviously got some talent and I fully blame gailey for his regression. The receivers run basically a slant or an in or a go route. So its either short and easy to cover, or its long and hard to complete. Gailey also calls too many empty back field sets on third and short, why take the running threat out of the equation? ever! Then he puts the back in the backfield he tells the other team "draw"! how bout you run routes that are medium range since the back or TE can stay in sometimes and pass block??? Gaileys offense is far from genius and is basically one dimensional, its not even close to our last,somewhat effective OC, I cant believe im going to say this...Mike Malarky, remember him?.
  14. ya real smart, dump a proven deep threat and rely on unproven street free agents who all got hurt as well, oh and parrish, who gets hurt every year. trading evans was an all-time cheapskate move and nothing else, he also would probably not have gotten hurt had he stayed and may have had a fantastic year like he had already had 2 or 3 times before. how many great years did easley,parrish, or donald duck ever have? And how smart is it to have only one good reciever on the roster and not 2? Oh and how many times did evans get stupid penalties? and how many big game-losing drops did he have? I remember quit a few game winning catches, but thats the real problem with the board isnt it? short memories.
  15. ya he sure delivers, 5 catches a game for 80 or so yards WOW!, oh and one or two drops a game, oh and 1 big penalty a game that usually starts a collapse. oh and two huge game losing drops. I have yet to see him "deliver" anything good without something bad along with it the next play or next game.
  16. as long as he comes cheap, otherwise, f'em. Hes not fast, only has ok size, but questionable hands and hes immature. Id be happy to keep him though, hes still good, just not great. I remember a guy who had great hands,awesome speed, and never did or said one wrong thing. Also caught about 5 tiems as many td's as johnson has in his career and we just gave him away. Do i need to say his name? If you havent noticed yet,stevies a great number 2.
  17. last year was way better than this year, footballs entertainment, and i was entertained nearly every game, and was glad we lost close ones at the end once i saw we were out of the playoff hunt. it made me relax and take it for what it was,like a great 3 hour movie with bad ending. But in the end i was happy we lost by a play or two, it meant a high pick in the draft. this year has ben far worse, we start out barely winning 4 nail bitters, then with 1st place in hand, we begin getting destroyed by average and good teams, now we have been out of it, but the games really suck and i just shake my head at what could have been. hope we go 5-11 with several last second game winning drops that keep us right there at 5 wins. Maybe next year we turn the corner.
  18. these posts are lame, fitz is good, you seem to forget all the guys you all wanted run out who turned out better on other teams, fitz imo is in a very stupid offence. I hate the routes i see, and his recievers dont scare anyone into backing up, so they are always more covered. they dont play action, they rush the screens, they go empty which means its obviously a pass, and the oline isnt great. None of that is fitz. He does make some dumb throws deep sometimes when he needs 2 yards, but then we all loved when he used to connect on those. I think chans ruining him actually
  19. anyone know why i cant watch ? im in los angeles and its blacked out on 716...link?
  20. ya i used to say that too about how good roscoe is at kick returns, but that was 2007...look at his stats since then and ill bet you they are some of the worst around. Whereas hester in chicago (a real return man) seems to be doing better than ever, Parrish was fumbling and bumbling and not getting anywhere near the endzone for the last 4 years...mre fumbles than tds id bet without looking. Basically he sux and had a couple nice years due to bobby aprils schemes. And my post had two related points, mckelvin sux but we keep him...other players who are good are let go and play better for other teams because they "say" the wrong thing. Mckelvin does the wrong thing over and over...so your point is you cant stand my post because I made 2 points that are actually related and your defense to that is that roscoes good? why dont you put up a poll about if roscoes a great career return man and see how many here agree with you? post your stats there too. Id bet less than 20% would agree. Trent edwards had good stats when we were 5-1 in 2008, had he stopped playing at that point you could make a case he woud have been one of the best of all time. Your post about Fitz is probably too simple and focused on one small detail, maybe you dont get the bigger picture like I do and just like to obsess over one small thing.
  21. ' actually i write very well and hold a masters degree from a real college, this however, is not a legal document and im not writing to impress you with my grammar, which is actually mostly correct, puntcuation well thats another story. Again, thats because I DONT CARE, this isnt a thesis statement genius. And if these were, half the people here would flunk. Can we all agree that only nerds reply to posts ripping the poster for bad grammar and improper use of homonyms? im writing like I talk, and since some of the people here have english as a second language, you should be more understanding and glad they even like the bills since they werent even born in wny. So why the hate? is it that youre a nerd or just real mad i called mcstupid, mcstupid? i think its pretty obvious he is, just like its obvious manning and brady are pretty smart, and fitz too. I think only someone else real stupid wouldnt be able to discern that.
  22. WOW, must not know how to read too good. amazing how people will argue a point that was never made just to sound right about again...a point that was never made. I was reffering to the last punt which he totally blew trying to make some rookie style moves. I didnt refer to any other plays by him. Also I didnt blame the game on him, he just stole a chance for an easier comeback from the offense. Also, another genius said I didnt have the right to judge him. I find that hilarious that we watch a guy make decisions on public tv for several years, see his wonderlic score, hear about him from other players and coaches, and listen to the guy talk in interviews...but we have no right to judge him in any way???? I think Mckelvins stupid based on the above just as people thought marshawn was a thug, based on his actions. I want mckelvin gone because of many things- that punt, not looking back on routine plays, pass interferences, and most of all, NEW ENGLAND. And why would i want a guy like stevie gone? hes good and a true talent and he has heart, so what if he got a penalty once? how many did mckelvin get for his dumb technique over the years? One reason I hate posting and often dont...is that about half of you all see the point and the logic of what Im saying and the others try to pick out one detail to make some lame arguement and rip the post. The point of the post was two fold, mckelvins dumb....and so are the bills FO who keep using firsts on people they give away for fourths. Oh and also they give up on guys who are actually good and make new holes...that they try to fill with draft picks....who suck. there...who could argue with that?
  23. I thought we would have a nice return when no one was even in the picture as McDummy caught the final punt...but he did his best Roscoe Parrish impression, "fake right, fake left, back to the right and....stopped for no gain" I mean the tackler had been on the ground already and just reached up with one hand and grabbed him. McDummy barely even moved. We should have had at least 15 yards maybe more..and a chance to win. Im glad we get rid of players the instant they say they dont like buffalo, and keep true idiots like Mckelvin on the team. Heres a list of other first round picks the bills magically turned into 4rth round picks...or worse... Mcgahee Marshawn Evans Maybin not to mention late rounders who are now starting for other teams Greer Peters Leonard And free agents we let go who were "too old" or "just a shell of themselves" Takeo spikes London fletcher Hangartner others.... Honestly I would love to see Peters, Hangman, takeo, Greer, Evans and Mcgahee on this team right now...even maybin(start flame here) Maybe there are some a-holes on the list but they are all good enough to start on other teams. How long ago did we say takeo was too old? is it 10 years now? So next on the agenda...Bills trade Leodis mckelvin and Cj spiller for conditonal fourth rounders as they prepare to draft rb or corner in the 2012 draft....amazing how things never change.
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