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Everything posted by loserlovers

  1. He cant throw the ball???? I think tebow won more games in 2 seasons than trent edwards won in 3+, if not more, its close...so how do people say hes pure garbage and cant throw? I saw him throw alot of nice passes and score alot of touchdowns. He played alot better (and braver) than edwards ever did and half the board spent their life defending Trent turdwards until the day he was cut. Not saying I want tebow but its amazing how people say he sucks when he wins games, sounds like when fans supported slob johnson over flutie saying flutie sucked and johnson was a "real" qb. look how that turned out.
  2. k williams was never as dominant as merriman in either of their best seasons
  3. earlier this season i posted an thread w a poll about what people wanted more, 1.resign stevie or 2. go all in and get mario williams I CANT BELIEVE WE GOT BOTH!!!!! a slight majority said theyd prefer stevie but i didnt see the board light up like it did for stevie the way it did in those 2 days MW was in town not signing. just saying. SO i see our dline like this.... M williams we have a first tier talent Dareus was a second tier talent as a rookie with potential to be first tier this season Kyle was always a second tier talent guy bordering on first tier Merriman was a first tier guy pre injury ...that leaves k williams as our worst guy!!! for the last several years he was the only guy that was worth being excited about! this is freaking awesome. barring injury shouldnt we just totally dominate this year? seriously i dont see how we dont win a playoff game this year, im saying it now. if we brought back lee id think id buy season tickets,even though i live in cali.
  4. your post is out of place and uneededly negative the bills have excellent chemsitry already, they have a front 4 with three real deal stars and merriman adds a possible 4rth impact player which means we will have 4 guys who require double teams rushing at once, its like 8 guys!! with added pressure we will get more picks along w sacks. Mario was the second biggest addition btw...the first? cutting george edwards! that alone will equal wins.
  5. id like to be there and see that except that after kelsey hands over the jersey Mario says," thanks Bi^#$%, now go make me a samich!"
  6. seriously?? with all those scrubs you added to the list you didnt put Lee? whatever, anyway, aside from evans I think doucet is a josh reed clone. I would love loyd, he can make spectacular catches. Other than that id take manningham, that way we could have two decent starters even though both are second fiddles to cruz and nicks
  7. I actually over heard Merrimans pitch to williams. It went like this... "ya buffalos great, Here they make the defensive ends play linebacker, and they pay me 5 mil a year to not play at all."
  8. when did this thread become the shoutbox? anyway, reading these posts is going to make me "premature"
  9. screw the O line...if we get mario, I say draft the best dlineman avaliable on the other side of williams and make this an all pro front four that eats quaterbacks.
  10. ha ha ! I can just see that kid riding his bike around behind williams' entourage yelling "12 million dollars!" or some outrageous number righ now.
  11. the naacp and aclu just called and asked that your account be banned, how dare you.
  12. i think its pretty obvious how much bringing back lee evans would help this sad corp of WR's right now. Although I think this robinson guy is intriguing w out ever seeing him play the stats are good. However, watching highlight reel on VJ after his signing shows why you cant always go with stats. theres a reason he got almost double what we paid stevie, ive never seen SJ make those type of grabs. anyways, Can you guys go back and watch some old lee evans tape? the guys really good and being hurt last year doesnt mean anything really, except that the "what have you done for me lately" fans can say hes "washed up" or "nothing left in the tank" or "lost a step" or______________(add cliche here) I mean we still keep the fourth and all it cost us was losing about 4 extra games last year when jones parrish and easley all went down by week 5
  13. I heard they WILL NOT sign him, according to inside sources, because they are worried about having him lined up next to kyle and not being able to tell who was who. Being they have the same name on their jerseys and all. I agree, this would be very confusing.
  14. good point but actually, every year we lose some high priced guy that was under producing, now that money is transfrered to true contributers w out letting them get away to F.A. So this is a huge plus. We wont be paying dante, roscoe, and others. Sj and chandler got fair contracts and with a little money we have after a big free agent signing, we can pay the draft picks. If we hit on those, we're golden. How goog would we be if we had lost SJ and CHandler and had to gamble on two more rookies than we do now?
  15. since we're in a philisophical debate now, i agree throwing deep makes safeties play fair, but thats only if you HIT those plays. Football is incredibly mental. When you throw deep and miss, safeties think ,"ya , thats right, he cant go deep on us" If you hit a few, they back up. My point was, no matter how you slice it, fitz threw to double covered guys deep( often rb's), the passes fell incomplete or intercepted, the whole time having a guy cross wide open underneath at the sticks. Not single covered, but wide open. You dont need to "back the defense up" when a guy is there for the first down. Those deep throws should be thrown on first or second down anyway, or when they do crowd the line like you said. it is all about decision making, for a smart guy i dont get his decisions alot of times.
  16. they were usually involved in covering the WR in question, either way the underneath guy was wide open on a majority of these throws when it was 3rd and 2 or 3rd and 6 etc. was that a serious question?
  17. YES!! we signed our street free agent and our 7th rounder, now if we can just sign our NFL Europe running back that just leaves signing a guy from the CFL and our offense will be set! I also cross my fingers that someone will get picked from the arena league as well. Go Buddy keep BUILDING THROUGH THE DRAFT! jk... im happy with the signing
  18. OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! use more exclamation points please!!!!!!!!!!! haha but really...this was fitz' prolblem. He began using the "deep" backside go route as his outlet pass, which we saw many times bounce off the hands of less than talented recievers like B. smith, F. jackson, spiller or one of the new UFA we brought in at the end. These guys can barely catch regular passes much less deep, contested, sideline balls. Fitz did this many times on third down when guys were wide open at the first down marker...WIDE OPEN!(!!!!!!) I DVR all games and watch these plays and just couldnt believe how many times he went deep to covered guys when he got in trouble. If he could just wait and take one more look short, we would have won 2-3 more games last year, or if we had a real reciever at the X postion. Either way, next year should be better. Fitz, i am sure is aware of what I see from a DVR. That and he will have someone to throw to on both sides of the field.(i hope) PS Fitz-please throw your "deep" passes with some arc this year so DB's dont just have them land in their bread basket when they turn to look for the ball.
  19. a good reply, but you are only looking at vj and dj and not bowe or colston or maybe a couple other receivers who could have came at 3-5 milion a year with the saving going toward other positions. Part of it is the type of catches VJ makes, have you seen them? Bowe too, looking strickly at numbers, ya they are low on those two guys but they have true upside. I think vj was hurt alot so your argument is lessened by this and DJ, while not a true number 1, is a great 2 and much more effective in the deep game (like evans was) which you need across from a well rounded guy like stevie. saying that gaileys system isnt for a fast guy is a joke, any offense is better if the guys are faster, period. I think its harder to get a true burner these days than a big guy w hands. People talk about stevies upside saying hes got alot. I think he has almost none...hes already great at the routes and mental side of it minus the antics. He will not get any faster or taller, so whats left to improve on? Also saying SJ did it by himself without another threat is chicken vs the egg. On one hand he gets alot more looks and balls his way, on the other, coverage is tighter. Imagine if we had kept our true deep threat last year, the season we almost had...a full year of evans johnson and fitz. It would have been great. Im glad we resigned stevie, honestly, i am not a SJ hater at all and really like watching him make his moves off the line. That being said my main point was not to overpay. 7.5 mil a year is only 1.5 mil more than what was ideal in my mind so, its ok i guess. 1.5 mil less to throw at another player we may lose out on. but its in the past now so i say... welcome back stevie.
  20. where are your facts? when you call someone out like that you could drop a few yourslef but I know you dont have any. Heres some "facts" stevie is much slower than Desean, mush smaller and slower than VJ and are we only allowed to look at 2 seasons worth of stats because you say so? So im ignorant because I dont bow to stevies "numbers" which arent that great, barely a 1000 and 76 receptions is about as good as 20 guys a season around the league for the last 20 years or so. WHAT A TALENT! I would consider your argument if he caught a 100 balls and 1200 yards or so, either that or 12 plus touchdowns a season. His numbers arent really that good for being THE guy on a team that runs a spread offense. Dont other teams with this O have 2 or three guys a year with these numbers? New Orleans for example has three guys w over 80 catches this year and colsten has better numbers in every category this season than SJ. The two giant receivers both had better numbers than stevie this year and the lions have three guys with more than 70 catches. If stevies stats are your argument, you lose the argument. His stats are pedestrian so who needs to get a clue? No one is saying how great the third best receiver on the lions is but he has 73 catches and 5 td's and he got the ball as the third option! so how good is 76 for 1005 and 7 tds? just slightly above average. Just because he is our best doesn't mean we should overpay. And "Overpay" means panicking and offering more than we should when we could get a better guy for the same money. why not wait him out and pay him less as the other guys get picked up by other teams. Its a buyers market this year for WR, so why rush? unless we get a nice discount it goes against business sense to straight out pay him "just to not create a whole". Im sure we can pay alot of guys to fill any whole for 9 million dollars. And is this the only year and the only guy we will ever have to sign? what happened to "defense wins championships", and "without a line, the qb cant throw" arguments? Levitre, Bell, jackson, draft picks, free agent TE? We arent doing that good salary cap wise. I must be ignorant not to want to spend whatever it takes to get a slightly above average WR to resign with the team where he already lives and knows everyone and is the number 1 guy. I hope the deal is for less than 8 million or just wait til stevie has one bad year or a couple more game-losing drops and people here will be screaming to trade him or cut him because "he makes too much".
  21. Again, how are "WE" running him out of town? Do we all need to praise him and pretend he is great or he will read this and leave? And how is it to his credit he made it as a seventh rounder? doesnt he owe the bills for using their seventh on him when he wasnt too fast or tall? he took 3 years to develop, without the bills hed probably be bagging groceries or doing whatever he learned at kentucky. He has great off the line skills and decent hands, thats it. No real speed no real range or size. So we have to say hes a true #1 now why? Are we the ones talking with his agent? I dont get it. Id rather have desean jackson or VJ if we are going to spend 9 million, id gladly take SJ for 6.
  22. +1 on this hahaha. justin rogers looks real good and if you add 1/3 mcgee with 1/3 florence and 1/6 mcdummy thats nearly one complete corner. Heres my contribution.... "I think the bills should take _____________ because its important that we hit on our first draft pick. If __________ slides to #10 we have to take him! And we should definitely trade up if __________ is still there at #______because theres no way ___________ will still be there by 10. If not we should trade back and pick up another 2nd. Am I the first person to ever post something like this?
  23. hahahaha enough said! I take it as more evidence im right when I anger people so much yet they have no real arguement against my opinion. Usually its something about my spelling and grammar and not the post. If you disagree, offer a counter point (to the main statement) dont cherry pick one point out of 10, claim the bad grammar makes me an idiot, or just offer insults. Half the reason I post is to offset the total lack of intelligence and hypocracy I see in half the posts I read here. Is it my fault my memory extends about 20 years and I dont forget the majority of plays Ive witnessed? Most here can remember only 1 - 2 years back. Either that or they get emotionally attached to Bills who they originally supported and cant admit they backed a loser. Even up to 2010 many posters still were writing the following, "trent edwards is good, its the line thats the problem, we were 5-1 before the concussion- fitz sucks." It reminds me of when people used to say, "rob johnson had the game won!" after the music city miracle. Well he threw for 99 yards and we scored 14 points off the running game and defense and 3 from him in a shoeless drive. How many more wins did johnson have afterwards? 3? Yet some people still repeat that idiotic statement. So now I post that stevie is a great #2 and an average number 1 and I get all this hate. I bet the same people backing stevie are the same people calling evans' non touchdown in baltimore a drop. They just need to be right about his trade being a "great move" because he was hurt and then "dropped" the game winner. Evans has fewer real drops in all his swhole career than stevie has in just two seasons, look it up. It would be nice if posters could come up with real stats and perspectives instead of shallow, one-off comments like "ask revis about stevie" and "we were 5-1 until the concussion" and I and not an idiot!
  24. yes very good, the other three posters were... 1. statistics 2. logic 3. reasoning
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