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Everything posted by loserlovers

  1. no im not benji or the others you say haha, i do hate trent though watch the video at 320 and watch his eyes during the interview, a know a good shrink could tell alot from his body language, hes mentally a child
  2. more talent last year? who? TO he sucked did uwatch at all? we have spiller whos better than him and healthy players who were out last year, and a 3-4 so ya thats why we are better not worse
  3. So when we actually win games and score points with a man at qb, what will you say then? I think we can win 8 games this year w fitz, at least ill enjoy sundays again. WHy are you mad trent was benched? Mancrush?? admit it.
  4. did you touch my drumset, im serious did you touch it? Hello there miz laaaadddddyyyyy
  5. i think the old regime read these posts before we said london sucked and they dumped him and got poz we said we needed a tall receiver they got hardy then T.O. we said we needed a pass rusher they got maybin only this year did we all get suprised by the picks.
  6. Trade him to the rams...he and the owner can save shopping for tampons together
  7. youre a MORAN, hehe but jauron was a moron and his 7 wins a season were good for a coordinator pretending to be a coach
  8. i keep seeing fletcher and spikes make more plays than ellison and poz and oh ya...KELSAY! nice linebacker core. ok maybe bledsoe is too old now but he would have been great in 2007-08 compared to losman oh and for anyone that didnt notice Trent Turdwards was Rob johnson 2.0 A guy that had years to "develop" and "reach his potential" because he was "tall with a strong arm" The new staff thought "they could coach him up" like Williams did with Johnson. arrogant bastards, why cant you just watch game tape for year after year to see the truth about a guy? Johnson and Trent both stole years of our passion, just so they could be on TV and be "real nfl quarterbacks" they both found ways to look decent on a stat sheet all the while playing losing football. F both of them and welcome to the real world where losers lose and dont make millions and get on TV. Say hi to Rob for us Trenty, oh and have fun doing your hair.
  9. nice optimism, i felt the same way when flutie came in for slob johnson, we were 0-3 and had a "awful" team, then we went to the playoffs, this year theres still time to go, we have a good team, now that the total piece of crap known as trent edwards is gone, you will see how good the team is.
  10. so youve been wrong forever, hes awesome and is a leaper and lightning fast and almost never drops a ball, he runs every route called for him, how do you know if he doesnt want to run slants or go over the middle? jesus your ignorant,do u love edwards? why exactly? evans is awesome and is a leaper and lightning fast and almost never drops a ball, he runs every route called for him, how do you know if he doesnt want to run slants or go over the middle?
  11. ok ummm duh, we all said that, he wasnt open enough to get a first. Is that too hard to understand??? also my parrish comment was that if dipwards could make a normal throw, we wouldnt need little dinky dippity doo plays like the ones we keep throwing behind the LOS like the one to parrish. We have been throwing them for losses since The idiot Fairchild was here. why defend edwards? do you have a crush on him? He obviously isnt a good QB so what is it about him you covet? His Biberesque hairstyle? is that it ? admit it.
  12. Hey since your obviously Trents mom, can we go out sometime? thanks Mrs Edwards
  13. I want him hurt! who cares? if he cant play for us and continues to do whats easiest and then say "WE WE WE" after every loss who caes if hes hurt? hell get paid and can continue to support the most important person in his life...his barber. The guy was doing his hair during the post game last week for christs sake. I hope if Chan doesnt pull him, some opponent knock the f&^@ out of him. I literally hate Edwards and would call him out to his face if I ever had the chance.
  14. lets see...every pass he completed was to the shortest possible route, he throws hard to Johnson whos only 5 yards in front of him, he would not have had the first down anyway. Does Edwards care??? No, INT! The parrish pick was thrown 2 yards behind the line, ok it was on parrish but how many plays earlier did dipdwards look past the shortest option? answer... none. Oh he had his one obligatory long ball to evans that is rarely completed, and wasnt, nice penalty yards lead to only TD. Oh one more thing about sacks, even in a shotgun Dipwards drops an extra 5 yards and ends up 10 yards deep allowing the ends a straight rush, he doesnt step up but even if he did, the ends are uncovered. He did it often and I never noticed before but watching other qb's i noticed they maybe drop a yard or two in shotgun and then step up a yard or two to throw. Honestly I believe Dipwards causes his own sacks often due to his lack of basic football skill. BROHM WATCH can we have an official thread on this?
  15. ya you mean edwards right? either that or you dont watch/understand football...at all
  16. oh ya better long term??? so he has had four years and gets worse and worse, so eight years from now he'll play good? wake up! they said rob johnson was going to get better too.
  17. so why did it make a difference last year? did u notice fitz won games? when did edwards last win with any line? Oh ya we were 5 and 1 once 5 and 1 ,woo hoo remember everyone????
  18. yes thats not classy, hopefully he just gets hepatitis c. from the needle and never plays for us again. He probably already has aids anyway
  19. can u all watch the post game interview by the little girl, it will show you how psychotic trent is. "WE WE WE" he actually said "we missed some throws" I guess its a team effort to throw the ball and turn your freakin head to see what receivers are open.
  20. wow so u think TE can play?, jesus are you a fan of communism too? what other qbs that are terrible do u like? guys that just havent had a good line? Alex smith? JP? Rick mirer? Were you a fan of all loser qb's and thought they had a bad o line too?
  21. No , you are wrong, please dont post anymore. If you knew anything of science or logic, you would know none of those "facts" you mentioned have anything to do with Trent playing horrible. its not the o line, you dont know football. ya some history, but you dont get it. just stay quiet and read only.
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